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Artists played on WFMU program: Gateway to Joy
Go to Gateway to Joy's playlists!
3 Hür-El
3c magical space band
The 3Ds
4 Hands L.A. (steven vanhauwaert & danny holt)
a.e. amgbaduba & his okrika amazuo's band of nigeria
a e amgbaduba and his orika amazuo's band
a.e. amgbaduba & his orika amazuo's band
aarabe atigui
Abbass Mehrpouya
Abbèbè Tèssèmma
Abdel Hadi Halo & The El Gusto Orchestra Of Algiers
abdel karim alhamse
abdenbi binizi
Abdorahman Nurak
Abdou El Omari
abdul ghani bushrah
Abdul Hussein Khan Shahnazi
Abdul Wadud
abduletif jemal
Absinthe Radio Trio
acar family
Adam Bohman
Adam Lane's Full Throttle Orchestra
Adam Lane's Full Trottle Orchestra
Adama Drame
Adhanet Equar
Admiral Dele Abiodun & His Top Hitters International
Africa Djole
Africa Show
African Head Charge
African Jazz Pioneers
african tempo's band
african tempos band
African Virtuosos
Agali Ag Amoumine
agnes szakaly
agu risky
agu risky and de lovers international band of nigeria
Agyeman Brothers
Ahmed Abdul-Malik
ahmed larfaoui, hassan zgarhi, abdenbi binizi, samir zgarhi
Aicha Mint Chighaly
airagbinoria dance band
airagbinoria dance band led by lucky ofogeumu
airagbinoria dance band / lucky ofogeumu
airogbinoria dance band
Aisha Kandisha's Jarring Effects
akaba man and the nigie rockets
Åke Hodell
Ake Sandin
Ákos Rózmann
Aksak Maboul
akwaboah's band
Al Bilali Soudan
al hane al youme
alacie tullagaq & lucy amarualik
Alacie Tullaugaq & Lucy Amarualik
aladji faye
Alan Courtis
Alan Shorter
Alan Sondheim
alasko agho & his uncle brothers band of benin
Alastair Galbraith
Albert Ayler
albert bisaso ssempeke & band
Albert Mangelsdorff Quintet
albi / various
Alceu Valença
Alceu Valença & Geraldo Azevedo
aldo clemente
Aldo Clementi
Alèmayèhu Eshèté
Alemu Aga
Alessandra Novaga
Alessandro Moreschi
alex schlippenbach & sven ake johansson
alex von schlippenbach & martin theurer
alex ward item 4
Alexander von Schlippenbach
Alfred Harth
alfred schnitkke / stockholm philharmonic orch.
alhaji chief kollington & his fuji 78 organisation
alhaji chief sikiru ayinde barrister + his supreme fuji commanders
alhaji garboleao
Ali Birra
ali chuks and his peacemakers international
ali chukwumah & his peacemaker international
Ali Ekber Çiçek
Ali Farka Toure
alice coltrane trio
alikaman and his african stars
alou fane
alou fane & douda sangare
alou fane's fote mocoba
Alvarius B
Alvin Curran
Ambrose Campbell
Ami Yamasaki
Amitabh Bachchan
Amon Düül
Ana Maria Avram
Ana-Maria Avram
Anang Supriya & Hani Supriya
anarusuk & ibluak / various
anayampatti s dhandapani
The Anchors
anco momodu and his natural voice of afemai
André Almuró
andre toujibe
Andrea Belfi
Andrea Belfi/David Grubbs/Stefano Pilia
Andrea Centazzo
Andreas Martin & Christoph Heemann
Andrej Korzynski
andrew barker / daniel carter duo
Andrew Cyrille / Milford Graves
Andrew Peckler
Anestis Logothetis
Angelo Petronella
Angus Maclaurin
Angus MacLise
Animal Collective
anindo chatterjee
anji forest insects track 2
the Anklung group
Anne F Jacques
Annea Lockwood
Annette Peacock
Annette Peacock & Paul Bley
Annick Nozati
anthony braxton w/ northwest creative orchestra
Anthony Moore
Anton Bruhin
Antoni Caimari
appia morrah
April Orchestra
Aqsak Maboul
archana joglekar
The Archers
Archie Shepp
Arnaldo Antunes / Edgard Scandurra / Toumani Diabate
Arne Nordheim
Arnold Dreyblatt & Megafaun
Arp & Anthony Moore
Arrigo Lora-Totino
Art Blakey
Arthur Lipsett
Artist Unknown
the artists' jazz band
Artur Adriano
Arturo Ruiz del Pozo
Arza Anaiak
aselefech ashine & getenesh kebret and the army band
asi balewa
asi balewa & his traditional sound hit
Asnakech Worku
Aster Aweke
Ata Ebtekar & the Iranian Orchestra For New Music
Atahualpa Yupanqui
Atakora Manu & His Sound Engineers
ataliba de camargo
Atrium Musicae de Madrid (dir. Gregorio Paniagua)
Atsushi Reizen
audrey chen & phil minton
Audrey Chen & Robert Heymen
awad mia
Awono Ekahi Jean
awutolo and fada
Ayaléw Mèsfin & Black Lion Band
ayinla omowura and his apala group
ayinla omowura + his apala group
aziz mian
Azna de L'Ader
azyete timoza
baaka pygmy group
Baba Commandant & the Mandingo Band Band
Baba ould Hembara
Babinga Pygmees - various artists
Badakhshan Ensemble
baden baden free jazz orchestra
badi ould hombara
Bahauddin Dagar
bahram surizehi & nazar mohammad surizehi
Bahru Kegne
Baktybek Shatenov
baktybek shatenov & bermet orozbekova
balabal al banoun
balinese jew's harp orchestra
Balla et Ses Balladins
ballets africain
ballets africains
bambala satigui doumbia
banda del comando armada / bolivia
Banda Ionica
banda ionica / various
baniko jazz de doila
Bantous de la Capitale
Barbara Proksch
Bark Culture
the barnagia tenor
Barney Wilen
Barre Phillips
barre phillips + yoshizawa motoharu
Barry Adamson
Barry Guy
barry guy & barre phillips
barry guy / the london jazz composers' orch
Barry McGuire
Barton Smith
barun kumar pal
the baseball astrologer
bashay g/hiwet
Basokin featuring Mi Amor
Battle Trance
Beaver Harris
Beaver Harris 360 Degree Music Experience
Bee Gees
Béla Bartók
Bella Bella
Bembeya Jazz
Bembeya Jazz National
Bengt Emil Johnson
Bengt Hambraeus
`benjamin otaru and otarus brothers band
benoit viredaz
berhanu haileselassie
bernard & jean gaucon
Bernard Bonnier
Bernard Heidsieck
Bernard Parmegiani
Bernard Woma
Bernd Alois Zimmermann
Bernt Rosengren
beste nigar
bestman doupere and his coastal pioneers band of nigeria
Bezunèsh Bèkèlè
Bhob Rainey
bholen & bavon marie-marie w/ negro succes
Bida De La Capitale
Bill Dixon Orchestra
Bill Nace
Bill Orcutt
Billie Holiday
Birgit Ulher & Gino Robair
bitter funeral beer band w/ don cherry & k sridhar
Bjorn Fongaard
Black Midi
Blacks' Myths
Blue Collar
Blue Notes
The Blue Notes
Blue Sky Boys
Bob Cobbing
bob fred and his ndokwa super dance band
Bobby Few
Bobby Naughton Units
The Bohman Brothers
Bohman Brothers
a bohman / j bohman / r ghikas / r thomas
bokelo & le conga succes
Bonzo Dog Band
Boua Xou Mua
bouchit bint loki
Boxhead Ensemble
Bra Sello & his band
Brain Sound
Brandon Lopez
brandon lopez / the mess
bras firmino
Brast Burn
Brian Eno
brian eno & 801
Brigitte Fontaine + Art Ensemble of Chicago
Brigitte Fontaine, Areski avec Art Ensemble of Chicago
brigth engelberts + the b.e. movement
Brion Gysin
british lion orchestra
Brother JT
Brotherhood of Breath
Bruce Ditmas
Bud Powell
Bud Powell Trio
Bun-Ching Lam
bushmen of the kalahari
Butch Morris
byron morris & gerald wise
c -schulz
ca tru thai ha ensemble of hanoi
Caetano Veloso
The Cake Kitchen
Camayenne Sofa
canaxis (holger czukay&rolf dammers)
Captain Beefheart
Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band
Carate Urio Orchestra
Carl Stone
Carla Bley
Caroline Kraabel
The Carriere Brothers
Catherine Christer Hennix
Cecil Barfield
Cecil McBee
Cecil Taylor
Celestine Ukwu
Celestine Ukwu & His Philosophers National
celestine ukwu and his philosophers national
Charlemagne Palestine
charles austin & joe gallivan
Charles Hayward
Charles Mingus
the charles tyler 4tet
Charles Tyler Ensemble
Charles Tyler Quartet
Charles Waters Quartet
Charlie Haden
Charlie Nothing
chatree nong konkeha
Chaykh Well Bacha
Chico Freeman
chief anco momodu
chief dan sally young & the ufuomas
chief dr ekwegbalu anyanwu & blues nationale
chief i i ayeni
chief kofi sammy
chief ozoemena & his oliokata musical group
chief ozoemena ayaka nsugbe & his oliokata musical group
Chim Nwabueze + Sylvie Menta
chim nwabueze / sylvie menta
China Sadao Group
chinese orch of shanghai music conservatory
Choutou Band
Chris Brown
Chris Corsano
Chris Corsano & Bill Orcutt
chris corsano & john edwards
chris corsano / ben chasny
chris corsano / bill orcutt
chris corsano / michael flower
chris forsyth / ernesto dia-infante
Chris Haambwilla
Chris Knox
Chris McGregor
Chris McGregor & The Castle Lager Big Band
Chris McGregor Group
Chris McGregor's Brotherhood of Breath
Chris Watson
christian munthe & roger turner
Christian Zanesi
Christina Kubisch & Fabrizio Plessi
Christina Kubisch / Fabrizio Plessi
Christine 23 Onna
christine abdelnour & chris corsano
christine abdelnour & magda mayas
christine abdelnour / magda mayas
Christof Migone
Christoph Heeman
Christoph Heemann
Christopher Komeda
chuk-pa kim
CIA Debutante
Circulasione Totale Orchestra
City Boys Band
the city stars international band of ghana
claude ernest razafimaliatratra
Claudio Rocchetti
Claus Böhmler
Cleve Pozar
Clifford Thornton
clifford thornton / jazz composer's orchestra
Clifford Thornton New Art Ensemble
Climax Golden Twins
Club Foot Orchestra
collective quartet
Conny Bauer
conrad bauer & johannes bauer
conrad bauer quartet
constantin eftimiu
Contemporary Jazz Quintet
The Contemporary Jazz Quintet
corneliu cezar
Costin Miereanu
costin mierneau
Coulibaly Tidiani et l' Authentique Orchestre Dafra Star
Coumba Sidibe
Courtis / Mitsuru / Masami
Craig Taborn
cricket market
Crispin Mutanuka
cumar dhuule
Curtis Mayfield
d nurpiesova
dadinho e caboquinho
Dagar Brothers
Dagmar Krause
Dagmar Krause & Kevin Coyne
daimon tembo
dajiu xibo / various
dalienst & sam mangwana
damon smith & joelle leandre
Daniel Higgs
Daniel Kientzy
Daniel Vallancien & Philippe Mate
daniel vallencien & philippe mate
Daniela Casa
Dar International Orchestre
Dashiell Hedayat
dauphin and tsitera
Dave Burrell
David Cunningham
David Jacobs
david knott
david knott / richard bishop / robert millis / jeffery taylor
david lopato
David Maranha
David McWilliams
david merritt
david murray / johhny dyani / andrew cyrille
david murray / johnny dyani / andrew cyrille
David Murray Octet
David Stackenas
David Tudor
David Watson
David Wertman
david wertman sun ensemble
Davis Redford Triad
Daw yi yi thant & u myint maun
De La Selva Tropical Valluna
dead men's orchestra
Death Comes Along
Deben Battacharya
Debile Menthol
Debo Band
debtera bellete mengesha
Decoy & Joe McPhee
Dedication Orchestra
The Dedication Orchestra
deficeit des annees anterieres
Déficit des Anées Antérieures
Deficit Des Annees Anterieures
Deftene Belete
Deftene Belete Mengesh
Dejan Avdić Orchestra
Dele Ojo
deng fu mei / zhang wu mei
Denis Mpunga & Paul K
Denman Maroney
Dennis Mpale
Depiano with Orch. Beguen Band.
detlef schonenberg
Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft
Devin Hoff
dewayon & le cobantou
dexter johnson & the international band
The Dezurik Sisters
Diatribes & Barry Guy
Dick Annegarn
Dick Higgins
Dick Raaijmakers
dick raajmakers
Die Tödliche Doris
dieter roth / gerhard ruhm / oswald wiener
Dimi Mint Abba
Dion McGregor
Dirashe Tribe
Djelimady Tounkara
djoliba national
a. djoumabaev
dmitry shostakovich
Dog Faced Hermans
dog faced hermans w/ honkies
Dog Faced Hermans w/ the Honkies
Doi Intanon And Group Suthep
dollar brand / don cherry / carlos ward
dominic ogari & samwel osieko
Dominique Lawalrée
dominique regef
Don Cherry
Don Cherry & Jean Schwarz
don cherry / jean schwarz
Don Cherry Quintet
Donato Dozzy
dossin traore
doug snyder / bob thompson
douglas chukwueke
douglas edirih chukwueke and his olariche supersonic band
douglas olariche and his guiter band
Douglas Quinn
Down Tones
dr orlando owoh
dr ugbo and his philosophers dance band of urhoniegbe town
dr ugbo ekhator & his philosophers dance band of urhoniegbe town
Drivers Union Dance Band
drivers union dance band of uselu motor park
drivers union dance band - uselu motor park
Dudu Pukwana
Dudu Pukwana and Spear
Duke Edwards and the Young Ones
Duke Edwards & the Young Ones
Duke Ellington
Duke Ellington & His Orchestra
Duke Ellington / Charlie Mingus / Max Roach
dungchhen & jaling
Duo Ouro Negro
DurDur Band
e de - female gong group
E Dean / J Gallivan / K Wheeler
e e akpan
e parker, b guy, j stevens,p rutherford
e parker / j edwards / c corsano
earthling temple
EasSide Percussion
East New York Ensemble de Music
eastern minstrels
Eduard Artemiev
eduardo durao and orquestra durao
Edward Artemiev
ee akpon
Effisio Melis
Egberto Gismonti
Egisto Macchi
eje thelin / jouck minor / pierre favre
ek nyame's band
ekkehard ehlers / paul wirkus
Ekuka Morris Sirikiti
el hadrmy
El Monte / Aranos
elias kunaka & kidwell mudzimirema
elias odede
Elias Sostenes
Elisabeth Chojnacka
elton dean / joe gallivan / kenny wheeler
ely ould meiddah
emperor pick peter and his seidor system
Emperor Pick Peters and His Seidor System
Ennio Morricone
Ennio Morricone & Gruppo d'Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza
Ensemble Ca Trù Thái Hà de Hànôi
ensemble de waza
Ensemble Economique
ensemble el moukhadrami
ensemble instrumental national du mali
Ensemble Nist-Nah
Enzo Minarelli
Ergoye Ageza
Ergoye Ageze
Erhard Hirt
Eric Dolphy
eric enuma
Erica Pomerance
Ernesto Diaz-Infante
Erno Kiraly
ernst reijseger / alan purves
Ernst Reijseger & Alan "Gunga" Purves
Ernst Reijseger & Tenore e Cuncordu de Orosei
Ernst Reiseger with Larissa Groenveld and Frank DeLaar
Essatu Tessemma
Estamos Trio
estrella africanas
estrellas africanas
Ethel Profit
Etienne O'Leary
Etoile 2000
Etoile de Dakar
Etran de L'Aïr
Evan Parker
evan parker & barry guy
Evan Parker & Matthew Shipp
evan parker / anthony braxton / derek bailey
evan parker / barry guy
eveready dance band ozoro
Ewa Demarczyk
The Ex
Eyvind Kang
ezigbo obiligbo and his group
fabomo edoleyi
fabomo edoleyi & his supersonic sound makers of nigeria
faiza ahmad
Fanfare Ciocarlia
fanfare militaire RM5
Fat and the Masters of Haha
fatimah al-zaelaeyeh
Fatoma Issa
fatomma issa
Fatou Seidi Ghali & Alamnou Akrouni
Fausto Romitelli
female chorus group of national music school of telavi
female gong group
femmes du village de butela
Fernando Grillo
feyti mint eleya / nebganha mint nanna / hamadi ould nanna
Fille Qui Mousse
Fire! Orchestra
Flandrew Fleisenberg
Florindo Alvis
Flower-Corsano Duo
the flower-corsano duo
flujos & orchestre negro succes
The Flying Lizards
folk rabe / jan bark
Folke Rabe / Jan Bark
Fong Naam
Foster Manganyi
FP1 - a l'ecole normale de St germain-en - laye
Frances-Marie Uitti
frances marie-uitti
Francis Bebey
Francis Dhomont
franco & l'ok jazz
Franco & Le Tpok Jazz
franco et orchestre o.k. jazz
François Dufrêne
Francois Lougah
francois muduga
François Tusques
Frank Kollges
Frank Lowe
Frank Lowe Quartet
frank rowenta & achim khan
Frank Wright
frank wright / bobby few / alan silva / muhammad ali
franz zwartjes
fred frith / totsuzen danball
Fred Lonberg-Holm Trio
Fred Van Hove
Fred Van Hove & Cel Overberghe
freddy and the fighters
Frederik Croene
Friday Group
Friedrich Cerha
friedrich gulda / barre phillips / cecil taylor
friendship next of kin
futa heiu
Gabby Omollo & Omondi Jassor
Gaby Lita Bembo & Orchestre stukas
Gaby Lita Bembo & Orchestre Stukas du Zaire
gamelan ensemble directed by Pak Kasdu
gamelan of bali
gamelan selonding
ganda koy
Ganesh Anandan & Hans Reichel
garden city international band of p.h.
garden city international band of port harcourt
Gary Wilson
Gasali Mates II String Band
Gasper Nali
Gawow Seungthong
Ge Gan-ru
Genggong, Balinese Jews' Harp Orchestra
Genggong, Balinese Jews's Harp Orchestra
Gentle Giant
gentleman ali chuckwuma
gentleman mike ejeagha & his premier dance band
gentleman mike ejeagha and his trio
Georg Friedrich Haas
georg friedrich haas / ensemble musikfabrik
george cartwright & davu seru
George Mukabi
George Russell
Georges Aperghis
Gérard Grisey
Gerard Loanga Lamba-Lamba
Gerardo Iacoucci
gerd dudek / buschi niebergall/edward vesala
Gershon Kingsley
geschwister akre
geschwister bar
Gétachèw Mèkurya
getatchew mekuria / the ex
Getatchew Mekurya
gete dope / various
Ghadelia Tazartes
ghana allstars guitar band
Ghédalia Tazartès
Ghédalia Tazartès & Maya Dunietz
Ghosts of the Holy Ghost Spermic Brotherhood
ghulam farid & maqbool ahmed sabri
Giacinto Scelsi
giacinto scelsi (simpson & fournier)
Giancinto Scelsi
giancinto scelsi / orchestre et choeur de la radio-telesivion de cracovie
Gil Evans Orchestra
Gilberto Gil
gilles v rieder
Gilli Smyth
Gilson et Malagasy
Gino Robair
Giorgio Gaslini
Giovanni Fontana
Glass Orchestra
glass space
glawng yao
Gloria Coates
Gnawa Bambara
The Go-Betweens
goa et franky bourlier
Godley & Creme
gondang sarune
gong ensemble / kalimantan
Gordon Ashworth
Gordon Monahan
gordon monohan
Gottfried Michael Koenig
Grachan Moncur III
Graham Lambkin
Grand Kalle
Grand Kallé et L'Africaine Jazz
Grandmaster Masese
great ojo and his family band
great ojo & his family noble dance band
Group Bombino
Group Inerane
group of loulou boisaville
grup folclorico de angola
grup wambarek
Gruppo d'Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza
Gruppo di Improvisazione Nuova Consonanza
Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza
gruppo nps
gueyibeu / various artists
Guillermo E. Brown
Guillermo Gregorio
guna winangun
Gundecha Brothers
Gunter Chistmann / Detlef Schoenberg
Günter Schickert
gunter sommer
Guus Jansen
gwi gwi's band
Gwigwi's Band
György Ligeti
Gyorgy Ligeti / Elisabeth Chojnacka
gyorgy ligeti / gerd zacher
gyorgy ligeti / jurgen hocker
gyorgy ligeti / pierre charial
h goebbels / a harth / d krause / e stozner
Habesha 2000 Band
habib bin seliman lukiza
Hafez Modirzadeh
Hafler Trio
Hailu Mergia and the Walias
Hal Russell's Chemical Feast
Hal Singer
Hamid Drake & Bindu
hamid drake / jemeel moondoc / william parker / steve swell
hamid drake / william parker
hamit rayimbergenov
hamiyet yuceses
hamo hassan ra'sho / mohammed ahmed ra'sho / hussein mohammed ra'sho
A Handful of Dust
hannes loschel
Hans Krusi
Hans Otte
Hans Reichel
hans reichel / keith tippett
Har You Percussion Group
Harris Newman
Harry de Wit
harry de wit & philipp wachsmann
Harry Miller
harry miller & radu malfatti
Harry Miller Quintet
Harry Miller's Isipingo
Harry Nilsson
hartmut geerken / john tchicai / famoudou don moye
Haruna Ishola
haruna ishola and his apala band
Haruna Ishola and His Group
Harvey Matusow's Jew's Harp Band
hattaye ag muhammed
Hayvanlar Alemi
Heiner Goebbels & Ensemble Klang
Heiner Stadler
Heinz Holliger
Helena Espvall
helena espvall & ernesto diaz infante
Helena Espvall & Masaki Batoh
Helene Breschand & Sylvain Kassap
Helmut Lemke
Henk Badings & Dick Raaijmakers
Henning Christiansen
Henri Chopin
Henry Cow
Henry Cowell
Henry Flynt
Henry Flynt & Nova Billy
Henry Grimes
Henry Grimes Trio
Herbert Joos
Herbie Nichols
Hermann Nitsch
The Heroes
Hibo Nuura
Hiiragi Fukuda
hiller / fehlmann / blunk / hertwig / einheit
hiro usui
Hirsche Nicht Aufs Sofa
Hisato Higuchi
Hitoshi Kojo
Hoi' Polloi
Holger Czukay & Rolf Dammers
The Honkies
honking geese/moondog
honourable vincent ugabi dance band
honourable vincent ugabi dance band agenebode
Horace Tapscott
Horatio Radulescu
Horoya Band
Horoyo Band
Horrific Child
Horse Lords
hotguitars w/ santuu puukka
The Hototogisu
hounorable vincent ugabi & his weppa wanno band
Houria Aichi
Howler Monkeys
hsaing waing
hsaing waing orchestra
Hugh Masekela
hukwe ubi zawose
Human Arts Ensemble
hussein malek
I Wayan Sadra
Ian Matthews
Iancu Dumitrescu
iannis xenakis / arditti string quartet
iannis xenakis/ arditti string quartet
iawa indians
ibrahim from bittou
The ICP Orchestra
Idassane Wallet Mohamed
The Idle Race
Idrissa Diop
Idrissa Soumaoro et L'Eclipse De L' I.J.A.
igor potsukailo & igor v petrov
ihievbe ebo dandies led by oyakhese ogwogho
Ike Yard
ikechukwu izuegbu and his rhythm masters of nigeria
il convento prosodico
il gruppo d'improvisazione nuova consonanza
Ilhan Mimaroglu
Ilmar Laaban
ilunga patrice & misombo victor & friends
Imo Brothers International Band
imo smart idonigie & his happy moving stars
international charles iwegbue and his hino sound
international charles iwegbue & his hino sound
International Hello
ion petre stoican w/ orchestra florea cioaca
Irmin Schmidt
isaac matafwana & sunkutu
Isan Slété
Isang Yun
the ishie brothers
Isoko 5 Stars
István Márta
Itsutsu No Akai Fuusen
Iva Bittova
Iva Bittova & Pavel Fajt
Ivo Malec
ivor and basil kirchin band
j dyani / j tchicai / d pukwana
j.k. mayengani & the shingwedzi sisters
J.P. Nyangira
Ja'afar Hassan
Jac Berrocal
Jac Berrocal / David Fenech / Vincent Epplay
Jack Rose
Jackie Mitto
Jacob Marie
Jacques Berrocal
Jacques Demierre
Jacques Thollot
Jah Wobble and Invaders of the Heart
James Carter
james masango
James Tenney
Jamhuri Jazz Band
Janek Schaefer
Jani Christou
jani christou / ensemble musikfabrik
jardin de guinee
jarek adamow
Jason Adasiewicz's Sun Rooms
Jean Claude Eloy
Jean Dubuffet
Jean Guerin
jean-luc capozzo / joe mcphee
Jeans-Jacques & Francis Gorge & Shiroc
jeff arnal & aaron dugan
jeff arnal / ryan smith
jeff noble & eric rosensveig
Jeich Ould Badu and Ahmedou Ahmed Lewla
jeich ould badu & ahmedou ahmed lewla
jeich ould chigaly
Jeong Hyun Chu
Jerry Hunt
jim baker
Jim French
Jim O'Rourke
Jocy de Oliveira
Jocy de Olivera
Joe Jones
joe moffett
Joe Morris
Joe Morris Bass Quartet
joe morris / damon smith
Joëlle Léandre
joelle leandre / pascal contet
joelle leandre / william parker
Joey Baron
joey baron & robyn schulkowsky
johannes bauer / annick nozati / fred van hove
johannes s sistermanns
Johannesburg Street Band
johhny dyani & mal waldron
johhny dyani / john tchicai / dudu pukwana
john burgess
john cage / maro ajemian
John Cale
John Coltrane
John Dikeman
John Edwards & Mark Sanders
John Fahey
John Greaves/Peter Blegvad/Lisa Herman
John Stevens Quartet
john surman / barre phillips / stu martin
John Tchicai & Cadentia Nova Danica
John Tchicai & Vitold Rek
john tchicai / archie shepp / j c moses / don moore
John Wall
John Wright
johnny dyani mal waldron duo
Johnny Dyani Quartet
johnny dyani w/ john tchicai & dudu pukwana
johnny dyanni, okay temiz, mongezi feza
johnny m dyani
The Johnson Spiritual Singers
Jon Collin
Jon Gibson
Jon Mueller
jon rose & hollis taylor
jon rune strom
Jonas Gwangwa
Jonas Gwangwa and the African Explosion
Jonathan Coleclough
Jonathan Uliel Saldanha
jopie vrieze's klein bazuin / surinam
Josaya Hadebe
Jose Maceda
Josef Anton Riedl
Joseph Bertolozzi
Joseph Jarman
joseph jarman + don moye + johnny dyani
joseph jarman / don moye / johnny dyani
Joseph Spence
Joseph Suchy
joseph torobeka
Joshua Abrams
jouicaj darevic orchestra
Juan Bautista
Juan Hidalgo
Juan Jose Iturriberry
juldeh camara
julie & keith tippett
Julie Tippetts
Julius Hemphill
jurgen palmtag
K Salvatore
k sivaprasad
kabanka maanta
kabasele & rossignol w/ rock-a-mambo
kabaselle w/ rock-a-mambo
kadjolo sedjon et l'orchestre du nord
kaja draksler & susana santos silva
Kalahari Surfers
kalakan lasso
kalambe band
kalamu jogi
kaloni tanaki
Kamalesh Maitra
Kambar Kalendarov & Kutman Sultanbekov
kambira, tatto, ruruk, tangmamma
Kampec Dolores
Kan Mikami
Kanaga De Mopti
kaneko jutok & kikukawa takahisa
Kang Tae Hwan Trio
kante manfila & salif keita
karen tribe
Karna Ram Bhil
karoline leblanc
karoline leblanc & paulo j ferreira lopes
Karuna Khyal
Kasai All Stars
Kasai Allstars
Kashmere Stage Band
Kato Hideki
Katrina Krimsky
Kaushiki Chakrabarty
Kawabata Makoto
kawedanan hageng punakawan krido mardawa
kayode fashola
Kazuhisa Uchihashi
ke mast, abdolqader, simrogh
Kees Hazevoet Quartet
Keiji Haino
Keir Neuringer
Keir Neuringer & Matthew Wright
Keir Neuringer & Rafal Mazur
keir neuringer / ensemble klang
Keith & Julie Tippett
Keith Tippett
keith tippett & stan tracey
keith tippett and stan tracey
The Keith Tippett Group
Keith Tippett Group
Keith Tippett's Ark
Kelan Philip Cohran & The Hypnotic Brass Ensemble
kelly udeji & his okpilla group
Kent Carter
kent carter & claude bernard
Kevin Ayers
Kevin Ayers and the Whole World
khadia dahir
Khalifa Ould Eide & Dimi Mint Abba
Khan Jamal Creative Arts Ensemble
kidude's msondo
kier neuringer
a kiloliky whistle ensemble
Kim Chong-Ki
kim chuk-pa
kim sang-gun
king leonard okpala de peacemaker & his ichie super dance band of nigeria
king ubulu & his international band of africa
The Kinks
the kirchin band
kirkyap & dawa sonam
Kito Mizumumi Rouber
kk's band
kk's no 2 band
Klaus Krüger
kmbarkan folk ensemble
Kmhmu Highlanders
kode di dona
koji wakamatsu / jim o'rourke
Kompjotr Eplektrika
Konono No. 1
Konono No 1
Konrad Boehmer
koo nimo and band
kopolyano kyobe & band
a kostis
koto and mananasy
koto & mananasy
kotovelo and pela
Kouhei Matsunaga
Kouyate Sory Kandia
Kpaladao Yurijao
krido budojo + krido suworo
Kris De Baerdemacker
kritsana sangwonchom
Kronos Quartet
krysztof penderecki
Krzystof Komeda
Krzystof Penderecki
Krzysztof Komeda
Krzysztof Penderecki
krzysztof penderecki / aukso orchestra
kulun manqualeshi
kulung of Koloboi and a chorus from Yilataa
kumala budaya
Kumasi Trio
Kurmanjiang Zaccharia
Kusuma Sari
Kwanjai Ubon
kweli ould seuuid & klayhid ould meylid
Kyaw Kyaw Naing
Kyeremateng Atwede & Kyeremateng Stars
l'orchestra kanaga de mopti
L'Orchestre Kanaga de Mopti
l'orchestre national 'A' de la republic du mali
La Drivers Union Por Por Group
La Monte Young
La Tène
Ladislav Novak
ladoll frogs
lahsen wakrim
Lakshmi Shankar
lalo keba drammeh
langston ngandu
Larry Young
Lary 7
lasse marhaug + nils henrik asheim
László Dubrovay
laszlo sary
lauritz ningavan
lawrence d butch morris
le groupe angklung
Le Mystère Jazz de Tombouctou
le negro succes de bholen et bavon marie-marie
Lê Quan Ninh
le super tentemba jazz
leblanc / vincente / antunes / ferreira lopes
Lech Jankowski
Lennie Hibbert
Lennie Tristano
Lenny Tristano
Leo Kupper
Leo Smith
leopoldo la rosa
Les Ambassadeurs du Motel de Bamako
Les Bantous de la Capitale
les freres cisse
Les Imbattables Léopards
les musiciens du temple de tampaksiring
Les Smockers
Lesli Dalaba
lhaj aomar ouahrouch
libera societa di improvvisazione
Lijadu Sisters
Limpe Fuchs
Limpe Fuchs / Christoph Heemann / Timo van Luijk
Lino Capra Vaccina
Lionel Hampton
Lipua Lipua
lita bembo & l'orchestre stukas mombombo
Little Howlin' Wolf
Little Women
Lloyd Miller
Lô Borges
Lo Cor de la Plana
Lo Ka Ping
Lois V Vierk
Lol Coxhill
Lol Coxhill and G.F. Fitzgerald
Loop Orchestra
Los Borinquenos
Los Gaiteros de San Jacinto
louis moholo & keith tippett
louis moholo / harry miller / peter brotzmann
Louis Moholo's Viva-La-Black
louis moholo's viva la-black
louis moholo's viva la black
LSD March
Lt. Stitchie
Lubos Fiser
Luc Ferrari
Luca Forcucci
Lucia Dlugoszewski
Luciano Berio
lucie elenga
Lucie Eyenga
Lucio Battisti
luigi grandi
Luigi Lai
luigi lai & aurelio porcu
Luigi Nono
luigi nono / liliana poli
Luis de Pablo
luis visconde
Luke Roberts
Luke Stewart
Lula Côrtes e Zé Ramalho
luo ka
luo ka's wife
Luther Thomas / Human Arts Ensemble
LV benga africa
ly ta may & cha ta may
Lydia Kavina
m altenburger / j pallandre / l elvezi
m matar
m mooge
m takagi / m togashi
maarten altena / maurice horsthuis
Maarten van Regteren Altena
mabert / various
macchia forrest
the machine gun company with mike cooper
Maciunas Ensemble
mad yusup
Madam Hassanah Waziri
madhi ibodov & tofakhon ensemble
mady kouyate
magic capathians project
magical listening hour
Magical Power Mako
mahia & nety
mahmood ali ibrahim
Mahmoud Ahmed
mahmoud ahmed w/ the Ibex band
Mahmoud ghania
mahori ensemble
Mahotella Queens
Maisage Zindam Ndam's molo orchestra
Maja Ratkje
Maja S.K. Ratkje
makand & kawika
Makigami Koichi
Makigami Koichi & Anton Brühin
Mal Waldron
mal waldron & johnny dyanni
mal waldron / johnny dyani
Malcolm Pointon
maleem mahmoud guinea + ensemble
malick sidibe
malick sosse
Malombo Jazz Makers
mama ong & ensemble
mamadou sangare
Mammane Sani
Mammane Sani et Son Orgue
manatsoa & tarkilava
mandalay marionette orchestra
mangolongondo xylophone school
manh ruamchit
Manhattan Brothers
The Manhattan Brothers
Manuel Pessôa de Lima
MAP (Halvorson /Nakatani /Radding)
Marcel Duchamp / Richard Huelsenbeck / Tristan Tzara
Marcello Melis & Gruppo Rubanu
marcia bassett & helena espvall
Marcus Fjellstrom
Mari Kimura
Maria Monti
Maria Teresa Luciani
marilyn crispell, barry guy, paul lytton
marimba de arco trio
Marimbeiros do Duque
Marino Zuccheri
Mario Diaz de Leon
Mario Schiano
Marion Brown
Marion Brown Septet
Marius Constant
mark charig & keith tippett
Mark Dresser
Mark Dresser & Frances-Marie Uitti
mark dresser & mark helias
Mark Dresser / Frances-Marie Uitti
Mark Sanders
Mark Tucker
markos sifnios
martin smolka
martina de las andes
Martina de los Andes
Mary Afi Usuah
mary armede
Marzette Watts
masahiko satoh / otomo yoshihide / roger turner
Masahiko Togashi Quartet
Masaki Batoh
Masanka Sankayi featuring Kabongo Tshisensa
Masayuki Takayanagi
Masayuki Takayanagi & Kaoru Abe
Master Manahar Barve
Master Musicians of Bukkake
Master Musicians of Jajouka
master musicians of tanzania
Matching Mole
Mathias Spahlinger
mathius spahlinger
Mats Lindström
matthew bower / richard youngs
Matthew Shipp
Maulidi and Musical Party
maurice and walter
Mauricio Kagel
Mauricio Kagel / Teodoro Anzellotti
mawlam rattri si-wilai
Max Roach
Maxine Funke
Mayo Thompson
Mazen Kerbaj
Mehdi Hassan
mehr & sher ali ensemble
meja - michael evans /jeff arnal
Melvin Jackson
Mephisto Halabi
mering jok w/ ajang jok & uloi jok
messiaen / paul crossley-piano / tristan murail - ondes martenot / philharmonia orchestra
Metabolismus und Fifty-Fifty
mette rasmussen chris corsano duo
mia zabelka / giselher smekal
Michael Anderson
Michaël Attias/John Hébert/Satoshi Takeishi
Michael Evans
Michael Evans & Jeff Arnal
Michael Flower
michael flower / chris corsano
Michael Formanek
Michael Snow
michael snow / thollem mcdonas
Michael Vetter
Michael Vorfeld
Michael William Gilbert
Michel Chion
michel doneda / le quan ninh
michel portal unit
michele bokanowki
Mieskuoro Huutajat
mieskuoso huutajat
Miguel Angel Coria
Miguel Frasconi and Denman Maroney
Miguel Frasconi & Denman Maroney
mij / jim holmberg
mike anderson
Mike Cooper
Mike Ejeagha
Mike Osborne Trio
Mikko Luoma
Milford Graves
Milton Nascimento
Min Bul
miroslav rajkowski
Misango Hills Band
misha mengelberg & eeko
Mitt Mueangmaen
Miya Masaoka
mnong rlam
Mohamed Gubara
mohamed tahir
mohamed u mbarek bunsir
mohammed bin shamikh
Mohammed Jimmy Mohammed
Molam Lao
molobali keita
mongezi feza w/ bernt rosengren quartet
Moniek Darge
The Monks
Monks of Nechung Monastery
moo lam
Moondog and His Honking Geese
Morgan Fisher
Morris Knight
Mose Se Fan Fan
Motoharu Yoshizawa
Moukoro Zakaria & Moukoro Mahamadou
mounnina & son
Moussa Doumbia
moustapha bey rida
moya aliya malamusi
mr india
Muchacha Imuzor
Muchacha Imuzor and his group
muganni hamit bey
Muhal Richard Abrams
muhammadvali orzuev & muhammadali orzuev
mulanda ziyendelana
Mulatu Astatke featuring Fekade Amde Maskal
Muluqèn Mèllèssè
mustafa pelibas
Myryam's Quintette
Nacio Makanda
nadira pirmatova
Nai Htaw Paing Ensemble
naim faizabadi
Nam June Paik
nami jean de boulon
namy jean deboulon
Nana Vasconcelos
Nang Heuayt
nang k'am
Nate Wooley
nate wooley / fred lonberg-holm / jason roebke
Nathamuni Brothers
Nathan Davis
national badema
national badema du mali
national folklore group of cuba
natsuki tamura & satoko fuji
ndo clement
Ndo Clement and Les Titans Orchestra
ndongo lo
ne k we
ne zen
Nels Cline & Devin Sarno
Néma Mint Choueikh
Neokarma Jooklo Trio
The New Heaven and the New Earth
new hungarian string quartet
New Star Orchestra
New York Gong
ngari saidio
ngoc dai
ngomi jazz
Nguyen Thien Dao
Ni Wayan Ranten
nicanor abarca puma
Nick Drake
nico & l'african fiesta sukisa
nico, kwamy & rochereau
nicolas and gallivan w/ larry young
NICRA (Nick Evans & Radu Malfatti)
The Nigerian Police Force Band
Nihilist Spasm Band
nilda quinta gonzales
Nino Nardini
Noah Howard
Nobue Kawana
noel & isabelle
Norma Winstone
Norman Connors
nouri mint seymali
nouthong phimvilaphone
Nouthong Phimvilayphone
Nu Creative Methods
nuothong phimvilayphone
nurak abdirakhmanov
nurlanbek nishanov
nurlenbek nishanov
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Nuta Jazz Band
NutaJazz Band
nyadzonya mbira sounds
obiajulu & his sound power of africa
Ogwang Lelo Okoth w/ Paddy J Onono
Okay Temiz
Okkyung Lee / Chris Corsano / Bill Nace
Okna Zam Tasgan
okonkwo asah
Olivier Messiaen
Olivier Messiaen / berliner philharmoniker
oluoch ngesa
Ongo Trogodé
onyenze amaobi
ooleya mint amartichitt
opondo mugoye
Orazio Strano
orch seleccion del centrro
orchestra afro-brasilero
orchestra afro brasiliero
orchestra afrobrasilero
Orchestra Baobob
Orchestra Ethiopia
orchestra gong kebyar
orchestra of batuan
Orchestra Of The Upper Atmosphere
Orchestre Bambala
Orchestre Baobab
Orchestre Bawobab
Orchestre de la Paillote
Orchestre de la Paillotte
orchestre de sikasso
orchestre empire des bakuba
Orchestre Guelewar de Banjul
Orchestre Kiam
orchestre le canon du zaire
orchestre moudou mango
Orchestre Rail Band De Bamako
orchestre regional de gao
Orchestre Régional de Kayes
Orchestre Regional de Mopti
Orchestre Regional de Segou
Orchestre Regional de Sikasso
Orchestre Sankai
orchestre sankai / zaire
Orchestre Super Borgou De Parakou
Orchestre Volta-Jazz
Organisation (Kraftwerk)
orhistra p mamakou
the original trevor watts drum orchestra
orloj snivcu orchestra
Ornette Coleman
orquestra afrobrasiliera
Orquestra Harlow
Oru Wanrado
Os Bongos
Os Kiezos
Osaije Dance Band of Iuleha
osaije dance band of iulehu
osaro nomayo
Oskar Sala
osoko five stars
Otim Alpha
Otomo Yoshihide's New Jazz Orchestra
Otto Muehl
Oum Koulsoum
ousmane kouyate
p brotzmann / f van hove / h bennink + 15 kinder
palatnoi songsim
Pan Y Regaliz
Panca Bakti
pancras makwawa and his son
pandit bhajan sapori
Pandit Kamalesh Maitra / Trilok Gurtu
pandit ramgopal misra & his orchestra
Paolo Angeli
paolo castaldi
papa wemba et viva la musica
Parween Sultana
Parween Sultana & Dilshad Khan
parwen sultana
Pascal Comelade & Les Liminanas
patrick idahosa
Patrizio Fariselli
Patty Waters
Paul Bowles
Paul DeMarinis
Paul Dunmall and Chris Corsano
paul dunmall / john adams / mark sanders
Paul Giovanni
paul hubweber & philip zoubek
paul lovens & paul lytton
Paul Rutherford
paul rutherford and iskra 1912
paul spong
paullo angeli
Paulo J Ferreira Lopes & Vladmir Ulman
Peace Brass Band
peacocks guiter band international
peacocks internationl highlife band
Pearls Before Swine
Pedro Santos
Peggy Awesh / Barbara Ess
Pekka Airaksinen
Pekko Kappi
pempa and sakar khan
penghulu along uda
people in sorrow
Percy Grainger
Pete Rugolo
Peter Blegvad
Peter Brotzmann Group
peter brotzmann, steve noble, john edwards
peter brotzmann / walter perkins
Peter Evans
Peter Evans Quartet
Peter Evans Quintet
Peter Green
Peter Hammill
Peter Jefferies
Peter Jefferies/Jono Lonie
Peter Jeffries
Peter Kowald & Andrew Cyrille
peter kowald & barre phillips
peter kowald and damon smith
Peter Kowald & Damon Smith
peter kowald & william parker
Peter Kowald / Damon smith
peter kowald / liugi musso / astrid weins / alessandro busetti
Peter Kowald / Miya Masaoka / Gino Robair
peter kowald / tatsuya nakatani
Peter Kowald / Tom Cora
peter okoh & his patience international band
Peter Zummo
Petrus Mntambo
Phil Cohran and the Artistic Heritage Ensemble
Philip Cohran and the Artistic Heritage Ensemble
Philip Cohran & The Artistic Heritage Ensemble
Philip Corner
Philip Jeck
Philip Miller
Philip Sanderson
Philippe Besombes
philippe fenelon
Philippe Manoury
Philippe Petit & Friends
phillip miller
Phillip Wilson
phillip wilson quartet
Phillip Wilson Trio
Phillippe Besombes
Phlip Miller
Pierre-André Arcand
Pierre Bastien
Pierre Berthet
Pierre Favre
Pierre Henry
Pierre Ntibarangerageza
Pierre Schaeffer
Pietro Grossi
pietro grossi / riccardo andreoni
pietro porcu
pino minafra / misha mengelberg / han bennink / michele lomuto
piphat orchestra of the dept of fine arts, bangkok
pivi et les baladins
pivi et ses baladins
poire_z + phil minton
polish radio symphony orchestra
pong lang ensemble
Popul Vuh
popular cooper
Pork Queen
portal / surman / phillips / martin / drouet
prince a.e. amgbaduba & his amazuo's band of nigeria
prince adekunle
prince bolingo
prince bolingo akaba & his obubu sound of uokha
prince bolingo & his obubu sound
prince bolingo and his obubu sound
prince nico mbarga + rocafil jazz
prince v.j. osazuwa & his african angels
prince v j osazuwa and his fallen angels
pro musica da camera / roman haubenstock-ramati
prodigious grace afra komah
professor adomagbo & his native blu
professor i.k. belemi & his melody dance band
professor i.k. belemu
Projekt Karpaty Magiczne
prum manh
puan aminah binti taha / puan jemon sitam / tuan haji kamel abdul rahman
Puppet Wipes
The Pyramids
Quatuor Cassini & Beñat Achiary
Quintette Guineenne
r amado / j mcphee / k kessler / c corsano
R. De Smet
rabody thierry
Radu Malfatti & Harry Miller
Rafael Toral
rafal mazur & keir neuringer
Ragnar Grippe
Rahul Sharma
Rail Band
The Rail Band
raimi atolagbe
The Raincoats
raissa fatima tahihit
raissa fatima tihihit mazine
Raja Chatrapati Singh
rajesh mehta / vojtech & irena havel
rajesh mehta, vojtech & irena havel
Rajesh Mehta / Vojtech Havel / Irena Havlova
Ralph Lundsten
Ralph Lundsten & Leo Nilson
ralph lunsten
rama narkalayev & sultan-ali khodaverdiev
ramon lopez / barre phillips / michel portal
raphael omiye & his international brothers band
rara sanbout
rasulbakhsh zangeshahi / firuz sajedi / abdorahman surizehi / rahimbakhsh zangeshahi
Ray Russell
rebana desa nyelot
Red Krayola
Red Noise
red trio & nate wooley
Regis Gizavo
Reines D'Angleterre
reinhold friedl & michael vorfeld
Rene Bertholo
rev dwight frizell
rev. dwight frizezell
Rev. Dwight Frizzell
The Reveries
rH Band
Richard Beresis
richard beresis / various
richard bunger
Richard Dawson
Richard Landry
Richard Lerman
Richard Maxfield
Richard Thompson
Richard Youngs
Rick Potts
Rick Rue
rimpa siva
roar of insects from the anji forest
rob rutman
Robert Aiki Aubery Lowe & Ariel Kalma
robert marashlian
Robert Quine & Fred Maher
Robert Wyatt
Roberto Gerhard
Roberto Musci & Giovanni Venosta
robisha weghegira
robyn schulkowsky & joey baron
Rod Poole
Rogana Ottah & His Black Heroes International
Roger Smith
roland dahinden / christian muthspiel
Roland Kayn
Rolf Enstrom
Rolf Julius
romica puceanu & orchestra ion albesteanu
romica puceanu si taraful fratilor gore
Ron Geesin
Ronnie Boykins
rosario quintraqueo
Ross Bolleter
Roswell Rudd
roswell rudd & jazz composer's orch
Roy Harper
roy montgomery & flying saucer attack
Roy Orbison
Rudolf Maros
rudolph pepucha
Runaway Trio
rythmes nouveaux w/ demba camara et son groupe
S. balachander
s.e rogers
s.m. lawani & his unity dance band of warrake
Sa Zna
sabine ercklentz
the sabri brothers & ensemble
sadao group
Safohene Djeni
said hassan
Salah Ragab and the Cairo Jazz Band
Salim Halali
salim ridjab tahhan
salim rijab al-tahhan
sallad & sayneb cige
Salvatore Sciarrino
sam greene & group
Sam Rivers
Sammy Katana
samou diakite
San Lucas Band
sandaya maung kyaw
sandrine lanoux & pascal panizut
santo s.a.
Sato Kunitaka
Sato Michihiro
Satoshi Sonoda
Scott Smallwood
Scott Tinkler
Scott Walker
Sea Donkeys
sean bergin & m.o.b.
sean g meehan
Sean Patrick Curley
Sein Moota
sekaha sekar karya
sekeha sekar karya
sekouba traore
Selda Bağcan
Sergey Kuryokhin
Seydou Traore
seydou traore et son ensemble toba seydou
Seyfou Yohannes
shah wali khan
shama shama de mopero
Shanghai Sound Unit
shanshat tolepova
sheida gharachedaghi
sheikh burukan kiwuuwa
siaka ballo
sibiri samake
sibongile kgaila
sidaty ould abba & feu mounina mint eida
sidiki kouyate / various / bush taxi mali
Siegfried Schwab
silagi kirimungo
Simon Finn
Simply Saucer
sinkiang uigur autonomous region song & dance ensemble
siongo bavon mari marie & l'orchestre negro-succes
sir ejoor & his odanigbo group
sir kizitu
sir patrick idahosa & his african sound makers
Sir Richard Bishop
Sir Shina Adewale
sir shina adewale + his super stars international
Sir Waziri Oshomah & His Traditional Sound Makers
sir waziri oshomah and his traditional sounds makers
Sirojiddin Juraev
Sister O.M. Terrell
SK Kakraba
Skeleton Crew
skuli sverrisson
skylarks international band
Slapp Happy
Slava Ranko
Slobodan Salijevic Orchestra
smegma & perry robinson
Smegma/Blood Stereo
sodiqova/orzuev X4 / odinaev
Sofia Gubaidulina
sofia gubaidulina / vladmir tonkha
The Soft Machine
Soixante Etages
solly sebotso
solony traore & seiny kone
sommai salat
Sonic Catering Band
Sonny Rollins
Sorry Bamba
Sory Bamba
sory bamba amd kanaga orchestra of mopti
Sotho Sounds
sotirios stasinopoulous
souala band de banamba
soula band de banamba
souleymane traore
sounds of sisso
spermic brotherhood
Spiridon Shishigin
Spokes Mashiyane
Spontaneous Music Ensemble
st augustine anwuzia
st augustine anwuzia and his rovers international
st michael
stan lokko and the expensive stars
stanislaw szukalski
star band
Star Band de Dakar
Star Number One
steady wailin' sid
stelios keromytis
Stellari String Quartet
Sten Hanson
stephan froleyks
Stephan Niculescu
stephen osita osadebe & his nigerian sound makers
Steve Baczkowski / Chris Corsano / Bill Nace
Steve Noble / John Edwards / Alan Wilkinson
Steve Reid
steve reid and the legendary master brotherhood
Steve Reid Ensemble
Steve Roden
Stevie Wonder
Strafe Für Rebellion
structures sonores baschet
Sumoni & Party
Sun Araw
Sun City Girls
Sun Ra
Sun Ra & His Myth Science Arkestra
Sundaram Balachander
sunday omoaregba and his luleha dance band
sungja chee
Sunny Murray
super biton
Super Biton de Segou
super djata
Super Djata Band
Super Eagles
Super Volta
suriphon saengsai
Susana Santos Silva
susana santos silva & kaja draksler
Susana Santos Silva / Torbjörn Zetterberg
suydum tolokova
Svarte Greiner
Syd Barrett
sylvano bussoti / arditti string quartet
Sylvie Courvoisier
Sylvie Courvoisier & Mark Feldman
Szászcsávás Band
t.p.orchestre poly rythmo
T.R. Mahalingam
ta' phuy & khmasa
Taborda Guedes
Taddesse Andargue
The Tahitian Choir
the tahitian choir vol. II
Taj Mahal Travellers
Takashi Kazamaki & Kalle Laar
Takehisa Kosugi
takumi akaishi / various
Talip Özkan
Tallawit Timbouctou
tama walo tama troupe
tanka eliasi
tanka elisa
Tanzania Albinism Collective
Tapio et Tonia
tarika ramilison
tasuya nakatani
Tatsuya Nakatani
Tautu Archer
Ted Curson
Teiji Ito
temo / nasir / bedirxan
Temusewa Mukasa
Tenores De Oniferi
teodor anzellotti
Tera de Marez Oyens
teresa stratas
Terje Rypdal , bjornar andressen , espen rud
Terry Burrows
Terry Fox
Terry Jacks
Terry Riley
Terry Riley / Don Cherry / Karl Berger
Tewolde Redda
a thai salaw seung pi ensemble led by Sanit A-phai
thala vadya ensemble
thiawara band de kati
Thierry Muller
thinghuad faited
This Heat
This Kind of Punishment
Thollem McDonas
thomas a clark
Thomas Ankersmit
Thomas Bloch
Thomas Brinkmann
Thongmark Leacha
Thymme Jones
Tibor Szemso
Tibor Szemzo
Tilahun Gessesse
tim barnes / toshio kajiwara / marina rosenfeld
Tito Puente
Tiyiselani Vomaseve
toka abagouro sarre
tokedashita garasubaku
Tom Dissevelt
Tom Dissevelt & Kid Baltan
Tom Newman
Tom Zé
Tomasz Krakowiak
Tomeka Reid / Filippo Monico
Tommy Gunn
Tongue Depressor
Tony Oxley
tony oxley & cecil taylor
Toshi Ichiyanagi
Toshio Hosokawa
toshonoro kondo & tristan honsinger
total improvisation trio (TIT)
Toudie Heath
toumane kone
Toumani Kone
Townes Van Zandt
Tran Quang Hai
tran quang hai & hoang mong thuy
tran van khe / tran quang hai / tran thi ngoc
tran van khe / tran quang hai / tran thi thuy ngoc
Travis Laplante
Trevor Wishart
Trichy Sankaran
trio garnica-ascencio
Trio Madjesi
a trio of jarocho musicians
Tristan Honsinger
Tristram Cary
tsarajoro & marcelline
Tsege Mariam Gebru
Tsehaytu Beraki
Tshetsha Boys
tsiganes de jaszkiser
tsihiamina / dimby / fitoera / fienena
tsihombe & tarikilava
tsimialona volambita group
tsuyoshi yamamoto trio
tuila pusiaka
tusau pada / various artists
Tusau Padan
tusau padan / various / borneo
twig harper & bill nace
Tyshawn Sorey
u ba than
ubon pattana w/ surin paksiri
ubulu international band of nigeria
Ugbo and His Philosophers Band
ugbo & his pholosphers dance band of urhoniegbe town
umukwata elegance band
Uncle Brothers Band of Benin
uncle brothers band of benin led by alaska agho
The Unfortunate Sons
unity band of iuleha
unity band of warrake
Unknown Artist
Unknown Artists
unknown / benin
unknown -berta tribe
unknown / brao lave men
unknown egyptian film orchestra
unknown from arac ethnic group
unknown gambus musicians
unknown / karo batak prople
unknown / laos
unknown /luba shankadi tribe
unknown / lun brao subgroup
unknown male duo
Unknown Male Quartet
unknown male quintet
unknown male trio
unknown / pakistan
Unknown spoon player
unknown students
unknown / turkmenia
unknown / uganda
unknown / various
unknown yemeni artist
Unkown Artist
Unkown Artist - cambodia
urs voerkel + paul lovens
Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan
Ustad Sabri Khan
Uton & Valerio Cosi
Uun Budiman & the Jugala Gamelan Orchestra
Valentina Goncharova
Van Bebber / Lemke
vao / vitalahy / mindry
various / alfred wolfsohn
various / angola
various / artist unknown
Various Artists
Various Artists / Central Vietnam
various artists / mohamed tahir
Various Artists / Northern Vietnam
various artists / ntamakiriro
various artists / repala + nanuty
various artists / sidiki kouyate + amenita diabate
various artists - Sukuma
various artists / tigist asseta
various artists / unknown
various artists / xing
various / balinese jews' harp orchestra
various / baluchitsan
various / batak music / sumatra
various / benin
various / burkina faso
various / burma
various / calabria
various / cambodian cassette archives
various / comoro islands
various - cook islands
various / ede music / vietnam
various - fiji
various / ghana
various / guadalcanal
various / gumuz tribe / sudan
various / inuit / baffin island
various / ivory coast
various / java
various - Jogan & Sabina
various / kerala
various / kurdistan
various / lambayeque / peru
various / laos
various / lhasa
various / libya
various / mauritania
various / maya indians
various / mongolia
various / mozambique
various / musique bedik
various / musique coniagui
various / north yemen
various orcas
various / peru
various/ peru
various / radio india
various / radio palestine
various / rajasthan
various / remandahaste
various / rote / indonesia
various / scottish children's songs
various / sicilian folk music
various / Structures Sonores baschet
various / tanjidor / java
various / tanzania
various / the dan
various / the fulani / niger
various / transylvania
various / tuareg of libya
various / turkestan
various / unknown
various / vietnam
various / vietnam / gongs
various / woodwind instrument
Vas Deferens Organization and Christopher
venacio mbande orchestra
Vijay Iyer
Vincent Barras & Jacques Demierre
Vincent Barras / Jacques Demierre
vincent ugabi
vinny golia / nels cline
virtuose diabate
vishna mohan bhatt
Vitamin B12
Vitor P dos Santos
vladmir ulman & paulo ferreira lopes
the vocal group from gjirokaster
vojtech havel
Volcano the Bear
Volta Jazz Orchestre
vonarivo m'bola
Vonarivo M'bola & Soa Vinelo Soando
Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov
vykintas baltakas
Waisoni Msusa
walid abid
walter casas
Walter Franco
wanaa keaopidom & khamsaen wongsimuang
wannaa kaeopidom
wannaa keaopidom
wassalou fanta
wayapi of guyane
Waza Trumpet Ensemble
waziri oshomah
weppa wanno sound
weppa wanno sound led by vincent ugabi
weppa wanno sounds
Werdi Sentana
white eagles
Wild Classical Music Ensemble
Will Guthrie
Willem de Ridder
Willem van Manen
William Onyeabor
william osale
William Parker
william parker / joe morris
William S Fischer
William Schimmel
William Tyler
williamu osale
Willie Colon
Willie Lane
Wilmouth Houdini
Wolf Vostell
wolfgang schliemann
women's group from Radovets
wooley / evans / black / lytton
The Work
Workshop De Lyon
World Without End
Wyndham Lewis
ya bounyeung
Yannick Dauby
yermias/ various artists
yeum sang
yeum sang / various artists
Yoko Ono and the Plastic Ono Band
Yoro Sidibe
Yoshi Wada
Yoshio Machida
yoshizawa / kosugi / miyake
the young stars of weppa wanno led by pius ikhimokpa
yvonne et jacques lasry
Zach Rowden
zach rowden / jarrett gilgore / ian mccolm
Zahiruddin & Faiyazuddin Dagar
Zaïko Langa Langa
zangeshahi / sajedi / surizehi / zangeshahi
zani diabate et le super djata band
zavalene orchestra
zbigniew bargielski
zbigniew namylowski
Zbigniew Namyslowski
zbigniew rudzinski
zebi odinaeva
zoh amba / chris corsano / bill orcutt
zoltan jeney
The Zombies
Zuhura Swaleh
Zwabesho Sibisi
Zygmunt Krauze
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