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Artists played on WFMU program: Crayons to Perfume

Go to Crayons to Perfume's playlists!

1984 Love Machine
2 of Clubs
The 2 of Clubs
3 Degrees
3's A Crowd
45 Spider
The 5,6,7,8's
The 5th Dimension
5th Dimensions
8th Day
The 8th Day
The Accents
The Accents featuring Sandi
The Ace of Cups
Ace of Cups
The Ad Libs
Ad Libs
Ada Lee
Ada Ray
Adam & Eve
the adelines
The Adorables
Adrienne Posta
Adrienne Poster
Agnetha Fältskog
Aileen Frances
Aileen Francis
Akane and The Neat Boys
Akiko Nakamura
Al Caiola
Al Casey
Al Casey and the K C ettes
Al Casey With The K-C-Ettes
Al Henderson with Boyd Bennett Orchestra
Al Herda
Alana Shor
Alba Aris & The Olympic
Alder Ray
Aldora Britton
Alenka Pinterič
Alessandro Alessandroni
Alfredo Luna
Alibabki & Tajfuny
Alice Dona
Alice Donna
Alice Jean & The Mondellos
Alice Lesley
Alice Wonder Land
Alicia Granados
The Allan Sisters
The Allen Sisters
Allison Durbin
The Allisons
Alma Cogan
Alpha Zoe
Althea & The Memories
Amanda Ambrose
Amanda Love
American Spring
Anabella y los Platinos
The Andantes
Andee Silver
Andre Brasseur
Andrea Caroll
Andrea Carroll
Andrea Davis (Minnie Riperton)
Andrea Tossi
Andy & the Classics
Angel & The Devines
Angel and the Divines
Angela & the Fans
Angela Martin
Angélica María
The Angeliques
The Angels
Angie & The Chicklets
Angie Kay & The Keys
Anita Ellis and David Aram
Anita Harris
Anita Humes
Anita Humes & The Essex
Anita Kerr Singers
Anita May & Interstate 5
Anki Lindqvist
Ann Byers
Ann Castle
Ann Caudell
Ann Christie
Ann Christine
Ann Christine & The Renegades
Ann Christine, Ulla ja Tiina
Ann Christy
Ann D'andre
Ann D'Andrea
Ann Heywood
Ann Jones
Ann Kirk
Ann Margaret
Ann Margret
Ann Marie
Ann Marie Coffinet
Ann Mason
Ann Mason Feat. Little Mac & The Boss Sounds
Anna Bell
Anna Black
Anna Craig
Anna Karina
Anna King
Anne-Marie Coffinet
Anne Marie Coffinet
Annette Funicello
Annie Bright
Annie Cordy
Annie Cordy & Bernard Charbert
Annie Duparc
Annie Markan
Annie Philippe
Annie Phillipe
Annie Ross
Annie Williams
Annmarie de Mone
The Antwinettes
The Apollas
The Apollos
Apple Pie Motherhood Band
April Byron
April March
April Silva and the Stepping Stones
April Stevens
April Young
The Aprils
Aretha Franklin
Ariane et les 10-20's
Aris Alba & The Olympics
Arlene Williams
Arlette Zola
Astrid Gilberto
Astrud Gilberto
Astrud Gilberto-Walter Wanderly
The Atlantics
Atlantis Együttes
Audrey Akins
Audrey Arno
Audrey Freeman
Audrey Slo
Audrey Winters
Australian Radio Jingles!
The Autographs
The Avons
Ayumi Ishida
The Azaleas
B.B. King
The B Sides
Babbity Blue
Babe Pereira
The Babies
Babs Tino
The Baby Dolls
Baby Jane and the Rock-a-Byes
Baby Jane & The Rockabyes
Baby Jane Holzer
Baby Jean
Baby Washington
Babydoll Warriors
Bach Yen
Bach's Lunch
The Bad Girls
The Baker Twins
The Ballroom
Bangles, The
Barbara Acklin
Barbara & the Browns
Barbara & The Delights
Barbara Banks
Barbara Carr
Barbara Chandler
Barbara Dane
Barbara Eden
Barbara English
Barbara English & The Fashions
Barbara Evans
Barbara Ewing
Barbara Feldon
Barbara George
Barbara Greene
Barbara Hall
Barbara Hess
Barbara Jackson
Barbara Lewis
Barbara Lynn
Barbara Mason
Barbara McNair
Barbara McNair/Bruno Nicolai
Barbara Mercer
Barbara Moore
Barbara Perry
Barbara Randolph
Barbara Stephens
Barbara Stevens
Barbara Streisand
Barbara West
Barbara Wilson
Barbara Windsor
Barbara Y Dick
The Barbary Coasters
Barbra Streisand
The Barnsstormers
The Barnstormers
Barry Darvell
The Barry Sisters
Barry St. John
Barry St.John
The Baton Of Andre Brummer
The Baymen
The Beach Girls
The Beach Nuts
The Bea's
The Beas
The Beatle Buddies
The Beatle-Ettes
The Beatlettes
Beatrice Lee
Bébé Suong
Becky and the Lollipops
Becky & the Lollipops
Becky Lee Beck
The Bee Jays
The Bel-Airs
Bella and Me
Bella & Me
The Belles
The Bells
The Bermudas
Berna Dean
Bernadette Carol
Bernadette Caroll
Bernadette Carroll
Bernadette Castro
Bernadette Peters
Bersen Armagan
Bertha Tillman
Beryl Bryden
Beryl Marsden
Bessie Watson
Beti Webb
Betty & Karen
Betty & Suzy
Betty Brewton
Betty Chung
Betty Dickson
Betty Everett
Betty Harris
Betty James
Betty Jones
Betty Lavette
Betty Lloyd
Betty McQuade
Betty O'Brien
Betty Turner
Betty Turner & the Chevelles
Betty White
Betty Wright
Bettye LaVette
Bettye Smith
Bettye Swann
Bev Harrell
Beverley Martyn
Beverly Ann Gibson
Beverly Bremers
Beverly Jones & The Prestons
Beverly Marcell
Beverly Martyn
Beverly McKay
The Beverly Sisters
Beverly Warren
Beverly Williams
Bevery Ann Gibson
Beyy Everett
Bibi Johns
Big Ella
Big Mama Thornton
Big Mama Thorton
Big Maybelle
Bill Johnson
Billie Davis
Billie Jean Horton
Billy & Lillie
Billy Davis
Billy Fury
Billy Jean
Billy Joe Spears
Billy Preston
Bimbi Worrick
Birdie Green
The Birdies
The Birds
Birds and Brass
Birdy Bardot
The Bitter Sweets
The Bittersweets
Blackburn & Snow
The Blades
blanch thomas
Blossom Dearie
The Blossoms
The Blue Beats
The Blue-Belles
The Blue Belles
The Blue Bells
The Blue Orchids
The Blue Velvets
The Bluebelles
The Bluebells
Bo Diddley
Bob & Peggy
Bob & Sheri
Bob B Soxx and the Blue Jeans
Bob B Soxx & The Blue Jeans
`The Bobbettes
The Bobbettes
Bobbettes, The
Bobbi Lynn
The Bobbi-Pins
Bobbie Gentry
Bobbie Smith and the Dream Girls
Bobby Gentry
Bobby Jay & The Hawks
Bobby Rydell
The Bobettes
Bobettes, The
Bobkat '65
The Bombshells
The Bon Bons
A Bones
Bongi & Judy
The Bonnets
The Bonnettes
Bonnie & the Denims
Bonnie & the Treasures
Bonnie Dobson
Bonnie Huber
Bonnie Jean
Bonnie Jo Mason
Bonnie Jo Mason (aka Cher)
Bonnie Lou
Bonnie St. Clair
Bonnie St. Claire
Bonnie St. Claire & Unit Gloria
Bonny St. Claire
The Bookends
The Boonaraaas!!!
The Bootiques
The Bootleggers with Cathy Carlson
The Bootles
Bossa Rio
The Bouquets
The Boyd Sisters
The Boys
Boys 'n Ivy
The Bracelets
Branda Holloway
The Breakaways
Brenda & The Tabulations
Brenda Hollaway
Brenda Holloway
Brenda Jones
Brenda Lee
Brenda Lee Jones
The Brentwoods
Bridgitte & The Firestrings
Bridgitte Bardot
Brigitte Bardot
Brigitte Bardot and Serge Gainsbourg
Brigitte Fontaine
The Bristols
The Bronzettes
The Brood
Brook Hall
Brunetta & Her Balubas
Brunetta E I Soui Balubas
Bruno Nicolai
The Buff Organization
Buffy Sainte Marie
Buffy Sainte-Marie
Bull Moose Jackson
Bunches 'A Good
Bunker Hill
The Bunnies
Bunny Shivel
The Butterflies
The Butterflys
The Buttons
The Buttshakers
Byrdie Green
Byrdie Greene
The Cake
The Calendar Girls
California Smog
The Cameos
Candie & The Kisses
The Candies
Candy and the Corporations
Candy and the Kisses
Candy & The Kisses
Candy Cole
The Candy Girls
Candy Scott
Candy The Kisses
The Candys
The Cannon Sisters
The Capri Sisters
Captain Groovy & His Bubblegum Army
The Caravelles
The Carefrees
Carla Thomas
The Carlettes
The Carmel Sisters
Carmela Corren
Carmen Cole
Carmen McRae
Carmen Taylor
Carmen Taylor & The Boleros
Carmen Villani
The Carnival
Carol & Cheryl
Carol & Sherry
Carol Brent
Carol Conners
Carol Connors
Carol Connors & The Safari’s
Carol Daniel
Carol Deane
Carol Elvin
Carol Ford
Carol Fran
Carol Friday
Carol Hall
Carol Kaye
Carol Keys
Carol King
Carol Menard
Carol Montgomery
Carol Robert & Le Improvistas
Carol Shaw
Carol Shelyne
Carol Vega
Carol Ventura
Carole Bennett
Carole Breval
Carole Forrest
Carole King
Carole Quinn
Carole Shelyne
The Carolines
Caroll Bennett
The Carolls
Carolyn Daye
Carolyn Franklin
Carolyn Hester
The Carolyn Hester Coalition
Carolyn Hester Coalition
Carolyne Shelyne
The Carousels
The Carrettes
The Carrie Nations
The Carrolls
The Carvels
Cass Elliot
The Castanets
Catarina Caselli
Catarina Castelli
Catarina Valente & Silvo
Caterina Caselli
Caterina Valente
Catherine McKinnon
Catherine Parr
Catherine Riberio
Cathie Arel
Cathy & Cookie
Cathy Brasher
Cathy Carroll
Cathy Howe
Cathy Jean & The Roommmates
Cathy Locke
Cathy Lynn & The Playboys
Cathy Moore
Cathy Rich
Cathy Saint
Cathy Saunders
Cathy Young
Catrina Valente
The Cautions
The Cavaliers
Cecilia & Ses Ennuis
Cécilia et Ses Ennuis
Cee Cee Joy
The Celestrals
Celia Vilea
Célia Vilela
Celia Villela
Celine & Liette
Celly Campello
Chako & The Apples
Chang Saio Ying
Chantal Francoise
Chantal Goya
Chantal Kelly
Chantal Pary
Chantal Renaud & Donald Lautrec
Chantal Vallee
Chantale Monette
The Chantelles
The Chantels
The Chanters
The Charades
The Chardons
Charity Shayne
Charlene Condray
Charlie & Inez Foxx
Charlotte Leslie
Charlotte Walters
The Charmaines
The Charmers
The Charmettes
The Cheese Cakes
The Cheesecakes
The Chelmars
Cherry Lynn
Cherry Wainer
Cheryl & Pam
Cheryl & Pam Johnson
Cheryl Gray
Cheryll & Pam
Chevonne Scott
Chi Chi
Chi Chi McCauley
The Chic-lets
The Chicklets
The Chicks
The Chiffons
Children of the Night
The Chimes
The Chimes of Freedom
The Chips
Chiyo & The Crescents
Chiyo Ishi & the Crescents
The Chordettes
Chorus Reverendus
Chris & Kathy
Chris Clark
Chris Connor
Chris Noel
Christ Connor
Christiane Legrand
Christina & Los Stop
Christina & The Bippies
Christine Cooper
Christine Delaroche
Christine Holmes
Christine Hunter
Christine Kitrell
Christine Kittrell
Christine Laume
christine lebail
Christine Moncenis
Christine Pilzer
Christine Quaite
Christy Allen
Chrystine Chartrand
Chuck Berry
The Chymes
Chyvonne Scott
Cid and Cheri
Cilla Black
The Cinammons
The Cinderellas
The Cinders
Cindy & Sue
Cindy Cole
Cindy Gibson
Cindy Lynn & the In Sounds
Cindy Malone
Cindy Rella
Cindy Scott
Cindy un Bert
The Cinnamons
Claire Francis
Claire LaPage
Claire Lepage
Clairette Clementino
Clara Wood
Claudette & Sylvie
Claudette Vandall
Claudia Mori
Claudine Clark
Claudine Coppin
Claudine Longet
Claus Ogerman
The Clefts of Lavender Hill
Clementina Magay
Cléo-Mo & les Pieds Fous
Cleo Sylvestre
The Clevedonaires
The Clevelondairs
The Clickettes
The Cliffmores
The Clinger Sisters
The Clingers
Clodagh Rodgers
Clodagh Rogers
Clydie King
Cobey Carson
Colette & the Bandits
Colette Kelly
Colleen Lanza
The Collins Kids
The Colonists
Connie Christmas
Connie Francis
Connie Frobiss
Connie Landers
Connie Questell
Connie Stevens
Connie Stevens & Ed Byrnes
Connie Van Bergen
Conny Van Bergen
The Contessas
The Continental Co-Ets
Continental Co-ets
The Continental Co-Etts
The Cookies
Cool Candys
The Cooperettes
The Copy Cats
Cordia Allen
The Corlettes
The Coronados
The Cotillions
Cotton Candy
The Courettes
The Cover Girls
The Crampton Sisters
The Cray-ons
The Crayons
Crayons Break
Crayons Countdown
Crayons Countown
Crayons to Perfume Introduction
Crazy Girls & The Javelins
The Crazy Girls with The Javalins
The Crescendos
The Crescents
The Crescents (featuring Chiyo)
The Crickets with Linda Marshall
Croque Notes
The Crystal Fountain
The Crystalettes
The Crystals
The Crystals Featuring La La Brooks
Crystals, The
The Cupcakes
Curlee Wurlee
D’Lynn and La Donna Crist
d'Lynn and Ladonna De Crist
The Dacrons
The Daisies
The Daisy Chain
Dana Gillesie
Dana Gillespie
Dana Valery
Dance Cleopatra
Danelle Darris
Danielle Denin
Danny Mann with The Blue Girls
Dany Aube
Dany Chandelle and the Ladybirds
Dara Puspita
Darla Hood
Darlene Love
Darlene McCrea
Darlene Paul
Darlene Terri
The Darlenes
The Darlings
The Darnells
The Darts
Daughters of Eve
The Daughters of Eve
David Clayton Thomas & The Shays
The Daydreams
The Daylights
De Dee Pitt
De Vonns
Dean Cannon
Deanie Parker
Deanie Parker and the Valadors
The Debanairs
Debbie & The Darnells
Debbie Burton
Debbie Dean
Debbie Dovale
Debbie Lori Kaye
Debbie Peters
Debbie Rollins
Debbie Williams & the Unwritten Law
Debbie Woods
The Debonaires
The Debonairs
Deborah Swisher
Deborah Walley
Debra Dion
Debra Lewis
Debra Swisher
The Debs
The Debutantes
The Debutants
Dede Copeland
Dee & The Yoemen
Dee D. Hope
Dee D Hope
Dee Dee Barnes
Dee Dee Sharp
Dee Dee Sharp & Ben E King
Dee Dee Sharp & Chubby Checker
Dee Dee Star
Dee Dee Warwick
Dee Dee Young
Dee King
Deena Webster
The Deep Six
Del Juliana
The Del-Phis
The Del-Rons
The Del Vetts
The Delicates
Delicates, The
The Delights
delilah & the johnny hartman band
Dell Graham & the Que Martin Band
Della Humphry
Della Rae
Della Reese
The Delmonas
Delores Hall
Delphine Desyeux
Demetriss Tapp
Denise & Co.
Denise & Company
Denise & The Double Dates
Denise Brousseau
Denise Cardinald
Denise Drysdale
Denise Filiartrault
Denise Germain
Denise LaSalle
Denita James
The Depippo Sisters
The Detroit Cobras
The Deverons
The Devotions
The Diaboliks
Diana Darrin
Diana Dors
Diana et Pricilla
Diana et Priscilla
Diana King
Diana Newby
Diana Ross
Diana Ross And The Supremes
Diane & Annita
Diane and Annita
Diane & The Darlettes
Diane Bourgeois
Diane Castle
Diane Christian
Diane Cunningham
Diane James
Diane Leigh
Diane Ray
Diane Renay
Dianne & The Darlettes
Dianne Christian
Dianne James
Dianne Renay
Dick Hyman
Die Crazy Girls
Die Crazy Girls And The Javalins
Dinah Dors
Dinah Lee
Dinah Washington
Dione Warwick
Dionne Warrwick
Dionne Warwick
The Dixie Cups
Dixie Cups
The Dixiebelles
Doc Holiday
Dodi Marshall
Dodie Marshall
Dodie Stevens
Dodie West
The Dolls
Dolly & the Fashions
Dolly Parton
Domenique Grange
Domenique Michele
Dominique Michel
Don & The Wanderers
The Donays
Donna Butterworth
Donna Gaye
Donna Loren
Donna Loren Interview
Donna Lou
Donna Lynn
Donna Marie
The Dooley Sisters
Dora Hall
Dori Payton
Dori Peyton
Dorie Jones
Doris Ang & The Sandboys
Doris Day
Doris Troy
Dorothy Ashby
Dorothy Baker
Dorothy Berry
Dorothy Foy
Dorothy Williams
Dorthe Larsen
Dot Hester
Dottie Cambridge
Dotty & Kathy
Dotty Clark
Doty Roy
The Double Image
Doug Clark & His Hot Nuts
The Dreamettes
The Dreams
The Drew-Vels
Drits & Dravy
The Drivers
The Du Ettes
The Du-Ettes
Duane Eddy
Duane Eddy & The Rebelettes
Dusty Springfield
dutch beat instros in the background today
The Dynels
Earl Jean
Earl Van Dyke and the Soul Brothers
Earnestine Anderson
Eartha Kitt
The Ecclection
Edda Dell'Orso / Ennio Morricone
Edna Griff
Eight Feet
The Eighth Day
Eileen Barton
Eileen Reid & The Cadets
The El Rays
Elaine Arthur
Eleanor Bodel
The Electras
The Electric Lollipop
The Elektras
Elena & Sover
Elena Madera
The Elgins
Elis Regina
The Elites
Elizabeth Lands
Elizabeth Waldo
Elke Summer
Elkie Brooks
Ella Fitzgerald
Ella Washington
Ellen Margulies
Ellie Gaye (Ellie Greenwich)
Ellie Gee
Ellie Gee & The Jets
Ellie Girl & The 7 Beat Sulks
Ellie Greenwich
Eloise Carter
The Elrays
Elsa & I Beats
Elsa Baeza
Elsa Leroy
Elsie Mae (T.V. Mama)
The Embraceables
The Emeralds
Emy Jackson
Emy Jackson & The Smashmen
The Enchanted Forest
Ennio Morricone
Erica Pomerance
Erlene and Her Girlfriends
Erma Franklin
Ernestine Thompson
Ernie Djohan
Errika and Margarita Boyer
Ervina Stelcl
Ervinna & the Stylers
The Escorts
Esse & The Showmen
The Essex
Ester Phillips
Esther Phillips
The Eternal Triangle
Eternity's Children
Ethel Ennis
Etta & Harvey
Etta James
Etta James + Sugar Pie Desanto
Etta James & Sugar Pie DeSanto
Etta Jones
Eula Cooper
Eva Martin
Eva Nagy & Liversing
Every Lyn and the Singlap Five
Evie Sands
The Excecutives
The Exceptions
The Excitemenets
The Excitements
The Exciters
Exciters, The
The Executives
Eydie Gorme
Fabienne Del Sol
Fabienne Delsol
Fabienne Volipi
The Fabulettes
The Fabulous Frauleins
The Fabulous Fraulinens
The Fabulous Pearls
The Fabylettes
The Fainas
The Fairlaines
The Fantabulous Strings
The Fantasians
Fantastic Baggies
The Fascinations
The Fashionettes
The Fashions
The Fatimas
The Fawns
The Feebeez
Felice Taylor
The Felines
The Fem-ells
The Female Species
The Feminine Complex
The Femm-ells
The Femmels
Fern & The Aprils
Fern Dauth
Ferris Coffee
The Ferris Wheel
Fifth Dimension
fighting it out with Little Cheryl
The Fire
First Aid Kit
The Flaconettes
The Fleetwoods
The Flirtations
Florbela Queiroz
Florence Ballard
The Flower Power
The Flower Sisters
The Flowers
The Fondettes
Fontella Bass
The Fortune Cookies
Four Jacks And A Jill
The Four Jewels
The Four King Cousins
The Four Pennies
The Four Queens
The Foxes
Fragile Rock Valley
The Fran-cettes
Fran Jeffries
The Franc-ettes
France Ariel
France Arnell
France Gall
France Joel
France Lys
The Francettes
Francine Barker
Francis Lai
Francoise Deldick
Françoise Hardy
The Free Design
Friday & The Girls
Friday Brown
Friend & Lover
Friend and Lover
The Frosted Flakes
Fung Po Po
The Fuzztones
The G Notes
Gabi Fenyvesi
Gaby & Petra
Gail Anderson
Gail Ganley
Gail Wynters
Gal Costa
The Galaxies
Gale Garnett
Gale Garnett & the Gentle Reign
The Galens
Gari & The Pristines
Gary Usher & The Usherettes
Gary Usher And The Usherettes
Gay Shingleton
Gayle Haness
Gayle Harris
Geanie Greer & The Word D
The Geminis
Gemma & The Travellers
The Gems
Gene & Debbie
Gene & Eunice: Beatnik
Gene & Jeannie
Genette Reno
The Genies
George Martin Orchestra
The Georgettes
Georgia Gibbs
Geraldine Hunt
Geraldine Latham
Geri Woo
Gerri & Sherri
Gerri Diamond
Gerri Granger
Gerri Taylor
Gerri Thomas
Gerry Woo & Jack Tostanza
Gesine darieux
Gesine Darieux & the Chosen Few
Ghost Bikini
Gi Gi Parker & The Lonleys
Gia Matteo
Gianfranco Plenizio
Gigi Parker & the Lonelies
Gigliola Cinquetti
The Gilded Cage
Gillian Hills
Gina Y Los Tickets
Ginette Reno
Ginette Sage
Ginger & The Snaps
Ginger and the Snaps
Ginger Davis & The Snaps
The Ginger-Snaps
The Ginger Snaps
Ginger Thomas
Ginger Thompson
The Gingersnaps
Gini Hayes
Ginny Arnell
Ginny Michels
Gino Marinacci
The Girlfriends
The Girls
The Girls From Bahia
The Girls from Girls on the Beach
The Girls from Petticoat Junction
Girls Take Over
The Girls Three (Jess, Dot and Me)
Gitta Walther & The Thunderbeats
Gladys Knight And The Pips
Gladys Knight & the Pips
Gladys Tyler with Ray Scott And The Scottsmen
The Glass Opening
The Gleams
Glenda and Glen
Glenda & Glen
Glenda Collins
Glenda Collins & The Riot Squad
Glenda Green
Glo Macari
Gloria Aguirre
Gloria & The Caring Kind
Gloria Grey
Gloria Jones
Gloria Kaye
Gloria Lynne
Gloria Scott & the Tonettes
Gloria Taylor
Gloria Tracy
Gloria Walker & the Chevelles
Gloria Wood & The Afterbeats
The Glories
The Goldbriars
Golden Half
The Golden Half
Goldie & The Escorts
Goldie and the Gingerbreads
Goldie & The Gingerbreads
Goldie With The Escorts
The Good Night Kisses
The Goodees
The Goodies
Goodnight Kisses
The Goodnight Kisses
The Goodtime Singers
Googie Rene
Grace Lee
Great Grannies
The Great Grannies
The Greenbriars
The Groop
The Growing Concern
The GTO's
GTO's (Girls Together Outrageously)
The Guess Who?
Guido Pistocchi
The Guilded Cage
Gunilla Thorn
Gwen Owens
Gwynn Owen
The Gypies
The Gypsies
Gywnn Owen
The Hairem (She)
Hal Blaine & The Young Cougars
Haley Mills
The Halos
Hanna & Atlantis
Harold & Connie
Hattie Littles
The Headcoatees
The Hearby
The Heart Beats
The Heartbeats
The Hearts of Soul
Heather & The Thunderbirds
Heather MacRae
Hedy Sontag
Heidi Brühl
Hele Velv & The Silvertones
Helen Grayco
Helen Gurley Brown
Helen O'connell
Helen Sedlak and the Freddies
Helen Seldak
Helen Shapiro
Helen Troy
Helena Blehárová
Helene Smith
The Hellcats
Henrietta and the Hairdooz
Herbie Mann & Tamiko Jones
Hermanas Algeria
The Hi Fashions
The High-Fashions
Holly Go Lightly
Holly Golightly
Holly Maxwell
The Hollywood Chicks
The Hollywood Jills
Honey and the Bees
Honey & the Bees
The Honey Bees
The Honey Cone
Honey Love & the Love Notes
Honey Ltd.
The Honey Ltd
The Honeybees
The Honeybirds
The Honeycombs
Honeycombs, The
The Honeys
The Honey's
Honor Blackman & Patrick Macnee
The Hopefuls
The Hot Tamales
The Hubbels
The Hustlers
Ianka Y Sus Tropicanas
Idalia Boyd
idaly sisters
The Idols
Ike & Tina
Ike and Tina Tuner
Ike and Tina Turner
Ike & Tina Turner
The Ikettes
Ikettes, The
The Ill Wind
The Indigos
Inez & Charlie Fox
Inez and Charlie Foxx
Inez & Charlie Foxx
Inez Foxx
Inga Rumf
Inga Rumpf
The Inner Dialogue
The Instants
The Interpreters
The Intricate Blend
Intro to Today's Show
Irene and the Scotts
Irene & the Scotts
Iris Harvey
Iris Robin
Iris Zegveld and Short ’66
Irma Thomas
Isabella Bond
Isabella Iannetti
Isley Brothers
J Girls
The Jackets
Jacki Bond
Jackie & Gayle
Jackie & Roy
Jackie & The Raindrops
Jackie Bond
Jackie Burns and the Bo Bells
Jackie Burns & The Bo-Bells
Jackie Day
Jackie De Shannon
Jackie Dee
Jackie DeShannon
Jackie Forrest
Jackie Johnson
Jackie Lee
Jackie Ross
Jackie Seven
Jackie Shane
Jackie Shannon
Jackie Shannon & The Cajuns
Jackie Trent
Jackie Verdell
Jackie Weaver
Jackie Wilson and Lavern Baker
Jackie Wilson and Linda Hopkins
Jacline Guy
Jacqueline Nero
Jacqueline Perez
Jacqueline Taïeb
The Jades
The Jaguars
James Brown
James Brown & The Fabulous Flames
Jamie Carter
Jamie Horton
The Jamies
Jan Ashton
Jan Bradley
Jan Dalton
Jan Howard
Jan Panter
Jan Rhodes
Jan Tanzy
Jane Birkin
Jane Birkin & Serge Gainsbourg
Janey & the Ravemen
Jani L
Janice Jopplin
Janice Nichols
Janie Grant
Janie Jones
Janis Ian
Janis Martin
Janneke Pepper
January Tyme
Jany L.
jaqueline perez
Jaqueline Taieb
The Jay Triplets
The Jaye Triplets
The Jaynettes
The Jaynetts
The Jeally Beans
Jean & Dean
Jean and Janet
Jean and Joe
Jean & The Darlings
Jean & The Statesiders
Jean and the Statesides
Jean & The Statesides
Jean Carter
Jean Chapel
Jean DuShon
Jean King
Jean Knight
Jean Martin
Jean Seberg
Jean Thomas
Jean Thompson
Jean Wells
Jeanette (Baby) Washington
Jeanette Jones
Jeanie Allen
Jeanie And The Big Guys
Jeanie & The Big Guys
Jeanie C. Riley
Jeanie Dee
Jeanie Fortune
Jeanie Greene
Jeanie King
Jeanne & The Darlings
Jeanne Fox
Jeanne Hayes
Jeanne Hays
Jeanne Thomas
Jeannie & The Big Guys
Jeannie C Riley
Jeannie Piersol
Jeannie Thomas
Jeans Wells
Jefferson Airplane
The Jefferson Airplane
Jefferson Airplane featuring Signe Toly Anderson
The Jelly Beans
Jennie Jordan
Jennie Lee Lampbert
Jennie Smith
Jennifer Lewis & Angela Strange
Jennifer Wells
Jenny & The Jewels
Jenny & The Rascals
Jenny and the Rascals
Jenny Moss
Jenny Rock
Jenny Rock & Pierre Noles
Jeri Lynne Fraser
Jessica James & Her Outlaws
Jessica James & The Outlaws
Jessica James and the Outlaws
Jessie Mae
The Jet Set
The Jetset
The Jewels
Jill Gibson
Jill Harris
Jill Jackson
The Jillettes
Jim Morrison
Jo Ann Campbell
Jo Ann Garrett
Jo Ann Smith
Jo Barbara
Jo Morton
Joan & The Hearts
Joan Baez
Joan Berry
Joan Moody
Joani Camp
Joanie Somers
Joanie Sommers
Joanie Summers
Joann Auborn and the Rays
JoAnn Campbell
JoAnn Courcey
JoAnn Courcy
Joann Garrett
Joanne & The Triangles
Joanne Campbell
Joanne Engel
Joanne Garrett
Joanne Kay
Joanne King
Joanne Vent
The Jobettes
Jocelyne Pascal
Jody Miller
Joey Heatherton
John Sebesky Jazz Rock Syndrome
Johnny Mae Matthews
Johnson Sisters
The Johnson Sisters
Jon & Robin
Joni Mitchell
Jonna Gault
Jonna Gault and Her Symphonopop Scene
Jorgelina Aranda
Josephine Sunday
Josie Taylor
Joy & the Hit Kids
Joy and The Sorrows
Joy & the Sorrows
Joy Dawn
Joy Lemmon
Joy Lemon
Joy Lovejoy
The Joy Sisters
Joya Sherrill
Joyce Alexander
Joyce Bennett
Joyce Davis
Joyce Germain and the Fabulous Furys
Joyce Green
Joyce Harris
The Joylets
The Joyride
The Joys
Juanita Hall
Juanita Williams
Judi & The Affections
Judi Miller
Judy & The Duets
Judy & The Jades
Judy Bramlett
Judy Branch
Judy Cannon
Judy Carne
Judy Clay
Judy Clay & Billy Vera
Judy Donaldson
Judy Franklin & The Hippies
Judy Henske
Judy Hughes
Judy Jacques
Judy Jay & The Moonglows
Judy Lee
Judy Russell
Judy Scott
Judy Stone
Judy Wasenda
Julettas Valients
Julia Lee
Julia Lee & Her Boyfriends
Julie & The Desires
Julie Budd
Julie Driscoll
Julie Driscoll & Brian Auger
Julie Driscoll - Brian Auger And The Trinity
Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger & The Trinity
Julie Driscoll with Brian Auger & the Trinity
Julie Gibson
Julie Grant
Julie London
Julie Rogers Piero Piccioni
Juliette LeBlanc
The Juliettes
The Jumelles
The Jumping Jacques
Jun Mayazumi
June Bateman
June Wilkerson & Mamie Van Doren
Jürgen Franke Sextet
Just Rita
Kali Bahlu
Kalyanji Anandji
Kanai Katsuko
Kandy Kanes
The Kandy Kanes
The Kane Triplets
Kane Triplets
Kareen di Blanda
Karen Kelley
Karen Kelly
Karen Oxley
Karen Small
Karen Verros
Karen Young
Kari Lynn
Karin Kent
Karin Krog & The Public Enemies
Karin Krogh & The Public Enemies
Karo Vallee
Karol Keyes
Karol Keys
Kathryn & The Firebirds
Kathryn Hughes
Kathy Brandon
Kathy Clarke
Kathy Lynn & The Playboys
Kathy Ryan
Kathy Young and the Innocents
Katia Cilene
Katie Lee
Katie Webster
Katja Hollander
Katty Line
Katy Lauran
The Kavettes
Kay Bell & The Spacemen
Kay Bell and The Spacemen
Kay Bell & The Tuffs
Kay Berry
Kay Cee Jones
Kay Martin & Her Body Guards
Kela Gates
Kela Gates y Los Belkings
Kelli & The Kittens
Kellie Douglas
Kelly Garrett
Kendra Spotswood
Ketty Lester
Kiki Dee
Kim And Grim
Kim & Grim
Kim D
Kim Roberts
The Kim Sisters
Kim Toliver
Kim Tolliver
Kim Weston
The King Cousins
King Curtis & the Kingpins
The King Family
King Pins, The
Kishi Koshiyo
Kissi Jacobs
The Kittens
The Kittens Three
Kitty Ford
Kitty Love
Kitty White
The Knick-Knacks
The Knick Knacks
Ko Ko Taylor
Koko Beware
Koko Taylor
The Kolettes
The Kollettes
Koncz Zsuzsa
Koncz Zsuzsa & Illes Zenekar
Kookie Cook
Kriss Anderson
Kristi Sparboe
La Coquettes
La La Brooks
La Lupe
La Luz
La Mosquitas
La Nueva Band de Santisteban
La Vera Johnson
The La Vettes
The Lad Mags
Lada Edmund Jr.
Lada Edmund Jr
The Lady Bugs
Lady Lee
Lady Nelson & The Lords
The Ladybirds
The Ladybugs
The Ladybugs of Petticoat Junction
Lainie Hil
Lam Leng and the Quests
The Lana Sisters
Lani Groves
Lara & The Trailers
Larverne Baker
Las Chic
Las Chics
Las Dilly Sisters
Las Hermanas Alegria
Las Hermanas Navarro
Las Kassettes
Las Mosquitas
Las Robin
Las Sultanas
Las Vinylators
Las Yolis
The LaSalles
Laura & the Trailers
Laura Lane
Laura Lee
Laura Nyro
Laura Ulmer
Laurie & The Lovelles
The Lavenders
Lavern Baker
LaVerne Baker
The LaVettes
The Lazy Susans
Le Chica Ye Ye
Le Grand Mellon
Le Svitate
Le Trio Sourine
Lecia & Lucienne
Lee Sellers
Leith Stevens
Lem Ling & The Quests
Lemons Lemons
Lenie Van Der Biezen
The Lennon Sisters
Leola & The Lovejoys
Leola and the Lovejoys
Leona Douglas
Leontien Snel
Les Baxter
Les Baxter Orchestra & Chorus
Les Beatlettes
Les Bises
Les Cooper & The Soul Rockers
Les Coquettes
Les Dandys
les elegantes
les Emeraudes
Les Fizz
Les Flechettes
Les Gamines
Les Gams
Les Geurriers
Les Godzillas
Les Ingénues
Les Integrantes
Les Intrigantes
Les Kitchenettes
Les Megatones
Les Miladys
Les Op'4
Les Paul & Mary Ford
Les Planetes
Les Planettes
Les Princesses
Les Puces
Les Scarabees
Les Sequelles
Les Sequells
Les Surf
Les Surfs ‎
Les Surfs
Les Terribles
Lesley Gore
Lesley Langly
Leslie Dawson
Leslie Duncan
Leslie Gore
Leslie Uggams
Let's review those great Scopitones!
The Levee Breakers
The LeVons
The Lewis Sisters
The Liberty Belles
The Liberty Bells
Lightnin' Hopkins
Lil Lindfors
Lili Ivanova
Lilian Saint Pierre
Lilian St. Pierre
Liliane Saint-Pierre
Lill Babs
Lill Lindfors
Lillette & Francoise
Lillian Briggs
Lillian Dupree
Lilly Bonato
Lillyan Garol & The Jan Raye Quartett
Lily Bonato
The Limiñanas
Linda & The Del Rios
Linda Ball
Linda Carr
Linda Carr and The Impossibles
Linda Collins
Linda Cumbo
Linda Elliot
Linda Gail Lewis
Linda Gale Lewis
Linda Gayle
Linda Gayle & The Duke of Coventry
Linda Gray
Linda Hall
Linda Hopkins
Linda Jones
Linda Karen
Linda Kaye
Linda Kendrick
Linda Laine & The Sinners
Linda Lane
Linda Laurie
Linda Lawrence
Linda Lawson
Linda Lewis
Linda Lloyd
Linda Lydell
Linda Lyndell
Linda Mackey
Linda Martell
Linda Martell & The Angelos
Linda Perell
Linda Queen
Linda Riggs
Linda Scott
Linda Thorson
Linda Van Dyck
Linda Van Dyck with Boo & the BooBoos
Linda Wilson
Lindy Adams
Lindy Lane & The Sinners
The Linnettes
Lisa & The Lullabies
Lisa Carroll
Lisa Miller
Lisa Mychols
Lise d'Arcy
Lita Roza
Little Alice
Little Ann
Little Becky Cook & the Rag Mops
Little Betty
Little Brenda Lee
Little Brenda Starr
Little Carolyn Sue
Little Cheryl
Little Cheryl Williams
Little Clara & Les Chacals
Little Clara et les Chacals
Little Ester
Little Esther
Little Esther Phillips
Little Eva
Little Eva & Big Dee Irwin
Little Eva Harris
Little Evelyn & The Conquers
The Little Foxes
Little Frankie
Little Frankie & The Country Gentlemen
Little Gigi
Little Iva and Her Band
Little Jewel
Little Linda
Little Lisa
Little Lynn & The Four Rivers
Little Mary Staten
Little Miss Peggy & Bill Parkers Showboat Band
Little Pattie
Little Pattie & The Statesmen
Little Peggy March
Little Peppy and the Bare Existence
Little Rose Little
Little Teena Bronson
The Lively Ones
The Liverbirds
Liz Brady
Liz D'arcy
Liz Lands
Liz McCall
Liz Seneff
Liza And The Jet Set
Liza & the Jet Set
The Lockets
The Locketts
Lois & Karen
Lois Lane
Lola Falana
Lola Filana
Lolita & The Merry Lads
The Lollipops
The Lolly-Pops
London Phogg
Loolie & The Surfing Rodgers
Lord Sitar
Loreen Church
Lorella Con Los Shakers
Loretta Williams
Lori & Diane
Lori Burton
Lori Martin
Lori Saunders
Lori Scott
Lorna Doone
Lorna Dune
Lorna Quilici
The Lornettes
Lorrain Chandler
Lorraine & The Delights
Lorraine Chandler
Lorraine Child
Lorraine Ellison
Lorraine Silver
Lorrie Darnell
Los 3 Sudamericanos
Los 4 Brilliantes
Los France
Los Impala
Los Rockin Devil's
Los Rockin' Devils
Los Stop
Lotti Golden
Louie Louie
Louisa Jane White
Louise Cordet
Louise Cordette
The Love Chain
The Love Exchange
The Love Kittens
The Love Notes
The Loveables
The Loved Ones
The Lovejoys
The Lovelites
The Lovenotes
The Lovettes
Åse Kleveland
Lucy Campo
Luisa Casali
Lula Reed
The Lullabies
Lulu & the Luvers
Lulu and the Luvers
Lulu & the Luvvers
LuLu Lee
Lulu Porter
Lulu Reed
The Luv'd Ones
The Luv's
Lydia Marcelle
Lyme & Cybelle
Lyn & The Invaders
Lyn and The Invaders
Lyn Coleman and Bob Moore’s Temptations
Lyn Cornell
Lyn Roman
Lynda Layne
Lynda Layne & The Charmaines
Lynn Castle and Last Friday's Fire
Lynn Castle with Last Friday's Fire
Lynn Cornell
Lynn Davis
Lynn Randell
Lynne Randell
M&M's & The Peanuts
Mabel John
Mabel King
Mad Man Jones And His Band
Madeline Bell
Madeline Wilson
Mae West
Mag Qui (Maggie)
Maggie Hammond
Maggie Threat
Maggie Thrett
The Maggies Marshmallows
The Maggie's Marshmallows
Maggie's Marshmallows
The Magics
The Magnetic Mind
The Magnificent 7
Maila Nurmi
Major Lance
The Majorettes
Mak Les Soeurs
Malfada Sofia
Mally Page
The Mama Cats
Mama Cats
Mama Guitar
The Mamas & The Papas
Mama's & The Papas
Mamas & The Papas
The Mamas and the Papas
Mamas and the Papas
Mamas & The Papas (really Michelle Phillips)
Mami VanDoren & June Wilkerson
Mamie Galore
Mamie Van Doren
Mamie Van Doren & June Wilkerson
Mandy & The Girlfriends
Mandy Mason
Mandy Rice Davies
Marcella Laiferova
Marcia Strassman
Marcie & The Cookies
Marcie and the Cookies
Marcie Blaine
Marcie Blane
Marcie Joe
Marcie Jones
Marcy Jo
Marena Mars
Margaret & Carol
Margaret & The Bunnys
Margaret and the Bunnys
Margaret Lewis
Margaret Mandolph
Margarita Sierra
Margie & The Formations
Margie Bayes
Margie Day
Margie Hendrix
Margie Joseph
Margie Mills
Margie Rayburn
Margo & The Marvettes
Margo Guryan
Margo Guyran
Margo White
Margrit Imlau & The Loving Hearts
Maria Angelica
Maria Dallas
Maria Sacco
Maria Toldy
Maria Wittek
Marian Angel
Marian Ruxell
Marianne Faithful
Marianne Faithfull
Marianne Mille
Marie Adams
Marie Ann
Marie Applebee
Marie Celeste
Marie Claire
Marie Claire Courcelle
Marie Laforêt
Marie Laforete
Marie Queenie Lyons
marie tang
Marilyn Burroughs
Marilyn Mae
Marilyn Mattson
Marilyn Michaels
Marilyn Monroe
Marion Maerz
The Marionettes
Mariska Veres
Marissa Gatti
Marjorie Black
Marjorie Noel
Mark Wirtz & The Ladybirds
Mark Wirtz His Orchestra and Chorus
Mark Wirtz Orchestra & Chorus
Marlena Shaw
Marlene & The Debonettes
Marlene Beaudry
Marlene Willis
Marlina Mars
Marsha Bradley
Marsha Brody
Marsha Gee
Marsha Hatfield
Marsha Hunt
Marsha Maye
The Marshmallows
The Marshmellows
Marta Baizán
Marta Kubišová
The Martells
Martha & Tena Elefteriadu
Martha & The Vandellas
Martha and the Vandellas
Martha Carter
Martha Reeves & The Vandellas
Martha The Vandellas
Martha Velez
Marthe Hinny
Marti Shannon
The Martian Sisters
The Martin Sisters
Marva Holiday
Marva Jones
Marva Josie
Marva Lee
Marva Whitney
The Marvalettes
The Marvelettes
The Marvelvettes
Mary & The Desirables
Mary Ann
Mary Ann Mobley
Mary B.
Mary Elena & The Twilights
Mary Hunt
Mary Johnson
Mary Lou
Mary Love
Mary McCarthy
Mary Petti
Mary Saenz
Mary Saxton
Mary Saxton with the Lords
Mary Sneed
Mary Usha
Mary Weiss
Mary Weiss with Reigning Sound
Mary Wells
Maryann Farra & The Genesis
Marylin Lee
Marylin Matteson
Marylin Powell
Mathé Altéry
Matray Zsuzsa
Maureen Arthur
Maureen Evans
Maureen Gray
Mavis Staples
Mavis Staples & William Bell
Maxine Brown
Maxine Darren
May West
Mayalta Page
The McKinleys
The McKinnleys
The Meanie Genies
The Meantime
The Meditation Singers
Meg Myles
Mei Fong and Tony with the Polar Bear Five
The Meklight Sisters with the White Comets
Mel Vena Allen
Meleni Castro
Melinda & The Misfits
Melinda Marx
The Mellows
The Melody Makers
Melody Patterson
The Memories (Althea)
The Mentalettes
The Mercies
Meredith MacRae
Meri Marabini
Merilee Rush & the Turnabouts
Merrie Motor Company
Merrilee Rush
Merrilee Rush & The Turnabouts
Merry Clayton
Messer Chups
Meta & The Bowling Boys
MFC Chicken & Sister Cookie
Mi Mi and the Five Petals
Mia Farrow
Mia Lewis
Miar Davies
Michel Magne & Jean Yanne
Michele O'Malley
Michele Richard
Michele Torr
Michelle Torr
Micki Lynn
Mickie Champion
Micky Ameline
Micky Amelyne
Micky & Silvia
Mieko Hirata
The Mighty Hannibal
Miki Obata
Miki Obata & the Out Cast
Milie Small
The Miller Sisters
Miller Sisters
Millie Foster
Millie Rodgers
Millie Rogers
Millie Small
Millie Vernon
Milly Foster
Milly Vernon
Mimi & Richard Fariña
Mimi & The Five Petals
Mini & The Knee Bones
The Mini Coopers
Minnie Epperson
Minouche Barelli
Minous Blancs
The Miracles
The Mirettes
Miriam & Nobody's Babies
Miriam Linna
Miss Cathy Brasher
Miss Elsie Smith
Miss Judy Wilson
Miss LaVell
Miss LL Louise Lewis
The Missing Souls
Misty & The Dew Drops
Mitty Collier
Mod 4
The Mod Singers
The Models
The Modettes
The Mojo
The Mojo Men
Molly Bee
Monalisa and the Pastels
Mongo Santamaria
The Mongralettes
Monica Lind
Monique & the Lions
Monique Thubert
Monique Thurbert
The Mood Mosaic
Mood Mosaic
The Moppets
More Scopitone Chit Chat
Morticia Adams
Mousie & The Traps
Mr Jet & The Cannibals
The Murmaids
The Musics
Musique & The Lyrics
Myriam Martin
Myrna March
The Mysteries
Nai Bonet
Nana Kinomi & Leo Beats
Nana Mouskouri
Nancy Ames
Nancy Baron
Nancy Broom
Nancy Butts
Nancy Claire
Nancy Dupont
Nancy Holloway
Nancy Marano
nancy mason
Nancy Priddy
Nancy Sinatra
Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazelwood
Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood
Nancy Sinatra Lee Hazelwood
Nancy Sit
Nancy Thomas
Nancy Wayburn
Nancy Wilson
Nanette Workman
Naomi & The Boys
Naomi Bradley
Nara Leão
Natacha Snitkine
Nathalie Degand
Neighb'rhood Childr'n
The Neighb'rhood Childr'n
Nella Dodds
Nellie Rutherford
Nelly Manou
Nelly Perrier
The Neptunas
The Nettelles
The Neumans
Neva Small
New Bangs
The New Bangs
The New Castle Five
Nichelle Nichols
Nicole Delarc
Nicole Josy
Nicole Lord
Nicole Paquin
The Nightengales
The Nightingales
Nina Lizell & Lee Hazlewood
Nina Simone
Nina Western
Nino & April
Nino Tempo & April Stevens
Nita Rossi
Noëlle Cordier
Noreen Cocoran
Noreen Corcoran
Norma Dragoo
Norma Jean
Norma Jenkins
Norma Kelly
Norma Lee
Norma Tanega
Norma Tenaga
Norma Tenega
Norma Tracy and the Cinderella Kids
The Nu Luv's
The Nu-Luvs
The Nu Luvs
O'nita Hammond
October Country
Olivia Molina
Olivia Newton-John
Olivia Newton John
Oma Heard
Oneda Harding & The Chuck Harding Combo
The Opals
The Orchids
Oriental Sunshine
The Orlon's
The Orlons
Ornella Vanoni
Orsa Lia
Ortheia Barnes
The Other Two
Otis Redding & Carla
Otis Redding and Carla Thomas
The Outtlets
Ovella and the Overtures
Ovella & the Overtures
Pam Dickinson
Pam Oakley
Pam Oakly & The Viscounts
Pamela Blue
Pan Ron
pandora and the males
The Pandoras
The Paper Dolls
Paper Dolls
Paris and the Persians
The Paris Sisters
The Party Favors
The Party Lights
Pascale et Suzi
The Passionettes
Pat Best
Pat Embers
Pat Ferguson
Pat Harris
Pat Harris & The Blackjacks
Pat Hervey
Pat Hervey & The Tiaras
Pat Hunt
Pat Lewis
Pat Lucky
Pat Lundy
Pat Powdrill
Pat Simon
Pat Woodell
Pat Wynter
Patience & Prudence
Patrice Hollaway
Patrice Holloway
Patricia Carli
Patricia Gallant
Patricia McKinnon
Patricia Paay
Patrician Anne
Patrina with Maurice Patton and the Medallions
Patriza & The Six Lions
Patriza Bonaveri
Patriza Simon & The Lions
Patsy Ann Noble
Patsy Cole
Patsy Fuller
Patsy Raye
Patsy Raye & the Beatniks
Patti & The Emblems
Patti & The XL's
Patti Austin
Patti Drew
Patti Jerome
Patti Labelle & The Blue Belles
Patti Labelle & the Blue Bells
Patti Labelle & the Bluebelles
Patti Labelle and the Bluebells
Pattie Bersaudara
Pattie Marie Jay
Patti's Groove
Patty & the Emblems
Patty Drew
Patty Duke
Patty LaBelle & The Bluebells
Patty Lace & The Petticoats
Patty Lace And The Petticoats
Patty Lemann
Patty Livingston
Patty Michaels
Patty Surbey & The Canadian V.I.P.s
Patty Surby & the Canadian VIPs
Paul Revere & The Raiders
Paula Durante
Paula Karppanen
Paula Lamont
Paulette & the Cupids
Pauline Chivers
The Peaches
Peaches & Herb
The Peanut Butter Conspiracy
Peanut Butter Conspiracy
The Peanuts
Pearl Bailey
Pearl Woods
The Pearlettes
The Pebbles
Pedro Gonzes
Peggy Gaines
Peggy Lee
Peggy Lipton
Peggy March
Peggy March & The Hunters
Peggy March and the Hunters
Peggy March with The Hunters
Peggy Sans
Peggy Scott & Jo Jo Benson
Peggy Woods
The Pennies
Penny & The Ekos
Penny Candy
Penny Lim & The Silvertones
the penny sisters
Penny Valentine
The Peppermint Rainbow
The Peppermints
The Pepperpots
Peppino De Luca
The Percells
The Peridots
The Perigents
Perpetual Langley
The Persianettes
The Persionettes
The Petites
The Pets
The Petticoats
Petula Clark
The Pheonix Trolley
Phillipa Fallon
Piccala Pupa
Piccalo Pupa
Piero Piccioni
Piero Umiliana
Piero Umiliani
The Pin Ups
The Pin-Ups
Pippi Shannon
Pippy Shannon
Pirette Roy
The Pirouettes
The Pirouttes
The Pivots
The Pixies
The Pixies Three
The PJs
The Platters
The Pleasure Fair
The Pleasure Seekers
The Pleasures
Pledge and get some swag!!
The Plommons
The Popcicles
The Poppies
The Poppy Family
The Popsicles
The Portraits
The Powder Puffs
Pozo Seco Singers
PP Arnold
The Preludes
Pretty Things
Priscilla Paris
Priscilla Price
Project X
The Projection Company
The Promises
The Puffs
The Puppets
The Purcells
Pussy Cat....
Pussy Cat
The Pussycats
The Pussywillows
Pzo Seco Singers
Quarteto Em Cy
Queen Anne's Lace
Queen Ester
The Queen Hornets
Queta Garay
Quincy Jones
Rachel & the Revolvers
Radmila Karaklajic
Radmila Mikić
The Raelettes
The Rag Dolls
The Rainbows
The Raindrops
The Ramblettes
Ramona King
Ramses & Selket
Rana Leggett
Randi Carol
ranee & raj
Ranny Sinclair
The Rantouls
Raparata & The Delrons
Raquel Welch
The Rats
Raun Mac Kinnon
Raun McKinnon
The Ravelles
The Ravelles with Carmela Altobelli
The Ravenettes
Ray Baretto y su Charanga Moderna
Raylene & The Blue Angels
The Rayons
The Reasons
Reatha Reese
Reiko Maki
Rena Scott
Renate Kern
René Martel
Renée Claude
Renee Martel
Renee Medina
Reparata And The Delrons
Reparata & The Delrons
Reparata & The Delrons with Hash Brown & His Orchestra
Reparta & The Delrons
Reperata & The Delrons
The Reprobettes
The Rev-Lons
Rhetta Hughes
Rhoda Scott
Ria & The Revellons
Ria Bartok
The Ribbons
Rick and Al
Rickie Page
Rings & Things
The Rip Cords
Rita and Sakura
Rita Bartok
Rita Chao
Rita Chao and the Quests
Rita Monico
Rita Moss
Rita Pavone
Rita Pavonne
Rita Wright
The Rivingtons
Roberta Day
Roberta Wolfson
Robertha Williams
Robin Clark
Robin Garrett
Robin Hart
Robin Richman
The Robin Sisters
Robin Ward
The Robins
Rochelle Vinsen
The Rock-A-Teens
Rockin' Robin & The Fabulous Wailers
Rod McKuen
Roddie Joy
Roddy Joy
Roger Nichols Trio
The Ronettes
Ronnie & Joyce
Ronnie & The Crayons
Ronnie & The Parlays
Ronnie & The Pomona Casuals
Ronnie & The Relatives
Ronnie Hawkins
Ronnie Self
Ronnie Spector
Ronnie Spector and the Ronettes
Ronnie Wallis
Ros Sereysothea
Rosalind Madison
The Rosalyns
Rose Batiste
Rose Chong
Rose Dubats
The Rose Garden
The Rosebuds
Rosella Santo
Rosetta Hightower
Rosetta Perry
Rosie & The Originals
Roslyn Kind
Rosnah & The Singlap 5
The Rotary Connection
The Routers
Rouzan Sisters
The Rouzan Sisters
Roy Lee Johnson
The Royal Teens
The Royalettes
The Rubies
Ruby & The Romantics
Ruby Dee
Ruby Johnson
Ruby Lee
Ruby Winters
Rums & Coke
Rums and Coke
Russ Garcia and His Orchestra
Russ Haddock Trio
Ruth & Sherry
Ruth Brandon
Ruth Brown
Ruth Davis
Ruth Wallis
Ryoko Moriyama
The Sa-Shays
Sadina [Priscilla Mitchell]
Sakura and The Quests
Sakura & The Quests
Sally & The Alley Cats
Sally & The Roses
Sally Field
Sally Sellinova
Sally Starr
Sally Willis
The Salsbury Twins
Samantha Jones
Samantha Juste
The Same
San Remo Strings
Sandi & Salli
Sandi & The Accents
Sandi Shaw
Sandi Sheldon
Sandi Shore
Sandie and the Shakemen
Sandie Shaw
The Sandpebbles
Sandra Barry
Sandra Barry & The Boys
Sandra Berry
Sandra Bryant
Sandra Gee
Sandra King
Sandu Scott and her Scotties
Sandy Edmonds
Sandy Edmund
Sandy Edmunds
Sandy Gaye
Sandy Gurley
Sandy Gurley & The San Francisco Bridge
Sandy P
Sandy Posey
Sandy Sargent
Sandy Sarjeant
Sandy Selsie
Sandy Shaw
Sandy Wynns
Sanisah Huri
The Sanshers
The Santells
The Sapphire Thinkers
The Sapphires
Sarah Vaughan
Sarah Vaughn
Sarolta Zalatnay
The Satin Bells
The Satisfactions
Saturday's Photograph
Saundra Mallett & The Vandellas
Savage Rose
The Scuzzies
The Sea Shells
The Secrets
The Seekers
Seka (Kojadinović)
The Sellwoods
The Sensations
The Sensations Featuring Yvonne Baker
September Jones
The Sequins
Serena from Bewitched
Serge Gainsbourg & Brigitte Bardot
Sergio Mendes & Brasil ’66
Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66
Sergio Mendez & Brasil ‘66
Sergio Mendez & Brasil 66
Set 1 Recap
Sette Latini
The Seventh Dawn
sex education record
The Shaggs
The Sham-Ettes
the shamettes
Shang Guan Su Shen
The Shangri-La's
The Shangri Las
The Shangri-Las
Shangri Las
Shannon and the Clams
Shannon & The Clams
Shannon Shaw
The Shannons
Shapes and Sizes
The Sharades
The Sharlets
The Sharmettes
Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings
Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings
Sharon Lynn
Sharon Marie
Sharon Soul
Sharon Tandy
Sharon Tandy & Fleur de Lys
Sharon Tandy & Les Fleur De Lys
the sharonettes
The She Bangs
She Trinity
The She Trinity
Sheila North
Shelby Flint
Shelley Fabares
Shelley Shoop & The Shakers
The Shepherd Sisters
The Sheppard Sisters
Sheree Scott
Sheri Taylor
Sherlie Mathews
Sherrell Townsend
Sherri Weine
Sherry & The Inverts
Sherry Grooms
The Sherry Sisters
Sherry Starlyn
The Sherry's
The Sherrys
The Sherwoods
The Shimmy's
The Shirelles
The Shirlelles
Shirley Abicair
Shirley & Lee
Shirley Bassey
Shirley Ellis
Shirley Gunter & The Flairs
Shirley Hughey
Shirley Lawson
Shirley Matthews
Shirley Matthews and the Big Town Girls
Shirley Matthews & The Big Town Girls
Shirley Nair & The Silver Strings
Shirley Scott
Shirley Scott And The Soul Saxes
Shirley Vaughn
Shocking Blue
The Shocking Blue
Shona & The Party Lights
The Shondelles
The Shondells
The Shrills
The Sierras
The Significant Other
The Significiant Other
Silkie & The Shantungs
Silky & The Shantungs
The Silver Sisters
Simeone Jackson
Simon Scott
Simone Dina
Simone Jackson
The Singers
The Singing Guitars
Sinner Strong
Sissie Houston
Sister Cookie and the Soulful Orchestra
The Sisters
Siti Zaiton & The Twilites
Siw Malmkvist
The Six Teens
Skeeter Davis
Skeetter Davis
Slim Harpo
The Slingbacks
The Sloopys
Smitty Williams
The Smoggers
The Snobs
The Socialites
The Society Girls
Society's Childen
Society's Children
Sodsai Cheangkij
Soledad Miranda
Sonia Reff & Jeff Francy
Sonia Rose
The Sonnetts
Sonny & Cher
Sonny Terry
Sophie Jose
Sophie Mansart
The Soul Sisters
The Soulful Strings
The Southern Belles
The Southern Bells
Spanky & Our Gang
Spanky Wilson
Spany & Our Gang
The Sparkles
Special guest ANGIE McGOWAN
The Spike Drivers
The Split Level
Spongy and the Dolls
The Sprytes
Squibby and The Reflections
St George & Tana
St. George and Tana
Stanley Black and His Orchestra and Chorus
The Star-Treks
The Starlets
The Starletts
The Starlilngs
The Status Cymbal
The Steampacket
Stefanie (Simon)
The Steinways
Stelvio Cipriani and Olympia
Stelvio Cirpiani
Steve & The Board
Stevie Kimball
The Stone Poneys feat. Linda Ronstadt
Stormie and Sunny
stormie wynters
Stormy Gayle
The Stylettes
Sue & Sunny
Sue Lynn
Sue Lyon
Sue Lyon & Orchestra
Sue Perrin
Sue Raney
Sue Thompson
Sue Winford
Sugar and Spice
Sugar & Sweet
Sugar & The Spices
Sugar 'n' Spice
Sugar 'n Spice
Sugar Pie Desanto
The Sugar Shoppe
Sugarpie DeSanto
the sultanas
Summer's Children
The Summers Children
The Summits
Sunday & The Menn
The Sunforest
Sunny Gale
Sunny Girls
The Sunny GIrls
Sunrise Highway
The Sunshine Company
Sunshine Company
The Supremes
The Surf Bunnies
The Surfer Girls
Surfer Girls, The
The Surfettes
Susan Barrett
Susan Christie
Susan Hart
Susan King
Susan Lynne
Susan Maugham
Susan Maughn
Susan Rafey
Susan Rewis
Susan Singer
Susan Smith
Susan Wayne
Susanne Weber and the Mushrooms
Suzanne Clark
Suzanne Doucette
Suzanne Gabriello
Suzanne with the Band-Aides
Suzi Chunk
Suzi Clark
Suzi Jane Hokom
Suzi Jane Hokum
Suzi Wallis
Suzie Kaye
Suzy Clark
Suzy Cope
Suzy Wallis
The Swans
The Sweet Delights
The Sweet Inspirations
the sweet ones
The Sweet Somethings
The Sweet Three
The Sweethearts
The Sweeties
The Sweets
Swingin' 2nd Set Rundown
Syd & Cheri
Syd Dale
The Sylte Sisters
Sylvia Robbins
Sylvia Syms
Sylvie Anne
Sylvie Maddox
Sylvie Mora
Sylvie Vartan
Tacey Robbins
Taffie Lee
The Taffys
Tamara Koran & Perception
Tambi Garret
Tami Lynn
Tamiko Jones
Tammi and The Bachelors
Tammi Terrell
Tammi Terrell and Marvin Gaye
Tammy & The Sounds
Tammy Grimes
Tammy McKnight
Tammy Montgomery
tammy montgomery (tammi terrell)
Tammy St. John
Tammy Wayne
The Tammys
The Tammy's
The Tangeers
Tanya Day
Tanya Day & The New Notes
Tarantula Ghoul and her Grave Diggers
Tarantula Ghoul & Her Gravediggers
Tari Stevens
Tashiro Green
The Tassels
The Tassles
Tawney Reed
Tawney Williams
Tawny Reed
Tawny Williams
The Teardrops
The Tears
Techo & The Students
The Teen Dreams
The Teenettes
Teeny & Tony and the Bushbabies
The Telltales
Tempi Lorrin & The Candy Girls
Teola Guillory
The Ter-ells
Teresa Khoo And Her Five Notes
Teri Nelson Group
The Termites
Terri Cirell And the Back Beats
Terri Nelson Group
Terry & The Tunisians
Terry Ann
Terry Corin and Her Boy Friends
Terry Corin &The Mellows
Tetes Blanches
Thank you for playing along!
Thee Headcoatees
Thee Outlets
Thee Tsunamis
Thelma Brown
Thelma Houston
Thelma Jones
Theme to The Female Animal
Theola Kilgore
Theresa Lindsay
The Thornton Sisters
The Three Degrees
The Three Quarters
Three's a Crowd
The Thrills
The Tiaras
Tiffany & The Thoughts
Tiffany Michael
Tiffany With The Thoughts
The Tiffanys
Tiger! Tiger!
The Tijuana Brass
The Tilton Sisters
Timi Yuro
Tina Britt
Tina Mason
Tina Roberts
Tina Robin
Tina Tott
Tiny Tip and the Tops
Tiny Topsy
Tiny Yong
The Tip Tops
To Sir With Love
Tobi Legend
The Tomboys
Tommy King & the Starlites
The Tonettes
Toni Carroll
Toni Daly
Toni Len
Toni Mason
Toni McCann
Toni McCann With The Blue Jays
Toni McCann w/ The Blue Jays
Toni Sante
Toni Santi
Toni Stante
Toni Wine
Tony & Siegrid
Too Much
Tootie & The Bouquets
The Toys
Tracey Dey
Tracie Robbins
Tracie Robins
Tracy Day
Tracy Rogers
Tracy Steel
Tracy Steele
The Trashwomen
Trea Dobbs
The Tremolons
The Trent Sisters
The Trilons
Trio Esperança
Trio Sourire
Tristen Schell
Trix and the Paramounts
Trudi Pitts
Trudy Pitts
Trudy Pitts & Mr. Carney
Trudy Van & The Realm
Truly Smith
Tuesday Weld
The Tulips
The Tumblers
The Tunespinners
Tupper Saussy & The Wayward Bus
Tutti Hill
The Twins
The Two Of Clubs
Two Of Clubs
Two Of Clubs, The
The Two Of Each
Two Of Each
Ulla ja Tiina
Ulla Pia
The Ultimate Spinach
Uncle Groovy featuring Suzi Chunk
The Uniques
United States of America
The United States Of America
The Unusuals
Uschi Moser
Usha Iyer & The Flinstones
Ushi Glas
The Utmosts
Val McKenna
Vala Reegan & The Valarons
Valentine & The Sweethearts
Valerie Masters
Valerie Mitchell
The Vals
The Vandellas
Vanja Stojkovic
The Vashonettes
Vashti Bunyan
The Vejetables with Jan Errico
The Vejtabales
The Vejtables
The Vel-Vets
Velva Darnell
The Velvelettes
Velvet Underground
The Velvet Underground
The Velvetones
The Ventures
Ventures, The
Véra Brasil
Verdelle Smith
Veretta Dillard
The Vernon Girls
The Vernons Girls
Vernons Girls
Veronica Lee
Veronica Lee & the Moniques
Véronique Sanson
The Veronon Girls
The Verons
The Verons Girls
The Versalettes
Vicki Forrest
Vicki Hill
Vicki Sallee
Vicki Young
Vicki Young and Charles Bud Dant Orchestra
Vickie and the Van Dykes
Vicky Gomez
Vicky Leandros
Victoire Scott
Victoree Scott
The Victorians
Vikki Carr
Village Callers
The Villagers
Violet Rivers
The Violets
The Violettes
The VIPs
The Virginia Wolves
Virginie Roden
The Visitors
Vivian Carol
Vivian Copeland
Vlasta Blahova
Voices in Latin
The Voladoras
The Vonairr Sisters
Wanda de Sah
Wanda Jackson
Wanda Sa
Wanda Sah
Wayne Cochrane
The We Five
The Weekends
Wenche Myhre
Wendy & Bonnie
Wendy and Bonnie
Wendy & The Gardenias
Wendy Hill
Wendy Rene
Wendy Turner
The West Winds
The Westwinds
The Westwoods
WFMU record fair 2024!
What Four
The What Four
The Whippets
The White Boots
The White Kicks
The Whyte Boots
The Wild Angels
The Wild Ones
The Wildcats
The Will-O-Bees
Willeke Alberti
The Willows
Wittek Maria & The Dogs
The Womenfolk
The Wonderettes
a word from Fontella Bass
The WordD
The Wright Sisters
Wynder K Frog
Wynonna Carr
Ya Su Rong
Ya Su Wrong
The Yankee Dollar
Yankee Dollar
The Yanklee Dollar
Yao Su Yong
Yao Su Yong & The Telstar Combo
Yma Sumac
Yolanda and the Castanets
Yolanda & The Charmanes
Yolanda and the Charmanes
Yolanda And The Charms
Yolanda & The Naturals
Yolanda White
Yolande Gibson
The Young Executives
The Young Sisters
The Young World Singers
Yukari Ito
The Yum Yums
Yumi Miru
Yves Et Patricia
Yvonne Baker
Yvonne Baker & the Sensations
Yvonne Barrett
Yvonne Caroll
Yvonne Carré
Yvonne Carroll
Yvonne Craig
Yvonne Fair
Yvonne Fair & the James Brown Band
Yvonne Prenosilova & The Olympic
Yvonne Vaughn
Yvonne Vaughn (Donna Fargo)
The Z-Debs
Zdenka Vučković
Zebra Stripes
Zebra Strypes
Zilla Mayes
The Zippers
Zoe & The Mini’s
Zoe & The Stormies
Zou Zou
Zsusza Koncz
Zsuza Koncz & Illes Zenkar
ZsuZsa Matray
Zsuzsa Matry

Go to Crayons to Perfume's playlists!

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