Western Hit Parade - Magazine cover

Western Hit Parade - Magazine cover

This is a great example of a Japanese fan magazine about American movie stars. This issue contains info about John Wayne, James Dean, James Garner, Yule Brenner, Bob Hope, Katherine Hepburn and many others. I can tell because there are pictures of them since most of the magazine is in Japanese. The 3 records in this set have great graphics (check out Chuck Conners gone injun!) and really make this a nice package. You might think that the records contain dialogue from the stars but they are of a Japanese band that do some interesting arrangements of some contemporary American tunes.
Thin plastic material with music and picture on one side. 33 1/3 rpm, 1962.
click to hear an excerpt in MP3 format See
See "She Wore A Yellow Ribbon"
See "Giant"
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