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Artists played on WFMU program: Centennial Songs - The Antique Phonograph Music Program with Mac
Go to Centennial Songs - The Antique Phonograph Music Program with Mac's playlists!
23rd. Regiment Band of N.Y.
3 different ones!
A. C. (Eck) Robertson
A.C. (Eck) Robertson
A.C.Eck Robertson
A.C (Eck) Robertson
A.C. Eck Robertson
A. H. Metz Wilson
Aad Jones & Billy Murray
Abe Lyman
Abe Lyman's California Orchestra
Ada Jones
Ada Jones and American Quartet
Ada Jones & Billy Murray
Ada Jones and Billy Murray
Ada Jones and Billy Watkins
Ada Jones and Len Spencer
Ada Jones & Len Spencer
Ada Jones & Steve Porter
Ada Jones & The American Quartet
Ada Jones and Walter Van Brunt
Ada Jones & Walter Van Brunt
Ada Sassoli
Adele Rowland
Adeline Francis
Adler, Weil and Herman and The California Sun-Kist Syncopators
Aeolian Concert Band
Agnes Hermann
Agnes Lynn
Aileen Stanley
Aileen Stanley and Billy Murray
Aileen Stanley & Billy Murray
Aileen Stanley & Billy "Uke" Carpenter
Aileen Stanly and Billy Murray
Al Bernard
Al Bernard and Ernest Hare
Al Bernard & Frank Ferrara
Al Bernard and Frank Kamplain
Al Bernard & Frank Kamplain
Al Bernard & Russel Robinson
Al Bowlly
Al Bowly
Al Friedman & his orchestra
Al Friedman & his ''Yoeng's'' Orchestra, Vocal by Vaughn DeLeath
Al Friedman & Vaughn DeLeath
Al Friedman's Young Dance Orchestra
Al. H. (Metz) Wilson
Al. H. Weston & Irene Young
Al Johnson
Al Jolson
Al Jolson with Isham Jones
Al Jolson with Ray Miller and His Orchestra
Al Katz & His Orchestra
Al Lentz and His Orchestra
Al Lynn's Music Masters
Al Trent
Al Weston
Al Weston & Irene Young
Albert and Monroe Jockers
Albert Benzler
Albert Campbell
Albert Campbell & Henry Burr
Albert Campbell and Henry Burr
Albert E. Short and His Tivoli Synchopators
Albert Giuesnal
Albert Henry
Albert Janpolski
Albert Kissneau
Albert Muller
Albert Quesal
Albert Salvi
Albert Weiderhold
Albert Whelan
Albert Wiederhold
Albert Wiederhold and Chorus
Alberta Hunter
Alberto Amadi
Alberto Salvi
Alec Johnson
Aleister Crowley
Alessio's Mandolin Quartet
Alessios Mandolin Quartet
Alex Hyde mit seinem New Yorker Original-Jazz-Orchester
Alexander Sterio
Alice Green
Alice Green & Raymond Dixon
Alice Lloyd
Alice Shaw
All Star Trio
All-Star Trio
All Start Trio
Allen Cross
Allessandro Bonci
Alma Gluck
Alma Gluck & Efrem Zimbalist
Alma Gluck & Louise Homer
Alma Gluck and Louise Homer
Alma Gluck - Louise Homer
Alphonso Trent & His Orchestra
Alpina Edngetgefellfdaft, Saltzburg
Alpina Gangerlgefellidraft
Alpina Sangergefelljchaft, Satzburg
Alpina Tangeftgefellichaft, Salzburg
Alpinia Gangergefellfchaft
"Alpinia" Gangergefelljdaft
Amanda Brown
Ambrose & His Orchestra
Amelita Galli-Curci
American Qua
American Quaretet
American Quartet
American Republic Band
American Singers
Amilita Galli-Curci
Amrican Quartet
Amy Butler
Andres Segovia
Andy Sannella and His Orchestra
Angelina Marco
Angiolo Pintucci
Anna Chandler
Annabelle Lee
Annette Hanshaw
Announcement sounds like E. L. Newhart?
Anonymous Band
Anonymous bird from the Reich Aviary
Anonymous Cornet solo
Anonymous Home Recording
Anonymous Hungarian Gypsy Band
Anonymous Laughing Record
Anonymous Male Qurtette
Anonymous (Murray K Hill?)
Anonymous Quartet
Anonymous Singers and Band
Anonymous - SPENCER & GIRARD
Anson Weeks
Antonio Vargas
Apollo Quartet of Boston
Apollo Quartette
Ardell Bragg
Arethgur Pryor's Band
The Arkansas Serenaders Vocal by Arthur Hall
Arnold Johnson and His Orchestra
Arpád Varosz Orchestra
Art Gillham
Art Hickman's Orchestra
Art Landry and His Orchestra
Art Linkletter and Diane
Arthirs Fields
Arthur Briggs with Orchestra
Arthur Brown
Arthur Clough
Arthur Collins
Arthur Collins & Byron G. Harlan
Arthur Collins and Byron G. Harlan
Arthur de Greef
Arthur Fields
Arthur Fields and His Assasinators
Arthur Fields and his Assassinators
Arthur Fields and Peerless Quartet
Arthur Fileds
Arthur Gibbs and His Gang
Arthur Gibbs and his Orchestra
Arthur Godfrey
Arthur Hall
Arthur Hall & Chorus
Arthur Hall & Co.
Arthur Lange and His Orch
Arthur Lange & His Orchestra
Arthur Lange and His Orchestra
Arthur Moss & Ed Frye
Arthur Pryor
Arthur Pryor’s Band
Arthur Pryors Band
Arthur Pryor's Band
Arthur Pyor's Band
Arthur Tracy
Arthur Williams and His Melody Boys
The Astorites
The Astrolites
Athenian Mandolin Orchestra
Athenian Mandolin Quartet
Atlantic Dance Orchestra
The Avalonians
Avon Comedy Four
Azul y Blanca
B. A. Rolfe ahd his Orch.
B. A. Rolfe and his Orchestra
B.A. Rolfe and his Palais D'or Orchestra
B. B. King
B Calnon
Baby Rose Marie
The Bachelors
Bailey's Lucky Seven
Baldwin's Cadet Band
Baldwin's Cadet Band of Boston
Baltimore Society Orchestra
Banda Sinfonica
Banda Victor
Banjo Ikey Robinson & His Bull Fiddle Band
The Bar Harbor Society Orchestra
Baritone Solo (?)
Barney Bernard
Barth's Mississippi
Barth's Mississippians
Battery Band of N.Y.
Bayr Hochland Zither Trio
Bayr. Hochland Zither Trio
Be Bop Deluxe
Beans Hambone / El Morrow
The Beatles
Beatrice Kay
Belle Baker
Belle Baker w/ The Virginians
Bells of Old Trinity New York
Bells of The Old Trinity Church
Ben Bernie
Ben Bernie Orchestra
Ben Pollack and his Californians
Ben Selvin and His Orchestra
Ben Selvin’s Novelty Orch
Ben Selvin’s Novelty Orchestra
Bennett & Larkin
Bennie Krueger & His Orch
Bennie Krueger’s Orchestra
Bennie Krueger's Orchestra
Benny Carter
Benny Davis
Benny Goodman and His Orchestra
Benny Goodman Trio
Benson Orch of Chicago
The Benson Orch of Chicago
Benson Orchestra Of Chicago
The Benson Orchestra of Chicago
Bentley Ball
Bently Ball
Berkes Bela
Berkes Bela advari rendexes zenekara
Berkes Bela advari rendezes zenekara
Berlin Orchestra
Bernard and Hare
Bernard & Hare
Bernard and Robinson
Bernard & Robinson (The Dixie Stars)
Bernard Etté
Bernardo & Nino Di Pace
Bernardo Di Pace and Nino Di Pace
Bernie Cummins' New Yorker Hotel Orchestra
Bernie Krueger
Bert Courtney
Bert Dolan's Chateau Prchestra
Bert Harvey
Bert Williams
Bessie Brown
Bessie Calkins Shipman
Bessie Jackson
Bessie Smith
Bessie Smith & Clara Smith
Bessie Smith and Clara Smith
Bessie Smith & Her Blue Boys
Bessie Tucker
Bestline Chorus
Beth Challis
The Better 1/2's
Bieling & Dudley with Hayden Quartet
The Big Bopper
Bill Doggett
Bill Haley & His Comets
Bill Virges and His Orchestra
Billly Williams
Billy B. Van
Billy Ford and the Thunderbirds
Billy Golden
Billy James' Dance Orchestra
Billy Jones
Billy Jones & Ernest Hare
Billy Jones and Ernest Hare
Billy Jones and Ernie Hare
Billy Meerson
Billy Merrin & His Commanders
Billy Merson
Billy Murray
Billy Murray & Ada Jones
Billy Murray and Ada Jones
Billy Murray & Bradley Barker
Billy Murray and Chorus
Billy Murray & Ed Smalle
Billy Murray and Ed. Smalle
Billy Murray & Hayden Quartet
Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet
Billy Murray and Tha Hayden Quartet
Billy Murray & The Hayden Quartet
Billy Murray - Ed Smalle
Billy Murray on National Barn Dance
Billy Murray on the radio!
Billy Sunday Chorus
Billy Van
Billy Watkins
Billy West
Billy West & Bob Thomas
Billy Williams
Billy Wynne and His Orch
Billy Wynne's Greenwich Village Orchestra
Binghampton Kiwanis Quartet
Bix Beiderbecke
Bix Beiderbecke & his Orchestra
"Black Face" Eddie Ross
“Black Face” Eddie Ross
Blackface Eddie Ross
“Blackface” Eddie Ross
"Blackface" Eddie Ross
Blanche Klaise
Blanche Ring
Blind Joe Taggart
Blossom Seely
Blue and White Marimba Band
The Blue Dandies
Blue Grass Foot Warmers
Blue Water Yacht Club Orchestra
The Blues Chasers
Bob & Monte
Bob and Monte
Bob Deikman And His Orchestra
Bob Green's Dance Orchestra
Bob Gregory's Dance Orchestra
Bob Haring and his Orch
Bob Haring and His Orchestra
Bob Hoffman
Bob Lett
Bob McAllister
Bob Nelson
Bob Roberts
Bob Thomas
Bob White
Bob Wills & His Texas Playboys
Bobby Tuggle
Bohemian Orchestra
Bohimir Kryl
Bohimir Kryl's Bohemian Band
Bohumir Kryl
Bohumir Kryl and his Band
Boswell Sisters
The Boswell Sisters
Boyd Senter
Brejean - Silver Scaramberg
Brilliant Quartet
Broadway Bell Hops
The Broadway Bellhops
Broadway Bellhops
Broadway Broadcasters
Broadway Dance Orchestra
Broadway Quartet
Broni Leiter
Broni Lieter
The Brox Sisters
Brox Sisters
Bruce Wallace
Brunswick Concert Band
Brunswick Quartet
Bryon G. Harlan
Buchanan Brothers
Buddy Holly
Buono & Chiafferelli
Burt Shepard
Burt Sheperd
Butter beans and Susie
By Santa Claus Himself (Ernest Hare)
Byron G. Harlan
Byron G Harlan
Byron G. Harlan and Steve Porter
Byron Harlan
Byron Harlan & Ada Jones
Cab Calloway
Cab Calloway and His Orchestra
Cal Stewart
California Rambler
California Ramblers
The California Ramblers
The California Ramblers featuring Billy Murray
California Ramblers VR=Phil Dewey
Cambell and Burr
Cameo Dance Orch
Cameo Dance Orchestra
Campbell and Burr
Campbell & Burr
Campbell and Harrison
Campbell, Burr & Oakland
Campus Boys
The Campus Cut Ups
Canadian Military Band
Cantonese Duet
Cantonese duet w/ accompaniment
Cantonese Singer
Cantonese Song with accompaniment
Captain Kangeroo
Carl Braun
Carl Fenton"s Orchestra
Carl J. Asbury
Carl T. Sprague
Carl T Sprauge
Carleton Terrace Orchestra
Carlisle Brothers
The Carloliners
Carlton Terrace Orchestra
Carnival of Venice
Carol C Clark
Carol Clark
Carolina Minstrels
Carrol C Clark
Carroll C Clark
Carroll C. Clark
Carroll Clark
Carson Robinson Trio
Carson Robison Trio
Carter and His Orchestra
The Carter Family
Caruso, Sembrich, Scotti & Severina
Casa Loma Orchestra
Casino Dance Orch (Jos. Knecht Orch)
Casino Dance Orchestra
Casino Orchestra
Catherine Russell
The Cats & the Fiddle
Chain Gang Blues
The Charioteers
Charles Capper
Charles Crafts
Charles D'Almaine
Charles D'Armaine
Charles Daab
Charles Dalton and His Orchestra
Charles DeLong ?
Charles Dornberger and His Orchestra
Charles G Widden
Charles G. Widdén
Charles Gorst
Charles Harrison
Charles Harrison & The Broadway Quartet
Charles Hart
Charles Hart & Elliot Shaw
Charles Jolly
Charles Kellogg
Charles Lowe
Charles Magnante
Charles Nabell
Charles Penrose
Charles Ross Tagart
Charles Ross Taggart
Charles Trenet
The Charleston Chasers
Charley Chase
Charlie Chase
Charlie Fry And His Million-Dollar Pier Orchestra
Chauncey Olcott
The Chautauqua Preachers' Quartette
Chicago Blues Dance Band
Chicago Glee Club
Chick and Andy - The "Jazz" Twins
Chicken Delight
China Gir
Chubb-Steinberg Orch of Cinncinnati
Chubby Parker
City Boy
Clara Smith
Clara Smith and Her Jazz Trio
Clarence Whitehall
Clarence Williams' Blue Five
Clarence Williams Blue Five
Clarice Vance
Clarke & Millhouse
Claude Coma
The Clevlanders
Cliff Carlisle
Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards And His Hot Combination
Cliff Edwards (Ukulele Ike)
Cliff Jackson
Cliff Nobles
The Clovers
Club De Vingt Orchestra
Club Royal Orch
Club Royal Orchestra
Club Vingt Orchestra
Clyde Doer
Clyde Doerr and his Orch
Clyde Doerr and His Orchestra
The Collegians
Collins and Harlan
Collins & Harlan
Collins and Natus
Collins and Stept
Collins Trio
Colloins and Harlan
Colloins & Harlan
Colonial Quartet
Columbia Band
Columbia Comedy Trio
Columbia Dance Demonstration Record
Columbia Dance Orchestra
Columbia Ladies Quartet
Columbia Male Octette
Columbia Mixed Chorus
Columbia Orch
Columbia Orchestra
Columbia Quartet
Columbia Quartette
The Columbia Quartette
Columbia Saxaphone Sextette
Columbia Saxophone Sextet
Columbia Stellar Quartette
Columbia Symphony Orchestra
Columbia Turkish Orchestra
Columbia Vocal Quartette
The Columbians
Conrad Grey's Mariners
The Continental
Conway’s Band
Conway's Band
Coon-Sanders Novelty Orchestra
Coon Sanders Original Nighthawk Orchestra
Coon-Sanders' Original Nighthawk Orchestra
Coon-Sanders Original Nighthawks Orchestra
Corinne Morgan and Frank C. Stanley
Coronet Solo with Orchestra
Corrine Morgan and Frank C Stanley
Cosmopolitan Dance Orchestra
Cotton Pickers
The Cotton Pickers
Cotton Pickers Orchestra
Cotton Picker's Orchestra
The Cotton Pickers (= Original Memphis Five)
The County Harmonizers
Cousins and DeMoss
The Craftsmen
Crane & Chorus
Crazy Rhythm
Creatore's Band
Crescent Trio
Cresent Trio
Cripple Clarence Lofton
Crippled Clarence Lofton
Criterion Quartet
the Croonaders with Van Buren Clark
Cullen and Collins
Cy Stebbins
D Medoff
D. Medovy
D Vignon
D Viniot
D. Wormser
D Wormser
Dale Wimbrow and his Rubeville Tuners
Dale Winbrow
Dallas String Band with Coley Jones
Dan Gregory's Orch
Dan Gregory’s Orch
Dan Gregory’s Orchestra
Dan Kelly
Dan Levinson
Dan W.Quinn
Dan W Quinn
Dan W. Quinn
Dance Orchestra
The Dandridge Sisters
Daniel Wyper
Dave Harmon and His Orchestra
Davey Miller
David Geddes
David Kline
De Wolf Hopper
Debbie Harry
Delarobia Orchestra
Della Robbia Orchestra
Demonstration Record
Descriptive Orchestra
Desi Arnez
Desi Arnez & His Orchestra
DeWolf Hopper
DeWolfe Hopper
Dexter Logan & Darrell Edwards
Dick Cherwin and His Orchestra (uncredited vocal by Murray)
Dinah Shore
Dixie Daisies
Dixie Daisis
Dixie Rag Pickers
The Dixie Stompers
Dixie Trio
Dixie Troubadours
Dixieland Jug Blowers
The Dixon Brothers
The Dizzy Trio
Dolly Connolly
Dolly Connoly
Dolly Kay
The Dominoes
Don Frye
Don’t Never Trust a Traveling Man
Dorothy Kingsley
Dorothy Lee and Morton Downey
The Down Hill Strugglers
Dr. Clarance Penny
Dr. Clarence Penny
Dr. Suess
Duane Eddy
Dubin's Dandies
Dude Martin's Round Up Gang
"Duet" (unknown duet)
Duke Ellington
The Duncan Sisters
Duncan Sisters
Dwight Fiske
The Dying Hobo
E. V. Stoneman
E.V. Stoneman
Eagles/Journey/Bon Jovi
Earl & Bell
Earl and Bell
Earl Bostic
Earl Fuller’s Famous Jazz Band
Earl Fuller's Famous Jazz Band
Earl Fuller’s Novelty Orch
Earl Fuller’s Orchestra
Earl Fuller’s Rector Novelty Band
Earl Fuller’s Rector Novelty Orch
Earl Fullers Rector Novelty Orchestra
Earl Fuller's Rector Novelty Orchestra
Earl Fullers’ Rector Novelty Orchestra
Earl Fuller’s Rector Novelty Orchestra
Earl Hines
Earl Hines & His Orchestra
Earl Nightingale
Earl Oliver's Jazz Babies
Earl Oliver’s Jazz Babies VR=Tom Stacks
Ebony Emperors of Melody
Ebony Emporers
Ed Ames
Ed Gallager & Al Sheen
Ed Gallagher & Al Shean
Ed Gallagher and Al Sheen
Ed Gallagher & Mr. Shean
Ed McEnelly's Orchestra (Vocals by Billy Murray)
Ed Meeker
Ed Morton
Eddie "Blackface" Ross
Eddie Cantor
Eddie Elkins' Orchestra
Eddie Hunter
Eddie Hunter & Alex Rogers
Eddie Morton
Eddie Nelson
Eddie Peabody
Eddie Peabody and his Band
Eddie Peabody & His Band
Eddie South & His Alabamians
Eddie South & His Orchestra
Eddy Hunter
Edgar C. Davenport
Edgar Davenport
Edgar L. Davenport
Edison Band
Edison Concert Band
Edison Concert Band & Mixed Chorus
Edison Military Band
Edison Minstrels
Edison-Orchester Berlin
Edison Promonade Band
The Edison Quartet
Edison Quartet
Edison Quartette
Edison Symphony
Edison Symphony Orchestra
Edison Vaudeville Company
Edith Day
Edith Vaughn
Edith Wilson
Edith Wilson and Johnny Dunn's Original Jazz Hounds
Edith Wilson with Doc Straine
Edna Bailey
Edna Brown
Edna Hicks
Edna Hicks I’m Going Away
Edna White
The Edna White Quartet
Edna White Trumpet Quartet
Edna White Trumpet Quartette
Edna WhiteTrumpet Quartet
Edody and His Famous Orchestra
Edward Avis
Edward Avis & Howard Garis
Edward Avis & Howard R. Garis
Edward Avis with Howard Garvis
Edward Favor
Edward Hamilton
Edward Herborn and James Wheeler
Edward Herborn & James Wheeler
Edward M. Favor
Edward M Favor
Edward M Favor of Righteous 1492 Company
Edward Meeker
Edward Rubsam
Edwark Meeker
Edwin Dale and George Reardon
Effie & Charles Tyus
Effie Tyus & Charles Tyus w/ Clarence Williams
Effrem Kiriloff
Eine Weihnachtsbescherung
El Morrow
Elinda Morris and Sam Ash
Elite Orkestern
Elite - Orkestern
Elizabeth Spencer
Elizabeth Spencer & Walter Van Brunt
Elizabeth Wheeler
Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong
Ellen Beach Yaw
Ellery Band
Ellington and His Cotton Club Orchestra
The Elliotts
Elnick Boda
Elsie Baker
Elsie Baker and Billy Murray
Elsie Clark
Elsie Janis
Emerson, Lake and Palmer
Emerson Military Band
Emil Coleman & His Club Trocadero Orchestra
Emil Coleman & His Montmartre Orchestra
Emil Muench
Emile Coleman & His Montmartre Orchestra
Emile Herzog
Emile Munch
Emilio de Gogorza
Emilio de Gorgorza
Emma Leuis
Emma Lewis
Emma Louis
Emmett Miller
Emmett’s German Yodel
Empire Trio
Empire Vaud Company
Empire Vaudeville Co.
Emry Arthur
Enekelte Kiraly Erno
Enrico Caruso
Enrico Caruso 2000
Enrico Caruso and Antonio Scotti
Enrico Caruso & Emilio de Gogorza
Enrico Caruso & Geraldine Farrar
Ermine Calloway
Ernest Hare
Ernest Hare and Al Bernard
Ernest Hare and Billy James
Ernest Hare & Steve Porter
Ernest Hussar & His Hotel Claridge Orchestra
Ernest Jones and Billy Hare
Ernest Pike
Ernest Pike & Peter Dawson
Ernest Stoneman
Ernest Thompson
Ernest V. Stoneman
Ernest Van Dyke
Ernestiine Shumann - Heink
Ernets Hare
Ernets Jones & Billy Hare
Ernie Golden and His Hotel Mc Alpin Orchestra
Ernie Golden And His Orchestra
Ernie Mayne
Erno Rapee's Orchestra
Ernst Hare
Esther Walker
Esther Wlaker
Ethel Olson
Ethel Ridley
Ethel Waters
Ethel Waters and Her Ebony Four
Ethyl Ridley
Eubie Blake and His Orch
Eubie Blake and His Orchestra
Eubie Blake and his Shuffle Along Orch
Eubie Blake and His Shuffle Along Orchestra
Eubie Blake & Noble Sissle
Eubie Blake and Noble Sissle
Eugene Buckley and Peerless Quartette
Eugene Feuchtinger
Eugene Rose
Europe's Society Orchestra
Europe’s Society Orchestra
Eva Taylor
Eva Taylor (piano Clarence Williams)
Evan Davies
Evelyn Scotney
Eveready Hour Group
Exene Cervenka
F.J. Bacon
F.R. Kinkee
The Faber Sisters
Fagan & James
The Famous Blue Jay Singers
Fanfara del 120 Reggeto Bersaglieri
Fanfara del 120 Reggio Bersaglieri
Fanny Brice
Farber Sisters
Farm Relief Song
The Fat Boy and His Kid Kalorie Kombine
Fats Waller
Fatty Martin's Orchestra with Irene Taylor
Felix Arndt
Fess Williams & His Royal Flush Orch.
Fess Williams and His Royal Flush Orchestra
Fiddlin’ Powers and Family
Fiddlin' Frank Nelson
Fiddlin' John Carson
Fiddlin’ John Carson
Fiddlin’ John Carson and His Virginia Reelers
Fiddlin' John Carson & His Virginia Reelers
Fiddlin' Powers and Family
Fiddlin’ Powers and Family
Fiddling John Carson
Fiddling Powers & Family
Figli di Ciro
Finzel's Arcadia Orchestra of Detroit
The Fisk University Jubilee Quartet
Fisk University Jubilee Quartet
Fisk University Jubilee Singers
Fisk University Quartet
Five Harmaniacs
Five Harmoniacs
Fletcher Henderson & His Orch.
Fletcher Henderson & His Orchestra
Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra
Florence Cole-Talbert
Florence Hinkle & M Keys
Florentine Quartet
The Florida Four
The Floridians
Florrie Ford
Florrie Forde
Ford Hanford
Ford Hanford and His Carpenters Saw
Foster Richardson
The Four Aces
The Four Blackbirds
The Four Harmony Kings
Four Komical Kards
The Four Modernaires
The Four Sicilians
Franbk Barton with Tom Coakley and his Orchestra
Frances Alda
Frances White
Francis J Lapitino
Francis J. Lapitino
Frank & James McCravey
Frank Banta
Frank Banta and Cliff Hess
Frank Banta & Cliff Hess
Frank Banta and Harry Akst
Frank Banta & Harry Akst
Frank Biffo and His Brass Quartet
Frank C Stanley
Frank C. Stanley
Frank Coombs
Frank Coombs & Ernest Aldwell
Frank Crumit
Frank Crumit & Lew Brown
Frank Crumit with Paul Biese Trio
Frank Crummit
Frank Curtis
Frank Evans
Frank Farrell and His Greenwich Village Inn Orchestra
Frank Ferera
Frank Ferera - Anthony Franchini
Frank Haffort
Frank Kamplain
Frank Kernell
Frank La Forge
Frank Lenord
Frank Lombard
Frank Luther
Frank Sinatra
Frank Stanley
Frank Stokes
Frank Wallace
Frank Webber
Frank Westphal and His Orchestra
Frank Williams
Frank Wilson
Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention
Frankie Half Pint Jaxon
Frankie Marvin
Frankie Trumbauer
Frankie Wallace
Franz Fidurtichentaler
Franz Lichurtichentaler
Franz Porten
Franz Tichurticheutaler Meran
Frd Van Eps
Fred and Adele Astaire
Fred Arthurs
Fred Douglas
Fred Duprez
Fred Hillebrand
Fred Landau
Fred Rich and his Hotel Astor Orch
Fred Rich and His Orch
Fred Rich and His Orchestra
Fred Van Epps
Fred Van Eps
Fred Van Eps Trio
Fred Vernon
Fred Whitehouse
Freddie Rich
Frederic Rose
Friars Society Orchestra
Fridgidare's New Year Message
Friedrich von Mathieu (possibly Rudolf Berger)
Frisco „Jass“ Band
Frisco Jass Band
Frisco Jazz Band
Fritz Kreisler
Fritzi Massary
Fritzi Massary & Max Pallenberg
Furman & Nash
Furman and Nash
G Green
G..H. Elliot
G H Elliot
G Hepburn Wilson
Gabriel Soulacroix
Gallagher and Shean
The Gallahads
Galli-curci, Egener, Caruso, de Luca, Journet, Bada
Galli-curci, Homer, Gigli, de Luca, Pinza, Bada
Garde Republicaine Band
Garde Republicaine Band of France
Gene Austin
Gene Austin & Art Fowler
Gene Austin & Billy "Uke" Carpenter
Gene Austin and Carson Robinson
Gene Fosdick's Hoosiers
Gene Green
Gene Greene
‘Gene Greene
Gene Greene (?)
'Gene Greene
Gene Kardos & His Orchestra
Gene Rodemich’s Orchestra
Gene Rodemich's Orchestra
Gennett Trio
Gentle Giant
Geoffrey O'Hara
Geoge Reneau
Geoge Watson
Georg Robert Biberti
George Alexander
George Faulkner
George Formby
George Formby SENIOR
George Gaskin
George Gordon
George H. O'Connor
George Hamilton Green
George J. Gaskin
George Jessel
George L. Thompson
George M. Cohan
George McNeice
George Meader
The George Melly Trio
George O’Connor
George O'Connor
George Olsen
George Olsen and His Music
George P Watson
George P. Watson
George Price
George Reneau
George Riley Puckett
George Riley Puckett & Gid Tanner
George Stehl
George Stehl, Marshall Lufsky and Paul Surth
George van Dusen
George Watson
George Watts
George Williams
George Williams & Bessie Brown
George Williams and Bessie Brown
George W. Johnson
George Zamfir
Georgene Faulkner
Georgia Melodians
Georgia Melody Makers
Georgia Rose
Georgia Strutters
The Georgians
Georgie Pr
Georgie Price
Georgine Faulker
German Cavalry Band
German Kinderchoir
German Orchestra
German (?) Polka Band
Gert and Daisy
Giacomo Ramini
Gid Tanner
Gid Tanner and George Reily Puckett
Gid Tanner and George Riley Puckett
Gid Tanner and Riley Puckett
Gilbert & Chapman
Gilbert Gerard
Gilbert Gerard & Russell Hunting
Gilbert Gerard and Russell Hunting
Gilbert Girard & Co.
Gilbert Girard and Company
Gilbert Holt
Gipsy Band
Gitta Alpar
Glacier Park Indians
Gladys Woods
Glantz and his Orch
Glanz and his Orchestra
Glen Gray and His Orchestra
Glodman Band
Glydwr Mountain Ash Welsh Male Choir
Glyndwr Mountain Ash Walsh Male Choir
Glyndwr Mountain Ash Welsh Male Choir
Goegre Gaskin
Golden and Heins
Golden & Heins
Golden and Hughes
Golden & Hughes
Golden and Marlowe
Golden Gate Orch
Golden Gate Orch (CA Ramblers)
Golden Gate Orch (CA Ramblers) VR= Hall & Ryan
Golden Gate Orchestra
The Goldman Band
Goody Goodelle
Gorman's Novelty Syncopators
Grace Kerns & Barnes Wells
Grace Kerns & John Barnes Wells
Grace Nash & Sam Ash
Grace Nash and Sam Ash
Grace Nelson and Frank C Stanley
The Great White Way Orch
The Great White Way Orchestra
Great White Way Orchestra
The Great Whiteway Orchestra
Green Bros Novelty Orch
Green Brothers' Marimba Band
Green Brother’s Marimba Orch
Green Brothers Novelty Band
Green Brother's Novelty Band
Green Brother's Novelty Orchestra
Grey Gull Band
Guido Deiro
Guido Dieiro
Guido Diero
Guido Gialdidi
Guido Gialdini
Guio Gialdini
Gulf Coast Seven
The Gulf Coast Seven
Guns N' Roses
Gus Van
Guy Maier & Lee Pattison
Gypsy Band
H. Benne Hendon
H Benne Henton
H. Radermans Jazz Orch.
Hack String Band
Hackel-Berge Orchestra
Hackett & Chorus
Hairy Bey “Oody”
Hal and Ryan
Haley Fisk
Haley Fisk - President Metropolitan Life Insurance
Haley Fiske
Hall and Ryan
Handy’s Orch of Memphis
Handy's Orchestra
Handy’s Orchestra
Handy’s Orchestra of Memphis
Handy's Orchestra of Memphis
Hans Kronold
The Happiness Boys
The Happy Six
Happy Six
Harlan & Porter
Harlan and Stanley
Harlan & Stanley
Harlaon & Belmont
The Harmonians
The Harmonians (Vocal Irving Kaufman)
The Harmonizers
Harmony Band
Harold Veo
Harper and Collins
Harper and Coralie
Harrison Latimer
Harry Anthony
Harry Blake
Harry Blake & Robert Judson
Harry Browne
Harry C. Brown
Harry C. Browne
Harry C Browne
Harry C. Browne and Knickerbocker Quartet
Harry C. Browne and Peerless Quartet
Harry Champion
Harry E Humphery
Harry E. Humphrey
Harry E Humphrey
Harry Ellis
Harry Fay
Harry Fey
Harry Frankel
Harry Hershfield
Harry James and His Orchestra
Harry Lauder
Harry Macdonough
Harry MacDonough & The Hayden Quartet
Harry McClasky
Harry McDonough
Harry Nilsson
Harry Raderman's Jazz Orchestra
Harry Raderman’s Jazz Orchestra
Harry Raederman's Jazz Orchestra
Harry Raederman's Orchestra
Harry Reser's Rounders
Harry Reser's Syncopators
Harry Richman
Harry Robinson
Harry Roy
Harry Roy and his Batclub Boys
Harry Smith
Harry Snodgrass
Harry Tally
Harry Tate
Harry Tate and Company
Harry Trevor
Harry Watson
Harvey Watson
Hawaiian Beach Combers
Hawaiian Instrumental Trio
Hawaiian Trio
Hayden Quartet
Haydn Quartet
Hazel Meyers
Healy & Cross
Hector Grant, Herbert Payne, Walter Miller & Johnny Wakefield
Heidelberg Quartet
Heidelberg Quintet
Heidelburg Quartet
Helen Baxter
Helen Baxter as Helen Coleman
Helen Clark & Billy Murray
Helen Clark and Irving Gillette
Helen Clark & Irving Gillette
Helen Clark and Walter Van Brunt
Helen Gurly Brown
Helen Kane
Helen Louise and Frank Ferera
Helen Louise & Frank Ferera
Helen Trix
Helen Trix and Dan W. Quinn
Helex Trix
Henkle and Anthony
Henry Allen Price
Henry Burr
Henry Klauser
Henry Lindman & His Crystal Palace Orchestra
Henry Whitter
Henry Witter
Herbert Stuart
Herbert Stuart and Billy Burton
Herbert Stuart and Burton
Herman's Hermits
High Society Seven
Hilarity Makers
The Hill Billies
The Hillbillies
Hilo Hawaiian Orchestra
Hobo Jack Turner
"Hobo" Jack Turner
“Hobo” Jack Turner
Holding's Military Band
Hollywood Dance Orchestra
Holy Trinity Male Quartet
Home Again Blues
Home recording
Homer Rodeheaver
Honey Duke and His Uke
Horace Wright
Horard Kopp and Samuel Jospe
Howard Blackburn
Howard Kopp
Howard Kopp and Samuel Jospe
Howard Kopp & Samuel Jospe
Howard Kopp & Sanuel Jospe
Hugh Donovan
Hugh Donovan (Charles Harrison)
Hungain Crardas
Hy and Heidi
I Dubrow
I Wish I Was a Single Girl again
I Wish There Was a Wireless to Heaven
Ignace Jan Paderewski
Ignace Jan Paerewski
Ignance Jan Paderewski
Ignance Paderewski
I'm an Indian
Imperial Dance Orchestra
Ines e Taki
Infanta March
Ingace Jan Paderewski
Ink Spots
Instructional Record
International Novelty Orch
International Novelty Orchestra
Invincible Quartet
Invincible Quartette
Ipana Troubadors
Irene Bordini
Irene Franklin
Irene Gibbons
Irene Gibbons and her Jazz Band
Irene Taylor with Paul Whitman and His Orchestra
Irene Young & Al H. Weston
Irene Young and Al Weston
Irving Aaronson & His Commanders
Irving Aaronson & His Crusadrers
Irving Aaronson's Crusadrers
Irving and Jack Kaufman
Irving & Jack Kaufman
Irving Berlin
Irving Kaufman
Irving Kaufmann
Isabelle Patricola
Isham Jones
Isham Jones & His Orchestra
Isham Jones Orcestra
Isham Jones Orch
Isham Jones Orchestra
Issler's Orchestra
Italian Trio
It's You
I've Got a Feeling For You
ivy smith
J.E. Mainer's Mountaineers
J. Jost
J. Jost, C. Wunderle & H. Marchitti
J. M. Salzer
J W Meyers
J.W Meyers
J.W. Meyers
J.W. Myers
J. W. Meyers
J. W. Myeres
J. W. Myres
Jach Rhan
Jack Champion and His Drake Hotel Orch
Jack Charman
Jack Hart
Jack Hart w Sam Lanin's Orchestra
Jack Hylton and His Orchestra
Jack Johnson
Jack Kauffman
Jack Kaufman
Jack Kaufman and Arthur Fields
Jack Kaufman & his Blue Babies
Jack Laine
Jack Lorimer
Jack Norworth
Jack Payne and His B.B.C. Dance Orchestra
Jack Pleasants
Jack Rhan
Jack Rhea
Jack Shea
Jack Shilkret's Orchestra
Jack Smith
Jack Warner
Jackie Brenston & His Delta Cats
Jackie Hylton
Jacques Hoffman
Jacques Hoffmann
James F. Harrison and Knickebocker Male Quartet
James I. Lent
James L. Lent
James Lent
James McCool
James Ragan
James Ragan and Oliver Beck
James Ragan & Oliver Beck
James Reed & J.F. Harrison
James Reed & James Harrison
Jan Wanat
Jane Gray
Jane Green
Jane Grey
Janet Klien and Her Parlour Boys
Janis Joplin
Jascha Heifetz
Jaudas' Band
Jauda's Society Orchestra
Jaudas' Society Orchestra
Jaudas Society Orchestra
Jaudus Society Orch
Jaudus Society Orchestra
Jay C Flippen
Jay Laureat
Jazz at the Philharmonic
the Jazz-O-Harmonists
Jazzarimba Orchestra
Jean Dixon
Jean Noté
Jed Tompkins
Jeff Calhoun
Jelly Roll Morton
The Jenkins Family
Jere Sanford
Jerome Conrad and his Orchestra
Jerry Fenwyck & His Orchestra
Jesse Crawford
The Jim-Dandies
Jim Europe's 369th Inf. Band
Jim Europe's 369th Inf. Hellfighters Band
Jim Miller & Charlie Farrell
Jimmy Beasley & the Rockers
Jimmy Duante
Jimmy Durante
Jimmy Durante with Lou Clayton & Eddie Jackson
Jimmy Forrest
Jimmy Johnson's String Band
Jimmy Smith
Joachim Cerdan
Joan of Arkansas
Jockers Brothers
Jockers Dance Orchestra
Joe and Zeb Gaunt
Joe and Zeb Grant
Joe Belmont
Joe Candullo and his Orchestra
Joe Feldman
Joe Hayman
Joe Haymen
Joe Herlihy & His Orchestra
Joe Raymond and His Orchestra
Joe Remington
Joe Schenk
Joe Venuti & Eddie Lang
Joe Watson and His Green Mill orchesta
Joesph C. Smith's Orchestra
Johanna Gadski & Enrico Caruso
John Ferguson
John J. Kimmel
John J Kimmel
John Kimmel
John Lemmone
John McCormack
John McCormack & Fritz Kreisler
John Philip Sousa
John Steel
John Steele
John Taylor
John Terrell
John Young
Johnny Cash
Johnny Dunn's Original Jazz Band
Johnny Dunn's Original Jazz Hounds
Johnny Hamp's Kentucky Serenaders
Johnny Marvin
Johnny Noble's Hawaiians
Jones and Hare
Jones & Hare
Jones, Porter and Knight
Joni Mitchell
Joseph Belmont
Joseph C Smiths Orch
Joseph C Smith’s Orch
Joseph C Smith’s Orchestra
Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra
Joseph C. Smith’s Orchestra
Joseph C Smith's Orchestra
Joseph C. Smith's Orchstra
Joseph Cawthorn
Joseph Cullen & William Collins
Joseph Jefferson
Joseph Moskowitz
Joseph Samuels
Joseph Samuels' Jazz Band
Joseph Samuels Jazz Band
Joseph Samuels' Music Makers
Joseph Samuels Orchestra
Josephine Baker
Joshua White (The Singing Christian)
Josie Sadler
Jost, Wunderle & Marchitti
Jules Herbuveax and his Orchestra
Jules Herbuveux
Jules Herbuveux and his Orchestra
Jules Levy
Julia Culp
Julian Culp
Julian Rose
Kaauno Kapelija
Kaimieciu Kapelija
Kaimieciu (Peasant Band)
Kalama's Quartette
Kanawha Singers
Kapelle des 3. Garderegiments zu Fuß
Kaplan's Melodists
Kaplan’s Melodists
Karl and Harty
Karla Bonoff
Kate Willy
Katherine Clark
Kauno Kapelija
Kay Kyser & His Orchestra
Kelly Harell
Kelly Harrell
King Crimson
King George and Queen Mary
King George V and Queen Mary
King Oliver and his Orchestra
King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band
Kings Dance Orchestra
Kiraly Erno
Kiraly Onnel
Kirilloff’s Russian Balalaika Orchestra
Kirillorf's Russian Balilaika Orchestra
Kirloff’s Balilaika Band
Kirloff's Russian Balilaika Orchestra
Kitty Berger
Kitty Burger
Kitty Cheatham
Klein’s Serenading Shoemakers
Klein's Serenading Shoemakers
Knickerbocker Orch -
Knickerbocker Orchestra
Knickerbocker Quartet
Knute Rockne
Krartet Ochrymowicza
Krilloffs Russian Balilaika Orchestra
Kryl's Bohemian Band
Kurt Weill
Kwartet Ochrymowicza
La Lupe
Ladd's Black Aces
Lane's Dance Orchestra
Lanin's Arcadians
Lanin's Orchestra
Lanin’s Orchestra
Lanin’s Southern Serenaders
lanin's southern serenaders
Lasses White
Lasses White Minstrel Company
Lasses White Minstrel Company with Al Bernard
Lasses White Minstrels
Lasses White Minstrels w/ Al Bernard
Lassus White Minstrel Company
Laura Hoffman
Laura Nyro
Laura Smith
lauritz melchior
LaVerne Baker
Lazy Larry
“Lazy” Larry
"Lazy" Larry
Lee Wiley
Len Spencer
Len Spencer and Ada Jones
Len Spencer & Ada Jones
Len Spencer and Children's Orchestra
Len Spencer & Mozarto
Len Spencer & Parke Hunter
Len Spencer & The Children's Orchestra
Lena Wilson
Lenzberg's Riverside Orchestra
Leo F. Reisman and His Orchestra
Leo Slezak
Leona Williams
Leona Williams and Her Dixie BAnd
Leona Wilson
Leonard Graham
Leonard Grahm
Leonnard Hubbard
Leopold Stokowski conducting The Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra
Leroy Shield
Leroy Shield and The Victor Hollywood Orchestra
Les Brown & His Orchestra
Les Paul & Mary Ford
Lester MacFarland
Lester McFarland & Robert A. Gardner
Lester McFarland & Robert A Gardner
Lester McFarland & Robert Gardner
Lew Dockstader
Lewis and Dody
Lewis James
Libby Holman & the Colonial Club Orchestra
Lido Venice Dance Orchestra
Liet. Francis Sutherland and His 7th Regiment Band
Lietenant Gitz Rice
Lietenant Gitz Rice and Henry Burr
Lieut. Jim Europe’s 369th U. S. Inf. (“Hell Fighters”) Band
Lieut. Jim Europe's 369th U.S. Infantry Hell Fighters Band
Lieutenant Gitz Rice
Lil McClintock
Lilian Homesley
Lillian Homesley
Lillian Homesly
The Little Ramblers
Liz Damon's Orient Express
Lizzie Miles
Lonesome Road Blues
Long & Green
Lonnie McInotorsh
Lopez and Hamilton's Kings of Harmony
Lou Chiha Friscoe
Lou Frisco
Lou Gold and His Orchestra
Lou Gold Orchestra
Lou Holtz
Louis Armstrong
Louis Armstrong and His Hot Five
Louis Armstrong And His Orchestra
Louis Armstrong with The Red Onion Jazz Babies
Louis J. Winsch
Louis Jordan
Louis Katzman and His Salon Orchestra
Louis Lilienfield & his Hotel Biltmore Orchestra
Louis William Charday
Louise & Ferera
Louise & Ferrera
Louise, Ferrera, & Greenus
Louise Homer
Louise MacMahn & Sam Ash
Louise MacMahon and Sam Ash
Louisiana Collegians
Louisiana Five
Louisiana Five Jazz Orchestra (Incidental Chorus by Billy Murray)
Lousiana Five
Lt Gitz Rice of the 1st Canadians and Henry Burr
Lucille Hegamin
Lucille Hegamin & her Blue Flame Syncopaters
Lucille Hegamin and her Blue Flame Syncopators
Lucille Hegamin and the Dixie Daisies
Lucille Hegamin with Albury's Blues and Jazz Seven
Lucrezia Bori
Lucy Isabella Marsh
Lucy Isabelle Marsh & Royal Dadmun
Lufsky, Stehl and Surth
Luisa Tetrazzini
Lyric Quartet
Lyrics Quartet
M. J. O'Connell
M.J. O’Connell
M.J. O'Connell
"Ma" Rainey
Mabel McKinley
Mac and Marty
Mack Allen
Mack & Miller
Mack and Miller
Madame Lillyane De Rhuys
Madame Rollini
Maddox Brothers and Rose
Mae West
The Maestrosiries
Mahatma Ghandi
Maimie Smith and her Jazz Band
Majestic Dance Orchestra
Makin' Whoopee
Male Vocal Quartet
Malinke Tribe
Mamie Smith
Mamie Smith and her Jazz Hounds
Mamie Smith & Her Jazz Hounds
Mandy Lee
Manhansett Quartette
Manhattan Dance Makers
The Manhattan Dance Makers
Manhattan Dance Orch
Manhattan Dance Orchestra
Manhattan Ladies Quartet
Manhattan Ladies Quartette
Manhattan Quartette
Manuel Romain
Marcel Journet
The Marconi Brothers
Marconi Brothers
Marek Weber and Orchestra
Marek Weber Trio
Marek Weber und sein Orchester, Cornet solo by Arthur Briggs
Margaret Hellar
Margaret McKee
Margaret Romaine
Margaret Young
Margarethe Siems
Margo Lion
Margo Lion & Oskar Karlweis
Margret Hellar
Margret McKee
Margret Woodrow Wilson
Margret Young
Marguerite Farrell
Maria Barrientos
Maria Michailowa
Marian Anderson
Marie Bryant
Marie Cahill
Marie Dressler
Marie Götze
Marion Anderson
Marion Harris
Marion Harris and Billy Murray
Mark Sheridan
Markel's Orchestra
Markels' Orchestra
Marrion Harris
Martha Pryor
Mary Boyer
Mary Stafford and her Jazz Band
The Mascot-Baldwin's Cadet Band of Boston
Master William Pickels
Master William Pickles
Matt Keefe
Mattiuch at Coney Island
Maud Foster
Maude Powell
Maurice Burhart
Maurice Burkhart
Maurice Mitchell
Max Dolin's Orchestra
Max Kuttner
Max Terr and His Orchestra
May Irwin
May Sinhi Breen w/ Vaughn DeLeath
McKee's Orchestra
Meade Lux Lewis
Melody Masters
Memphis Five
Memphis Jug Band
Merrick Weber Trio
Messmore & Damon
Metropolitan Band
Metropolitan Orchestra
Metropolitan Quartet
Meyer & Fairbanks
Meyer Davis’ le Paradis Orchestra
Meyers and Hanford
Michael Arenella & His Dreamland Orchestra
Michael Esposito & Carl Michael Von Hausswolff ~ Phantom Air Waves
Mickey Guy's Hotentots
Mickey Guy's Hottentotts
Mike Markel's Orchestra
Mike Speciale and His Orchestra
Mike Speciale's Dance Orchestra
Mildred Bailey
Mildred Bailey and Her Orchestra
Miller & Lyles
Millie Jackson
Mills Brothers
The Mills Brothers
Mills Merry Makers
Mina Hickman
The Minster Singers
Mischa Elman
Misha Elman
Miss Ada Jones
Miss Annette Hanshaw
Miss Clarice Vance
Miss Corinne Morgan
Miss Helen Trix
Miss Jones and Mr. Murray
Miss Jones and Mr. Spencer
Miss Lee Morse
Miss Lee Morse and Her Blue Grass Boys
Miss Lee Morse & Her Blue Grass Boys
Miss Mina Hickman
Miss Patricola
Miss Patricola with The Virginians
Miss Patricola with The Virginiians
Miss Saliie Stembler
Miss Sally Stembler
Miss Stevenson and Mr Stanley
Miss Walton and Mr. MacDonough
Miss Walton and Mr McDonough
Miss Young
Mitchell Brothers
Mme. Homer & Louise Homer
Mobile Melody Makers
Moby Grape
Mocean Worker
The Moderairres
Mona Motor Oil Twins
Mondo Ross
The Monkees
Monroe Silver
Moore & Davis
Moore and Davis
Moore and Freed
Moran & Mack
Morey Amsterdam
Morrison's Jazz Band
Morrison's Jazz Orchestra
Morton Downey
Morton Harvey
Mose Tapiero
Mound City Blue Blowers
Mousieur Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler
Mr Chas D'Almaine
Mr. Fred Vernon
Mr. Harry Trevor
Mr. Pen Caws
Mr. Stanley Kirkby
MR.X (Arthur Fields)
Mr "X" with Orchestra
Mrs. Alice J Shaw & her Twin Whistling Daughters
Mrs. Hardin Burnley
Mrs. William Asher & Homer Rodeheaver
Murray and Roberts
Murray K Hill
Murray K. Hill
Murray K. Hilll
Murry K. Hill
Music of the Falashas
Musical Comedy Orchestra
Musical Saw Medley
Musique de le Garde Républicaine
My Little Lady
My Pillow and Me
Myers and Hanford
Nappy Brown
Nat Lewis and His Dance Band
Nat M. Wills
Nat M Wills
Nat Shilkret
Nat Shilkret and the Victor Orchestra
Nat Wills
Nathan Glantz and his Orchestra
National Promanade
National Promenade Band
Neapolitan Trio
Nebe Quartet
Nellie Melba
Neopolitan Trio
New Orleans Minstrels
New Symphony Orchestra of London
New Vaudeville Band
New York Light Opera Company
New York Military Band
New York Philharmonic Orchestra
New York Police Band
New Zoo Revue
Newport Society Orchestra
Nicholas Orlando’s Orchestra
Nicholas Orlando's Orchestra
Nick Brooke
Nick Lucas
Noble Sisse & Eubie Blake
Noble Sissle
Noble Sissle & Eubie Blake
Noble Sissle and Eubie Blake
noble sissle and his orchestra
Nora Bayes
Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth
Nora Bayes & Jack Norworth
Nora Watson and J. F. Harrison
NY Light Opera Company
Oberammergauer Zither Trio
Oddie McWinters
Odeon Orchestra
The OKeh Dance Orchestra
Old Home Singers
The Old Jokes
Old Time Scout
Olive Kline
Oliver Moore
On Miami Shore
Orchestra (?)
Orchestra Internacional
Orchestra Internacionales
Orchestra under the direction of Percy Pitt
Oreste and his Orchestra
Original Dixieland Band
Original Dixieland Jass Band
The Original Dixieland Jazz Band
Original Dixieland Jazz Band
The Original Memphis Five
Original Memphis Five
Original Pennsylvania Serenaders
The Original Six
Oriole Dance Orch
Oriole Dance Orchestra
Oriole Orchestra
Oriole Terrace Orchestra
Orkiestra Polska
orpheus Quartet
Orpheus Trio
Orquestra Argentina de Ferrer
Orquestra Internationale
Oscar Shaw
Oscar the Grouch
Oscar Zehngut
Oskar Isaevic Kamionsky
Ossman-Dudley Trio
Ossman Dudley trio
Ottar Agree's Quintette
Our Bungalow of Dreams
Over There
P Dawson
P. Frosini
Palace Trio
Pale k. lua - David K. Kaili
Palie Lua & David Kaili
Pan Tuzinsky
Pani a Pan Tuzinsky
The Paragon Ragtime Orchestra
Parkham & John Terrell
Pathe Dance Orch
Pathe Dance Orchestra
The Pathe Military Band
The Pathephone Orchestra
Pathe's Dance Orchestra
Paul Ash
Paul Ash and His Orchestra
Paul Aumonier
Paul Biese and his Novelty Orchestra
Paul Biese and His Novelty Trio
Paul Biese Trio
Paul Biese's Colleg Inn Orchestra
Paul Biese's College Inn Orchestra
Paul Gerber
Paul Groening
Paul Mares Friars Society Orchestra
Paul Mauriat and His Orchestra
Paul Robeson
Paul Specht's Orchestra
Paul Sprecht and His Orchestra
Paul Van Dyke
Paul Whiteman
Paul Whiteman and His Ambassador Orchestra
Paul Whiteman and His Concert Orchestra
Paul Whiteman and his Orch
Paul Whiteman & His Orchestra
Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
Paul Whitman
Paul Whitman and His Orchestra
Peck’s Male Quartet
Pee Wee Crayton
Pee Wee Myers and Ford Hanford
Peerlass Quartet
Peerless Orchestra
Peerless Quaret
The Peerless Quartet
Peerless Quartet
Peerless Quartette
Peerless Quartettte
Peerlesss Quartet
Peggy Britton
Peggy English
Peggy Lee
Peking Opera
Percy Grainger
Perez "Prez" Prado
Perter Dawson
Pete Johnson
Peter Dawson
Phil Hughes and His High Hatters
Phil Napoleon & his Orch
Phil Spitlany's Music
Phil Sprecht and His Hotel Alamac Orchestra
Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra
Philharmonic Trio
Picadilly Players
Piccadilly Players and Dance Orchestra
Piccadilly Players and Singers
Piccadily Players
The Pickard Family
Pietro Deiro
Pietro Diero
Pietro's Accordian Quartet
Pipers 0f H.M. Scots Guard
Pipers and Drummers og H.M. Scots Guard
The Pircher Alpensinger
The Pircher Alpensingers
Place Mandolin Quartette
Plantation Jazz Orch
Plantation Jazz Orchestra
Pola Negri
Police Band of Mexico City
Polk Miller's Old South Quartet
Polk Miller’s Old South Quartette
Polyphon Dance Orchestra Bandleader Mr. Tauber
Porter and Harlan
Post Lodge Orchestra
The Premier Quartet
Premier Quartet
Premier Quartet & Company
Premiere Quartet
President Haley Fisk
Press Eldridge
Primo Vitto
Prince’s Band
Prince's Band
Prince's Dance Orchestra
Prince’s Orch
Prince's Orch
Prince’s Orchestra (?)
Prince's Orchestra
Prince’s Orchestra
Princess Watahaso
Princess Watahwaso
Pryor and Kenke
Pryor's Orchestra
Quintette of The Hot Club of France
R.H. Burnside
R. Romito e Coro
Rachael Grant
Raderman's Dance Orchestra
Raderman’s Jazz Orch
Raderman’s Jazz Orchestra
Raderman's Jazz Orchestra
Raderman's Roysterers
The Radio Chef and His Boyfriend Sam (Phil Cook)
The Radio Franks Wright and Bessinger
Ralph Haines
Ralph Kirby and Orchestra
Ralph Williams and His Rainbo Orchestra
Randolph Sutton
The Rangers
Ray Cox
Ray Hamilton
Ray Logan
Ray Miller and His Black and White Boys
Ray Miller & His Orchestra
Ray Miller and His Orchestra
Raymond Dixon
Raymond Hitchcock
Raymond Newell & Ian Swinley
Raymond Paige and His Orchestra
Razors in the Air
Red Hook Ramblers
Red Jessup
Red Norvo Orchestra
Red Onion Joe
Rega Dance Orch
Rega Dance Orchestra
Regimental Band of The Republic
Regina Spektor
Reginald Wei
Reinald Werrenrath
Rene Dietrich and Horace Wright
Rene Dietrich & Horace Wright
Reuben Puckett and Richard Brooks
Rev. ML Thrasher & His Gospel Singers
Rev. S. P. Cadman D.D. Metro Quartet
The Revelers
The Revellers
Reverend Raymond Dixon
Rhonda Berbard
Rhonda Bernard
Rhythm Heritage
The Rhythm Kings
Richard B. Gilbert
Richard B. Golbert
Richard J. Jose
Richard Jose
Riley Puckett
Robert English
Robert Hilliard
Robert J. Wildhack
Robert Judson (aka Ernest Hare)
Robert Leonhardt
Robert Leonhardt (likely)
Robert Nash
Robert Rice
Robert Trucksess
Rod McKuen
Roland Hayes
The Rolling Stones
Romeo Dance Orch
Rosa Henderson
Rosario Bourdon
Rose Greenfield and William Schawtz
Rose Hayes
Roseland Dance Orchestra
Rosemary Clooney
Ross Gorman
Ross Gorman and his orchestra
The Roving Romeos
Roy Atwell
Roy Bargy
Roy Collins’ Orchestra
Roy E. Baker & L. Burger
Royal Dadmun
Royal Fish
Royal Fish & Chorus
Royal Marimba Band
Royal Military Band
Rube Bloom
Rube Goldberg
Rudolph Gans
Rudy Valee & Conneticut Yankees
Rudy Vallee
Rudy Vallee And His Connecticut Yankees
Rudy Weidoeft's Californians
Rudy Wiedoeft’s Californians
Rudy Wiedoeft's Californians
Rustic Waters
Ruth Etting
Ruth Roy
Ruth Roye
S H Dudley
S. H. Dudley
S.S. Leviathon Orchestra
Sallie Osborne
Sally Hamlin
Sally Stembler
Salome Intermezzo
Salt and Pepper
Salt & Pepper
Sam Ash
Sam Ash and Mixed Quintette
Sam Cook
Sam Lanin
Sam Lanin and his Orchestra
Sam Lanin and his Troubadours
Sam Lanin's Orchestra
Sam Lanin’s Orchestra
Sam Lanin's Roseland Orchestra
Sam Lewis & Sam Dody
Sam Moore
Sam Moore & Horace Davis
Sam Moore and Horace Davis
Sam Moore- Horace Davis
Sam Moore - Horace Davis
Sam More & Horace Davis
Sam Stern
Samantha Bumbarner
Samantha Bumgardner
Samantha Bumgarner
Samantha Bumgarner & Eva Davis
Samantha Bumgarner and Eva Davis
Samuel Ash
Samuel Siegal
Samuel Siegel
Samuel Sigel
Samuel's Music Masters
San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Sanders Twins
Sandy Duncan
Sandy MacFarlane
Santa Claus Yodel
Sara Martin
Sara Martin and Eva Taylor
Sara Martin & Eva Taylor
Sascha Elmo Orchestra
Saumel Siegal
Savoy Havana Band
The Savoy Havana Band
Savoy Quartet (Vocals by Joe Wilbur)
Seeburg Tailored Background Music Demo
Seger Ellis
Seigel & Butin
Selvin’s Moulin Rouge Orchestra
Selvin’s Novelty Orch
Selvin's Novelty Orchestra
Selvin's Orch
Selvin's Orchestra
Senor Grindorino
Sergeant Markel's Orchestra
The Seven Aces
The Seven Black Dots
The Seven Dwarfs
Seven Little Polar Bears
Seven Musical Magpies
The Seven Musical Magpies
Seven Wild Men
Shannon Four
The Shannon Quartet
Shannon Quartet
Shilking Orch
Shilking Orchestra
Shirley Brown
Shizuko Kasagi
Sid Garry
Sidney Bechet Quintet
Siegel & Butin
Siegfried Von Scultz
Signo "Grinderino"
"Signor Francisco" (Emilio DeGogorza)
Signor "Grinderino"
Signor "Grinderino
Sil Austen
Silas Leachman
The Silver Slipper Orchestra
Silvertone 5729
Silvertone Bugler
Singer with Oud
Singnor Hurdi Girdi
Singor “Grinderino”
Sir Harry Lauder
Sir Lancelot
Sisty and Seitz’s Banjo Orch
Six Brown Brothers
The Six Jumping Jacks
Six Jumping Jacks
Slim and Slam
Slim Gaillard
Slim Gaillard Quartette
Slim Lamar and His Southerners
Sobbin' Blues
Sonny Boy
Sonny Boy Williams
Sons of the Pioneers
Sophie Braslau
Sophie Tucker
Sothern Negro Quartet
The Soul Children
sound fx disc
Sousa'a Band
Sousa’a Band
Sousa's Band
Sousa’s Band
South Carolina Minstrels
South Hampton Society Orchestra
Southampton Society Orchestra
Southern Negro Quartet
Southern Negro Quartette
The Southern Negro Quartette
The Southern Quartette
Southern Serenaders
Southhampton Society Orchestra
Specialty Orchestra
Spencer & Ballard
Spencer and Girard
Standard Male Quartet
Stanley and Henry Burr
Stanley & MacDonough
Stanley Kirkby
Starita Saxaphone Sextette
Statler Hotel Dance Orch
Statler Hotel Dance Orchestra
Stehl, Lufsky & Surth
Stella Mayhew
Sterling Trio
Steve Porter
Stovepipe #1 and David Crockett
Straameier Dachauer Bauernkapelle
Strassmeier Dachauer Bauernkapelle
Strassmeir Dachaur Bauernkapelle
Street Piano
Stuart and Burton
A Submarine Attack!
Superior Jazz Band
Sutcliffe Troupe
Sweet Adeline
Sweet Man
Sybil Sanderson Fagan
Synco Jazz Band
T. Marvin Hatley
Tampa Blue Jazz Band
Taylor Holmes
Ted Lewis
Ted Lewis and His Band
Ted Lewis Band
Ted Lewis Jazz Band
Ted Weems & his Orch
Ted Weems and His Orch
Ted Weems and His Orchestra
Ted Weems & His Orchestra
Teddy Wells and His NBC Orchestra
Telephone Pioneers of America
Telly Savalas
Tennessee Happy Boys
Tetrazinni, Caruso, Amato, Journet, Jacoby & Bada
Tetrazzini, Caruso, Amato, Journet, Jacoby & Bada
Tex Ritter
“That Girl” Quartet
"That" Girl Quartet
That Girl Quartet
"That Girl" Quartet
That Syncopated Boogie Boo
Theodore Roosevelt
Theremin with Vocal Group and Orchestra
Thomas Chalmers & Chorus
Thomas Clark
Thomas Mills
Thomas Waller
Thornton Burgess
Thrasher Wonders
The Three Admirals
Three Bows and a Peep
Three Hot Eskimos
The Three Vagabonds
Tim Brymn and his Black Devil Orch
Tim Brymn and His Black Devils Orch
Tim Brymn and His Black Devils Orchestra
Tiny Tim
Tiroler Boltsfield
Tiroler Botslied
Tiroler Ganger Die Gludstinder
Tiroler Sanger
Tito Ruffo
Tito Shipa
Titta Ruffo
Tobias Trio
Tom Coakley and His Palace Hotel Orchestra
Tom, Dick and Harry and Jack (Hurry Back)
Tom McNaughton
Tom Owens WLS Barn Dance Trio
Tom Waits
Tom Watson
Tommy Dorsey
Tony Gravello and His Orchestra
Toots Paka Hawaiian Company
Toots Paka Hawaiians
Toots Paka Hawwaiians
Tori Amos
Trinity Chimes
Trinity Choir
Trinity Male Quartet
Trio Nava
Trio Zengaro
Trio Zingaro
Trixie Smith
Trude Hesterberg
Trumpet Quartett
Tuskegee Institute Singers
Tuxedo Orchestra
The Two Franks
The Two Gilberts
The Two Gospel Keys
Tyrolian Singer with Zither
U Buchlerl zam Schatzen
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Marine Band
U.S.Marine Band
Ukulele Bailey
Ukulele Hughes
Ukulele Ike
Uncle Josh Plays Santa Claus
The Unique Quartet
Unique Quartette
United States Marine Band
University Five
University Six
University Syncopators
Universtiy Six (= California Ramblers)
Unknown Artist
The Vagabonds
Valentine Abt
Van and Schenck
Van & Schenck
Van & Schenk
Van and Schenk
Van Epps Banjo Orchesta
Van Eps Banjo Orch
Van Eps Banjo Orchestra
Van Eps Banjo Orchestra (?)
Van Eps Quartet
Van Eps Trio
Varsity Eight
The Varsity Eight
Vaudeville Specialty
Vaugh DeLeath & Frank Harris
Vaughn De Leath
Vaughn DeLeath
Vel Veteran
Venetian Trio
Vernon Country Club Band
Vernon Dalhart
Vernon Dalhart and Carson Robinson
Vernon Dalhrt
Versatile Four
Vesella’s Italian Band
Vess L. Osman
Vess L Ossman
Vess L. Ossman
Vess L. Ossman's Banjo Orchestra
Vess Osman
Vess Ossman
Vess Ossman’s Banjo Orch
Vessella's Italian Band
Vessella’s Italian Band
Vesss Ossman
Vesta Temple
Vesta Victoria
Vicor Sorlin
Victor Arden & Phil Ohma
Victor Arden and Phil Ohman
Victor Arden & Phil Ohman
Victor Concert Orchestra
Victor Dance Orch
Victor Dance Orchestra
Victor Herbert Orchestra
Victor Light Opera Company
Victor Male Chorus
Victor Militarey Band
Victor Military Band
Victor Minstrel Co.
Victor Minstrel Company
Victor Minstrels
Victor Minstrels #10
Victor Opera Chorus
Victor Opera Trio
Victor Orchesta
Victor Orchestra
Victor Salon Orchestra
Victor Sorlin
Victor String Quartet
Victor Women's Chorus
Victor Young and Thomas Griselle
Victoria Spivey
Victory Military Band
Vince Giordano and His Nighthawks Orchestra
Vince Giordano and the Nighthawks
Vincent Lopez and his Orchestra
Vincent Rose and His Montmartre Orch
Vincent Rose and His Montmartre Orchestra
Viola McCoy
Violin Solo (?)
Virginia Four
The Virginians
Vladimir Resnikoff
Vlasak a Auer
Vocal Quartet
Vocal Sextette
The Voices of Walter Schulman
W.C. Handy’s Orch
W. C. Handy's Orchestra
W.C. Polla's Orchestra
W.M.C.A. Broadcasters
W.M.C.A Broadcasters
W.O. Beckenbaugh
W. Paris Chambers & Scott Snow
Wadsworth's Novelty Dance Orchestra
Waldorf-Astoria Singing Orchestra
Wallace Institute
Wallace Islanders
Wally Vernon
Walter Anderton
Walter Biderman & Hans Von Wegern
Walter Biederman and Hans Von Wegern
Walter C Kelly
Walter C. Kelly
Walter C. Peterson
Walter Camp
Walter Jacobs and Lonnie Carter
Walter Soomer
Walter Van Brunt
Ward Barton and Frank Carroll
Ward Barton & Frank Carroll
Ward Barton and Fred Barron
Ward Barton - Frank Carroll
Waring’s Pennsylvanians
Waring's Pennsylvanians
Warings Pennsylvanians
Waring's Pennsylvians
Warren Mitchell
Warwick Green
Washboard Sam
The Washingtonians
Weary Willie Trio (Billy Murray, Ed Meeker, Donald Chalmers)
Webb Hahne
Weber & Fields
Weber and Fields
Wedall Hall
Wei Chung Loh
Wendall Hall
Wendell Hall
Wendell Hall with The Virginians
Westminster Bells
Westminster Chimes
Weston and Young
When You Come Back and You Will Come Back
Whispering-Fox Trot
Whistling by Sybil Sanderson Fagan
Whistling Jack Smith
Whitey Johns
Whitey Kaufman’s Original Pennsylvania Serenaders
Whitney Brothers Quartet
Wiiliam j. Halley
Wiiliam Reitz
Wilbur C. Sweatman
Wilbur C. Sweatman's Original Jazz Band
Wilbur Sweatman
Wilbur Sweatman and his Jass band
Wilbur Sweatman & His Jazz Band
Wilbur Sweatman’s Original Jazz Band
Wiley Wiggam (??)
Wilfred Glen
Wilhelm Otto
Will Danby
Will F. Denny
Will Halley
Will Oakland
Will Oakland and Billy Murray
Will Oakland and chorus
Will Rogers
Will Strong
William F Hooley
William H. Reitz
William H Reitz
William Halley
William Hooley w/Hadyn Qt.
William J. Halley
William Place, Jr.
William Place Mandolin Quartette
William Reitz
William Robyn
William Rubinoff
William Sterling Battis
William Tuson
William West
Williams and Walker
Willie Weston
Willy Prager
Wingar Pen Boys
Wingy Manone and His Orchestra
Wladyslaw Florjanski
Wm B Houchens
WMCA Broadcasters
Wykonala Kapela
Wykonola Kapela
Yerkes American Marimbaphone Band
Yerkes Famous Flotilla Orchestra
Yerkes Jazarimba Band
Yerkes Jazarimba Orchestra
Yerke's Jazzarimba Orchestra
Yerkes’ S.S. Flotilla Orch
Yerkes' S.S. Flotilla Orchestra
Yerke's S.S. Flotilla Orchestra
Yerkes' Saxophone Sextette
Yerkes Southern Five
Yerke's SS Flotilla Orch
Young and Reardon
Zarah Leander
Zez Confrey
Zez Confrey and his Orch
Zez Confrey and His Orchestra
Zon-O-Phone Concert Band
Zona Vevey
Zonophone Minstrels
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