Sadly, i believe that's true. A fact i was blissfully unaware of when I started finding her records. I thought she had the most lovely soothing voice ever. But nothing too soothing about getting shot. She's innocent, innocent I say!
Yes... Claudine Longet was married to Andy Williams. They divorced and she took up with an Olympic skier, Vladimir Sabich. She shot and killed him. Yet, Andy Willimas was apparently still sympathetic to his ex-wife and hired some expensive lawyers to get her off a small fine and minimum sentence. She almost literally got away with murder. Think of that when you look at those photos of her innocent face.
shucks, stepped away for a few minutes and missed The Peanuts.
Years before I attended the Devo concert, some of my friends and I were watching late night TV. War of the Gargantuas was on and we tuned in to hear the song TWGSIMM and see the lounge singer be devoured. We nearly collapsed with laughter, but did not catch the name of the movie. So imagine my shock when I heard Devo perform the song. I shouted out "what was the name of that movie!"
I do kinda miss the mystery of the pre-internet era, when we did not have the answer to everything at our fingertips, and would discover things by chance.
@Mr. Fab: I agree. I spent decades of my life building up a vast archive of useless knowledge, just waiting for the moment when a discussion provides the right opportunity and I can interject one of my essential non sequiturs into the conversation. Now any uninitiated novice can provide the same information by just consulting their smartphone. There ought to be some kind of fine or penalty for access to the instant knowledge smart phones provide. Remember - Socretes said that a true Philosopher must have a good memory.
Socrates. So there is some use to the internet after all.
Socrates on the written word: "For this invention will produce forgetfulness in the minds of those who learn to use it, because they will not practice their memory. Their trust in writing, produced by external characters which are no part of themselves, will discourage the use of their own memory within them. You have invented an elixir not of memory, but of reminding; and you offer your pupils the appearance of wisdom, not true wisdom, for they will read many things without instruction and will therefore seem to know many things, when they are for the most part ignorant and hard to get along with, since they are not wise, but only appear wise." Just imagine what he would have said about the internet.
Brian Wilson in the '70s was like Daniel Johnston before Daniel Johnston.
I hear what you're saying Socrates, but the human brain can only remember so much. True, writing has made us somehwat lazy thinkers, but we gotta offload all that data at some point.
I'm amazed that actors can memorize all that dialogue. I'd be hopeless at that.
Note that while Socrates denounces the written word his disciple Plato, nonthe less writes down what he says, so two thousand years later we can read Socrates warning about the written word.
"Tahiti (Alternate mix)" by "Piero Piccioni"
This track is so great, i would play it over and over. But that got a bit repetitious, so to add variety, I've done tricks like the part playing now I layered a backwards version over it, also dropped in bits from actor Lawrence Harvey reading poetry, and Pink Floyd's "Echoes"
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Listener comments!
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
DJ Guin:
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
Sounds like me in my Catholic school days.
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
That Baltimore song reminds me of the John Waters exhibit i have yet to catch:
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
Did they answer you?
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
I hear what you're saying Socrates, but the human brain can only remember so much. True, writing has made us somehwat lazy thinkers, but we gotta offload all that data at some point.
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
If I can ever manage a show I think that's got to be the name.
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab:
Mr Fab: