Good Morning, Jack. Are these Comments updating properly?
dj jack:
hey tony, hola...i think so, hit refresh.
hey jaahaaahaaaaaaaaaaccck!, wotta cool radio show and wotta stone cold dead in de market playlist, brother mello, so hip so groovy so obscure, i mean hey, i mean sh-bop, i mean sh-boom- talk about mixing it up, willie alexander, foetus, sparks, the tubes, khan, unreleased demos, art gallery mash-ups you're really the guy to hate, mello, you just know it ALL.- wotta thrill to have the opening cut dedicated to my sorry ass- every time i hear that wacky syntehsizer go off on Tunes World Tour, I'm transported back to 101 South Third Street, on a hot summer afternoon around 1976, the sky orange turning to purple, a bag of bbq chips, a 16oz. royal crown cola, a pack of newport and my life for the livin' right before my very eyes!
new hampshire is alright if you like fighting har har harrrrrr harrrrrrrr
dj jack:
ha. yeah, almost as much fun as drinking cold duck and sliding down the side of a mail box. h, you da man.
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Listener comments!
(mta) Tony:
dj jack:
dj jack: