Favoriting Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White: Playlist from December 12, 2013 Favoriting

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Southern inspirational dada.

Thursday 6 - 7pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting December 12, 2013: Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White

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Artist Approx. start time
  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Hearty White  0:00:09 (Pop-up)
Hearty White  0:16:41 (Pop-up)
Hearty White  0:29:11 (Pop-up)
Hearty White  0:35:37 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:01pm

Good evening, Hearty! *spark*
Avatar 7:03pm

hey Hearty, Marmot
Avatar 👻 7:04pm
Matthyou Springwater:

Buh HI, Hearty!
G'evenin' Hearty Humans!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04pm

I'm sized "Husky"
Avatar 👻 7:04pm
Matthyou Springwater:

Hi Marmot and steve!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm

are these the stories of this to come or things that may be?
Avatar 7:06pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:06pm

Baltimore Colts ruled.
Avatar 7:06pm

Hummels, Hearty?
Avatar 👻 7:08pm
Matthyou Springwater:

Till they "left in the middle of the night", spodi..
Avatar 👻 7:09pm
Matthyou Springwater:

I'm sure there are some "Doctor Who" bar mitzvahs, particularly since the series has returned to great acclaim.
Avatar 👻 7:10pm
Matthyou Springwater:

Sam Cooke's "What a *Wonderful World* this would be" and Louie Armstrong's "And I think to myself What a *Wonderful World*"

A Novella
Avatar 👻 7:13pm
Matthyou Springwater:

"Well hel-lo!: A Hearty White Porno 5". No nudity or sexuality, but plenty of philosophical improvised singing...
jenny k:

welcome to thursday Hearty!! we heard you last week driving up from Philly. great show and nice surprise. kevin deserves a good lead in like you. thurs kills now!!

and optical illusions, like the Bangladeshi flag
Avatar 👻 7:16pm
Matthyou Springwater:

@jenny: The TNP! Clay has long promoted the "Thursday Night Package", but it's gotten even better!

Our motto: thurs kills now!
Avatar 👻 7:18pm
Matthyou Springwater:

@P-90: The "Thurskills Now Overpass" off the Thruway! We're rockin' with gas now!

And incidentally, what's the illusion? It looks like a hole punched in front of a red background, maybe?
Avatar 👻 7:18pm
Matthyou Springwater:


Ask Hearty, that was his hallucination
jenny k:

way better matt. love you guys!!
Avatar 👻 7:20pm
Matthyou Springwater:

We all love all of us jenny! :)
Avatar 👻 7:20pm
Matthyou Springwater:

@P-90: Ahhh, okay..

Hey Hearty,
Miss you...thanks for the great shows!!! :)

I like Hearty.

Wow, that flag really pops! Hearty's always White. er, right.
Avatar 👻 7:26pm
Matthyou Springwater:

We're afraid to leave home in the 'burbs! There's real world out there!!!
Avatar 👻 7:27pm
Matthyou Springwater:

The Children's Bilderberg Group has a Build-A-Bear and build-your-own-burgers stands.

They're rumored to secretly control the global stuffed animal market. It's very hush hush
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:31pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...if you look @ that flag 30 seconds & then a plain white field, I'd guess you'd see the after-image in opposite colors...
Avatar 👻 7:35pm
Matthyou Springwater:

The Phillips Collection of DC! :)
Avatar 👻 7:35pm
Matthyou Springwater:

Whether Lenin laid or lied, he's still doing it to this day...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:36pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...Free Jazz is *not* necessarily w/out charge...
Avatar 👻 7:37pm
Matthyou Springwater:

Hey RRN63!
Once while looking at bright pink flash cards over a pale grey carpet for too long--I then started to see the carpet as forest green!!
Avatar 👻 7:37pm
Matthyou Springwater:

New York Times: "The High Cost of 'Free' Jazz"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& Lenin did both in State...
Avatar 👻 7:38pm
Matthyou Springwater:

Zing! :)

Dear Santa,
As you know, I've been a very good boy this year. I would like to amend my Christmas wish list to include one little dose of whatever you bring Mr. Hearty White a year's supply of each year. I trust that this is not too much to ask, and rest assured the usual plate of Mint Milano cookies will be waiting by the tree.
Thanks and have a safe flight,
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:39pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...will the Spirits of XmasFuture visit the BlackFriday Freaks??...
Avatar 👻 7:42pm
Matthyou Springwater:

That's a more than reasonable request, P-90!

Und Gott segne uns alle ein!
Besonders Juli und Athan.

Und Kai und was-ihr-name von Noir.
Avatar 👻 7:47pm
Matthyou Springwater:

Sie heiss Demetra! :)
O, für einen schönen Athannacht!

Und Matthäus und die Dreh Kaninchen und alle meine Freunde
Avatar 👻 7:50pm
Matthyou Springwater:

Und dich auch, unser Freund P-90! :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:50pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I like the idea that Gods & Humans need to Believe in each other to Exist ;
...& given exponential population explosion - how much Collective do you need to enter the Collective Unconscious?

I always drop a little sumthin in the collection plate, just to be safe
Avatar 👻 7:52pm
Matthyou Springwater:

COULD an atheist human be a God who refuses to believe in Humans??!...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:52pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...I just realized Hearty White is the polar compliment to Joe Frank...

What a bromance THAT would be!
Avatar 👻 7:56pm
Matthyou Springwater:

Hearty White with All-Beef Franks! Great pair indeed!
Avatar 👻 7:57pm
Matthyou Springwater:

Amazing Hearty salon as always. Thanks Hearty, and all contributing Heartyfolk here!

Wake up, and have a good night everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...nourishing kosher comfortfood for your christmasfutures...

They could tape that show at Nathan's in Coney

Joyeux Noel, Monsieur Hearty Blanc!
Avatar 👻 7:59pm
Matthyou Springwater:

A perfect setting for any enlightenment, especially with those two.


You know what controls human beings? Passivity & starches. Makes you think!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Avatar 8:00pm

That would be an aphiest, Matt
Avatar 8:08pm

so the rice and beans i'm making for dinner tonight is appropriate?
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