My Fellow Americans,

      While entertaining the multitudes who gathered in celebration of the American Lifestyle this past Sunday in Asbury Park, I happened to refer to the National Rifle Association, Inc. in a prideful, comedic and complementary way. The crowd, for the most part responded with laughter and/or applause. There were, however, a handful of naysayers who voiced their displeasure with half-hearted booing and random, dull witted comments. As Americans, this is their birthright. It is also their birthright, dare I say their duty, as Americans to be mindful of the inalienable rights granted by the most profound document written in the last 1,000 years, The Constitution of the United States of America.

     The same Constitution that guarantees Mr. Jones the right to bring his unique, goodhearted (albeit bizarre and often misunderstood) brand of radio entertainment to the good Citizens of our nation and beyond, plainly declares the Right to firearm ownership. The harm that Mr. Jones could inflict upon the masses he reaches weekly seems frightening when compared to the threat posed by a fully loaded, unattended, high powered assault rifle. Mr. Jones has chosen the higher road, and uses his tremendous power for good, and with discretion, as is his right. Like a firearm, he poses no threat unless purposefully mishandled. And that's life, baby.

     In closing, I hope that the reader will read the Constitution, and realize that the people's right to keep and bear Glen Jones, X.Ray Burns and all the firearms they wish, shall not and will not be infringed.

Mr. X.Ray Burns, Patriot