Interesting to hear the track "Monkey Demond" by the notorious Steve Kaczorowski. For those who do not already know, the young Mr. Kaczorowski (a.k.a. Steve Drake) made an album in 1971 in which he dubbed his own vocals over recordings by established bands. He claimed songwriting and publishing credits, created a phony roster of musicians and backup singers and attempted to con listeners into believing he actually had talent. Fortunately, he failed. The "Monkey Demond" track played on this show was created by making a two channel recording using only the right channel of a song which appeared on a 1971 self-titled album by Orpheus. The actual name of the track was "Monkey Demon". It was written by Steve Martin (a.k.a. Stephen B. Martin) and was produced and arranged by Orpheus leader, Bruce Arnold. Arnold also plays guitar and sings backup (which occasionally bleeds through on the Kaczorowski "cover"). Also listen for Steve Martin's voice during the line, "and when he's ready he's taking over and I'll be...gone". Orchestral arrangement was by Alan Lorber.
Hey Greg!:
It is amazing that anyone would play this guys (uh, well you know what I mean) music. I was in his band for about a year. It took me a while to see through the "smoke and mirrors" but eventually it all became very clear. If you check out "Ugly Things" #25 you will find all the info I gave the author. Crazy, right???
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Listener comments!
Greg Livingston:
Hey Greg!: