Favoriting Mistress of A Thousand Moods with Jessie: Playlists and Archives

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A weekly one hour show that will have you second guessing, reassessing, and wondering if you own that record. Songs that will have your mood ring asking what the hell is going on here.

Thursday 6 - 7pm (EST) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
Rock'N'Soul Radio LIVE Audio Streams (Get help):   Pop-up  |  128k MP3

Upcoming events:

Sat. Dec 28th, 10am - 11am: Jesse fills in for The Crescent City Connection

RSS feeds for Mistress of A Thousand Moods with Jessie: RSSPlaylists feed | RSSMP3 archives feed

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Live Audio Streams for Rock'N'Soul Radio: Pop-up | 128k MP3    (More streams: [+])

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