Favoriting Wm. Berger presents My Castle of Quiet: Playlist from January 19, 2014 Favoriting

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WFMU's House of Horrors; with black/death/doom metal, punk/grind, Kosmische/Krautrock, filmmusic, and noise/improv. Regular live guests and film commentary.

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Favoriting January 19, 2014: #206 Everybody, Always Looking!

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Fabio Frizzi & Giorgio Tucci  Zombie Theme   Favoriting Zombie OST  Blackest Heart Media    CD    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Burning Witch  Sacred Predictions   Favoriting Crippled Lucifer  Southern Lord    CD  -collection-2CD  0:05:33 (Pop-up)
Striborg  Meandering in Sorrow   Favoriting Autumnal Melancholy  Displeased Records  2008  CD    0:13:12 (Pop-up)
Bann  Allerwachen   Favoriting Antiochia  Bann self-released  2006  CD    0:26:58 (Pop-up)
Yellow Eyes  The Desert Mourns   Favoriting The Desert Mourns    2014  EP    0:54:23 (Pop-up)
Spettro Family  The Tunnel   Favoriting Chi-Omega EP  Edition Gris  2013  7"    1:01:29 (Pop-up)
Nazarene Whore  Black Revelations + The Priests of Torment   Favoriting Black Revelations EP / split w Demonomancer  Repulsive Evil Productions  2014  7"    1:07:02 (Pop-up)
Nunripper  Unholy Graves   Favoriting Molestator of the Heavens Demo II  Desacration of God Productions        1:10:06 (Pop-up)
The Howling Wind  The Seething Wrath of a Frigid Soul   Favoriting Into the Cryosphere  Profound Lore Records    CD    1:11:43 (Pop-up)
Venowl  Hung Alive by the Ribs From A Gallows   Favoriting Patterns of Failure  Venowl self-released  2012  CD-R  http://venowl.bandcamp.com/  1:17:40 (Pop-up)
Special People  Memorial   Favoriting Plant  Special People self-released  2013  Cassette  The New Age Hillbilly is a member; from Baltimore.  1:37:00 (Pop-up)
Ubasute  Feast / Famine + The Acquired Taste of a Lion Tamer   Favoriting Tyranny Garden  Knife Ladder Records  2013  12"    1:42:25 (Pop-up)
Aescesis  She's In Charge   Favoriting To Hell  Aescesis self-released    MP3  Visit http://aescesis.bandcamp.com/  1:45:28 (Pop-up)
Black Cilice  Astral Cipher   Favoriting Summoning The Night  Altare Productions  2013  LP    1:47:07 (Pop-up)
Floridian Winter  Candy + Candy (Black Leather Mix)   Favoriting Candy  Primal Vomit Records  2014  Cassette    1:51:57 (Pop-up)
Clandestine Blaze  Wings of the Archangel   Favoriting Harmony of Struggle  Northern Heritage Records  2013  CD    1:54:35 (Pop-up)
Ungoliantha  Black Winds   Favoriting Through the Chaos, Through Time, Through the Death  Ungoliantha self-released    CD  lordsinned@mail.com  2:08:50 (Pop-up)
Malveillance  Aimè St. Pierre + Rose Ovelette   Favoriting Male mISANDRIA/Malveillance Split  Suffering Jesus Productions  2012    http://ravensquotes.blogspot.com/  2:14:21 (Pop-up)
Morgirion  Infiltration of Divine Entity   Favoriting None Left to Worship  No Visible Scars  2014  Cassette    2:18:00 (Pop-up)
Wargrinder  Terror Noise Domination + Leader of Promise + Tyrant Breed + Steps to Coronation + Total War Order + Superior Onslaught Purity   Favoriting Erased Seeds of Ignorance  Regimental Records  2013  CD    2:23:08 (Pop-up)
Grave  Turning Black   Favoriting Soulless  Century Media  1994  CD    2:36:04 (Pop-up)
Teitanblood  Morbid Devil of Pestilence   Favoriting Seven Chalices  Norma Evangelium Diaboli  2009  CD    2:43:45 (Pop-up)
Godsamme  My Mind Is an Insane Asylum   Favoriting Waanzin  The Throat (?)  2014  Cassette  KvH from Smoke  2:50:30 (Pop-up)
Grue  Ascending The Necrolith   Favoriting split w Word of Unmaking  Eternal Death  2013  Cassette  cassette (sold out) & mp3 album  2:52:08 (Pop-up)
Nazgulum  The Black Tao   Favoriting Aroused  Dete Nenavister    CD    2:59:19 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Longtime Listener:

Longtime Listener:

Why is the wing woman taking your Sunday spot???
Avatar 12:07am

Let's get dark.
Avatar 12:07am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

....sssssSSSSuuuutherrrrrn Loooorrrrrrrd....
Avatar 12:07am
sinister dexter:

yes!! Burning Witch!! woohoo!! i fucking love it!!!
Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Made it across the moat!!!!!! I smell like fetid water and am ripping off my flesh anticipation!!!!
Longtime Listener:

Before I make this sacrifice of a stray cat to satan out lord and master I want to know why are you going back to your Thursday overnight time slot
Longtime Listener:

This is the greatest overnight lineup on the fm dial! All the way to 11am
Avatar 12:12am

Avatar 12:13am

Going back to Tuesday-Wed 12-3 slot. A personal matter, which made it impossible for me to do Saturday/Sunday any more. Mary was very gracious; gracious enough to swap slots with me, such that I did not have to give up my show entirely.
Avatar 12:13am
lemon snap:

Oh my goodness. THIS isn't Beufort's Old-Timey gospel revival!
Longtime Listener:

Message received!
Longtime Listener:

Maybe we the listeners can push Mary into playing zombie death metal on her show:-)
Avatar 12:16am
slumber cake:

Luck you DJ Wm. Berger. Mary Wing's old spot still has that new car smell.
Longtime Listener:

Rats rear:-( this lineup was so perfect!
We'll well have to see how the "wing" woman fits here
Avatar 12:19am

Mary is golden and can play whatever she wants as far as I'm concerned. She REALLY did me a solid!
Avatar 12:20am
Doktor D:

Love the Zombie theme transition to Burning Witch, perfetto. !
Longtime Listener:

We are going to get her nuts with zombie death metal requests:-) my humble opinion can't get enough of the stuff. It's why we listen? Don't we:-)
Avatar 12:26am
my what!?:

@Longtime That is a great gag! Let's try and remember to do that to DJ Mary Wing. Let's just do the comments next week as if DJ Wm. Berger is still playing death metal. THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!
Avatar 12:26am

Yeah, I don't think I have to say "hands off Mary," and I assume y'all are just joking. Mary does a great show, fine as it is; she's incredibly well-versed in music, meeting the prerequisite for WFMU DJ-hood.
Avatar 12:29am
Jesus Diode:

DJ Mary's one of my very favorite MFU DJ''s. She's got a great sense of humor too. Last week she played 12 versions of Wild is the Wind.
Avatar 12:31am

I heard that- love the Bowie version!
Avatar 12:32am

DJs MW and Wm.B are two of my faves, in any order, any day of the week.
Nina's version won for me, hands down.
Longtime Listener:

I think we can get the "wing" woman and I say that with utmost respect I like her I really do she's a nice person. But since she is in the "castle" tin slot now she has to HAS TO! Give us at least 4 possible 5 zombie death metal songs in her whole 3 hour show
Avatar 12:34am
Bob's lead:

Yes, Mary explained that Bowie was inspired to record it after meeting with Lena Simome (?) who's version is considered the ultimate. I love DJ Mary Wing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:35am
Andrew Waterloo:

This is going to be hard on Mary Wing fans. This is her second move on this schedule.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36am
Andrew Waterloo:

Not sure if the moves are related.
Avatar 12:36am

Second move this month.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36am
Andrew Waterloo:

Glad to have both Wing and Berger on the schedule though.
Avatar 12:36am
Noah's rug maker:

I was turned on by Cat Power's version. I knew nothing of Cat Power until last week's MW show. Boy, I was missing out on some serious talent in Cat Power.
Longtime Listener:

I thought you could not use the "DJ" title anymore? Isn't it now "on air host"?
Avatar 12:37am

She's on the wing. Get it? On the -- I quiet now.
Avatar 12:37am

Twas only "my" slot for a few weeks, really. ...I too was happy being on Saturdays, but due to recent changes in my schedule making it logistically impossible, or at least not very likely, Mary stepped up and really helped me out. Nuff said, methinks. ...
Avatar 12:39am

I believe it's "Holy Host of Hosts," or, the person carrying the tray of crab cakes; "DJ" and "MC" both outdated.
Avatar 12:41am

we're berger boosters first and foremost :)
Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Longtime Listener:

On air host! Gotcha!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:43am
Listener Howard in Portland:

Love the archives, but nothing is better than getting to catch you live, Wm.!
Longtime Listener:

I will set my reminder on my iPhone app
Avatar 12:43am

Too for Tuesdays (works for me)
Longtime Listener:

Actually it's "castleers"
Avatar 12:44am

Whatever title freeform radio mandates ;)
Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

As a zombie that can follow the scent of fresh blood quite effectively, I will easily adapt to any transition of schedule for the Castle.
Avatar 12:45am

darkness and despair in the outback
Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Hey, Howard! Greetings from Lynnwood, Washington for this weekend!
Avatar 12:51am
blue bonnet:

You had it easy DJ Wm. Berger. I was raised by a paranoid depressive schizophrenic mother obsessed with Southern Baptist religion. Seriously. I had a few questions (and doubts) myself.
Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Kick out the jaundice, Motherfuckers!!!! ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:55am
Listener Howard in Portland:

Adam! We must meet up and slaughter some goats soon.
Longtime Listener:

You should hear my voice I had minor surgery on my vocal chords and they are so inflamed my voice is as high as Michael Jackson's was
Avatar 12:55am
Andy says hi:

Avatar 12:56am
Andy says hi:

Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

@Howard: indeed we must, Sir! Indeed we shall!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57am
Andrew Waterloo:

Raised Catholic. It was more, maybe I'll be into this later.
Longtime Listener:

My parents? They were distant relatives of the vorhees family
Longtime Listener:

My mother? The reincarnation of Heinrich Himmler? My father sergeant Shultz of hogans heroes
Avatar 1:01am
stage craft:

I always protested that the sequal to Friday the 13th wasn't named "Saturday the 14th"
Longtime Listener:

My favorite was part 7 the new blood with
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:04am
Andrew Waterloo:

Wasn't there a parody called Saturday the 14th?
Longtime Listener:

She is one fine looking lady now lar PARC Lincoln
Richard from Venezuela:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:06am

great track
Longtime Listener:

Is anyone near a tv? There is this super weird movie on antenna tv called "message form space"
Totally off the fricken wall!!
Longtime Listener:

HAIL SATAN! Our lord and master!
Longtime Listener:

This movie looks like VOLTRON meets the mighty morphing power rangers
Longtime Listener:

Vic morrow? Didn't he give his life to our lord and master satan?
Avatar 1:16am

@Longtime Listener Okay, just saw the duel between Dandy Fop Guy and Easily Defeated Alien Whatsit.
Avatar 1:16am

Indeed - Twilight Zone The Movie - perhaps the worst accident ever on a film set, claiming the lives of Vic Morrow (Jennifer Jason Leigh's father) and two young kids.
Avatar 1:19am

morning weird creatures
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distracted by cream cheese:

Aaurrg! Turn off that light!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21am
Andrew Waterloo:

It seems like one of those films you could spend an entire evening describing to someone.
Longtime Listener:

@wm indeed I remember the whole trial against director john landis
Longtime Listener:

I use to watch entertainment tonight. I had a really huge crush on Mary hart
Longtime Listener:

This movie is just too weird for me!
Avatar 1:25am
hollow body:

I prefer my ribs slowly smoked
Longtime Listener:

I missed you last week. I still don't know WTF that was but I hope they don't ever do it again!
Avatar 1:35am

I pre-approve the prog set.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39am
Andrew Waterloo:

I have mixed feelings about that all night dance party they had. Was really looking forward to the Castle.
Avatar 1:40am

The party can be fun; every other year I attend, on average. I just figured there was a good chance it would be agonizing to be there, wishing I was doing my show. ....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Tonight's show is really kicking it down.

your show rules!
Dr Greebler:

It's still early on the West Coast. So shred on!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:09am
Ken From Hyde Park:

Wm., have you nailed down your co-host slot for the upcoming Marathon?
Avatar 2:10am

Heck no! Marathon co-hosting not determined as of yet. Many other concerns right now!
Avatar 2:23am
Aurélie E:

nice to see the pretty face of Bruno Ganz
Avatar 2:48am

wednesday, william's day, whoa, woe, oh...
Avatar 2:53am
sinister dexter:

my wife woke up .... the black metal was giving her wierd stripping dreams
Avatar 2:56am

uhh, thumbs up.
Avatar 2:57am
sinister dexter:

is good ... stay heavy ... loving it
Avatar 2:59am
night labors:

See ya all Tuesday night.
Avatar 3:01am
night labors:

or Wednesday...whatever... Can't keep up.

hey william, heres a late sunday morning shout out from germany, we sleep longer and dont catch you live anymore, but always hear the show!
Avatar 5:44pm

Catching up on the archive today. Couldn't listen last night; 12-year-old girl birthday slumber party. Hail satan, guts and gore, yeah yeah. Hell is is screechy girls blasting Skrillex.
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